

Infermedica API is a simple way to leverage the capabilities of Infermedica’s Medical Guidance Platform, including AI-driven symptoms assessment, triaging, and the navigation of users to the right level of care. It can be used to build various solutions - like intelligent symptom checkers, adaptive patient intake tools, and nurse triage support systems - that help patients, members, and medical staff improve their approach to healthcare.

Infermedica API’s performance is based on an ongoing AI-driven analysis of user-provided data. The process starts by receiving the initial evidence of a user’s medical state (such as: symptoms, risk factors, and demographics). After that, the Inference Engine (opens in a new tab) will ask additional questions, collect any missing evidence, analyze it, and then provide a list of the most probable conditions, the triage level, a specialist recommendation, and any additional calls to action that a client might want. The results come from sophisticated statistical algorithms that Infermedica uses to perform AI-driven analysis. These core capabilities can also be broadened by a spectrum of additional features.

Data collected via Infermedica API can be easily integrated into larger healthcare systems and connected with web pages, mobile apps, member portals, call centers, or systems like electronic health records.

Infermedica API is divided into two APIs to give clients more flexibility:

  • Platform API - an easy to use, out-of-the-box solution used to create the most common healthcare workflows.
  • Engine API - a great way to build bespoke solutions tailored to the customer-specific needs.

See the full comparison between Platform API and Engine API.


Interested in Infermedica API? Please reach out to our team to get more details on pricing and access.


Platform API is currently unavailable in the European Union.


If you have questions of a technical nature or would like to report an issue, please contact our support team.

Bear in mind that technical help with implementation is a paid service at Infermedica. Please ensure that implementation is included in your contract if you’d like to be guided through the entire development phase.


Engine API

Our information exchange is secure as Infermedica’s Engine API does not allow patients to submit their personal data. We process statistical and de-identified information only, such as sets of symptoms or test results.

Our Engine API does not store any personal information. However, it does store the request history in order to allow us to improve our services through statistical analysis.

Platform API

As for Platform API, it is a stateful API and does allow for the storage of personal data. That said, there are safeguards in place to ensure that the data is secure and removed in line with legal processes.

There is also an option to run Triage in anonymous mode when using the Platform API for more privacy.

Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.


We take extra precautions when it comes to the safety and privacy of all of our solutions.

Every request must be made through a secure connection. We support all currently registered TLS versions from TLS 1.2 onwards.

SSL 2 and SSL 3 are not supported at the moment. For more information, please check the configuration of our SSL server.

On an organizational level, we are committed to privacy and security and can demonstrate this with GDPR and HIPAA declarations of compliance as well as an ISO 27001 certificate. For more information, visit our Trust Center (opens in a new tab).