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Model: July 14, 2017
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Added (2)
c_897 | Heart valve disease |
c_892 | Keratitis |
Removed (5)
c_40 | Bleeding peptic ulcer |
c_683 | Chronic migraine |
c_498 | Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 |
c_499 | Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A |
c_500 | Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B |
Updated (29)
c_180 | Chronic kidney disease Name:Chronic renal failureChronic kidney disease |
c_759 | Dilated cardiomyopathy Name:Dilated cardiomiopathyDilated cardiomyopathy |
c_374 | Glomerulonephritis Name:Glomerulonephritis (GN)Glomerulonephritis |
c_893 | Lower limb fracture Common name:Broken leg |
c_26 | Major depressive disorder Common name:Depression |
c_801 | Mammary duct ectasia Common name:Plugged milk duct |
c_274 | Manic syndrome Common name:Mania |
c_727 | Mastitis, nonpuerperal Common name:Inflammation of breast not related to pregnancy or breastfeeding |
c_469 | Mediastinitis Common name:Inflammation of mediastinum |
c_25 | Melanoma Common name:Cancer of skin |
c_619 | Methyl alcohol (methanol) poisoning Common name:Methyl alcohol poisoning |
c_510 | Microscopic polyangiitis Common name:Microscopic artery inflammation |
c_383 | Middle cerebral artery syndrome Common name:Blocked middle brain artery |
c_575 | Mononeuritis multiplex Common name:Inflammation of multiple individual nerves |
c_710 | Morning sickness Common name:Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy |
c_179 | Multiple myeloma Common name:Cancer of blood plasma cells |
c_192 | Mumps Common name:Inflammation of parotid salivary glands |
c_46 | Myasthenia gravis Common name:Progressive muscle weakness |
c_423 | Myelofibrosis Common name:Replacement of bone marrow with scar tissue |
c_140 | Myocardial infarction Common name:Heart attack |
c_210 | Myocarditis Common name:Inflammation of heart muscle |
c_164 | Ménétrier's disease (giant hypertrophic gastritis) Common name:Ménétrier's disease |
c_799 | Nasolacrimal duct obstruction Name:Nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO)Nasolacrimal duct obstruction |
c_37 | Nephrolithiasis Common name:Kidney stones |
c_698 | Oral candidiasis Common name:Oral thrush Name:Candidal stomatitisOral candidiasis |
c_889 | Rib fracture Common name:Broken rib |
c_252 | Rift Valley fever (RVF) Common name:Rift Valley fever |
c_239 | Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) Common name:Rocky Mountain spotted fever |
c_895 | Upper limb fracture Common name:Broken arm |
Added (5)
s_1802 | Abdominal pain, burning or gnawing |
s_1807 | Blisters |
s_1803 | Bulla |
s_1808 | Dermatological changes, located on the face |
s_1812 | Nasal congestion, chronic |
Removed (31)
s_374 | Blisters usually appearing around mouth or nose |
s_577 | Bony lumps near the affected joints |
s_1321 | Cafe au lait macules are 15mm in diameter or larger |
s_1784 | Cough, productive with clear sputum |
s_1661 | Cutaneous mass |
s_1615 | Epiphora |
s_1374 | Exanthema disappears without a trace |
s_620 | Kaposi's sarcoma nodules |
s_94 | Large painful red nodules under skin |
s_656 | Nasopharingitis |
s_1427 | Neuropathic arthropathy |
s_434 | Nodules on labia |
s_1113 | Pain in both upper limbs, glove distribution |
s_1482 | Papulo-pustular eruptions |
s_802 | Paroxysmal amblyopia |
s_395 | Rash vanishes leaving no trace |
s_1463 | Restless legs |
s_1320 | Six or more cafe au lait macules |
s_224 | Skin discoloration |
s_63 | Soft gray or flesh-colored warts or bumps |
s_1391 | Tenderness to palpation in the umbilical region |
s_1033 | Visual agnosia, objects |
s_354 | Warts in genital area, numerous lesions |
