Engine API
Postman collection

Postman collection

Postman is an app that allows you to build, send and test API requests – without writing proper code. It’s a quick and easy way to start working with Infermedica's API. Postman is free and available for Mac, Linux, Windows, and Google Chrome. Learn more about Postman (opens in a new tab).

Run in Postman

Infermedica's API is available both in the Postman collection and environment. The collection includes all endpoints and predefined requests, allowing you to test the API in seconds.

Environments (opens in a new tab) are a powerful way to store variables. We use them to save your app_id and app_key. Make sure that your credentials are correct – otherwise authentication errors will occur.

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8 characters

32 characters

Generate code snippets

By generating snippets of code, you can make the same requests from your own application. Postman supports many languages and frameworks like NodeJs, PHP, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails. To do so:

  1. Click the Code link.


  2. In the Generate code snippets window, select your language of choice.


  3. Copy the code.