s_1559 | White oral plaques, creamy |
s_391 | Worrisome skin lesions, aggravated by humidity, heat |
s_401 | Worrisome skin lesions, blisters localized on border of lips |
s_399 | Worrisome skin lesions, different stages of development at one time |
s_248 | Worrisome skin lesions, itching blisters or wheals |
s_347 | Worrisome skin lesions, itchy |
s_403 | Worrisome skin lesions, painful when pressure is applied |
s_375 | Worrisome skin lesions, spread easily by touch |
Updated (574)
s_277 | Abdominal distension Common name:Increased abdominal size |
s_299 | Abdominal mass Common name:Lump in abdomen |
s_17 | Abdominal pain, before menstrual period Common name:Abdominal pain before menstruation |
s_18 | Abdominal pain, chronic Common name:Chronic abdominal pain |
s_1387 | Abdominal pain, epigastric Common name:Pain in upper central part of abdomen |
s_16 | Abdominal pain, exacerbating after a meal Common name:Abdominal pain worsening after eating |
s_1207 | Abdominal pain, exacerbating after caffeine consumption Common name:Abdominal pain worsening after caffeine drinks |
s_15 | Abdominal pain, exacerbating during coughing or movement Common name:Abdominal pain worsening when coughing or moving |
s_1202 | Abdominal pain, exacerbating during deep breath Common name:Abdominal pain worsening with deep breath |
s_14 | Abdominal pain, exacerbating on an empty stomach Common name:Abdominal pain worsening on empty stomach |
s_1729 | Abdominal pain, left lower quadrant Common name:Pain in left lower part of abdomen |
s_1591 | Abdominal pain, left upper quadrant Common name:Pain in left upper part of abdomen |
s_1782 | Abdominal pain, mild Common name:Mild abdominal pain |
s_1783 | Abdominal pain, moderate Common name:Moderate abdominal pain |
s_1598 | Abdominal pain, pelvic Common name:Pain in lower part of abdomen |
s_1532 | Abdominal pain, periumbilical Common name:Pain in central part of abdomen |
s_471 | Abdominal pain, radiation to right shoulder blade Common name:Abdominal pain radiating to the right shoulder blade Question:Do you have pain that radiates to the right shoulder blade?Does the pain radiate to the right shoulder blade? Name:Pain radiates to the right shoulder bladeAbdominal pain, radiation to right shoulder blade |
s_57 | Abdominal pain, reduced by defecation or relieving flatulence Common name:Abdominal pain decreasing after bowel movement or passing gas |
s_1531 | Abdominal pain, right lower quadrant Common name:Pain in right lower part of abdomen |
s_1528 | Abdominal pain, right upper quadrant Common name:Pain in right upper part of abdomen |
s_567 | Abdominal pain, right upper quadrant, exacerbated by deep inhalation Common name:Abdominal pain on deep inhalation and simultaneous pressing right upper part of abdomen |
s_1529 | Abdominal pain, right upper quadrant, radiation to the back Common name:Pain in right upper part of abdomen that radiates to the back |
s_1195 | Abdominal pain, severe Common name:Severe abdominal pain |
s_1369 | Abdominal pain, sharp and stabbing Common name:Sharp and stabbing abdominal pain Name:Abdominal pain, sharp, stabbingAbdominal pain, sharp and stabbing |
s_12 | Abdominal pain, sudden Common name:Sudden abdominal pain |
s_1187 | Abdominal pain, with flare-ups and remissions Common name:Abdominal pain that comes and goes Name:Abdominal pain, flare-ups and remissionsAbdominal pain, with flare-ups and remissions |
s_1514 | Abdominal tenderness Common name:Pain when pressing abdomen |
s_1589 | Abdominal tenderness, left upper quadrant Common name:Pain when pressing abdomen in left upper part |
s_1400 | Abdominal tenderness, lower Common name:Pain when pressing abdomen in lower part |
s_1392 | Abdominal tenderness, right upper quadrant Common name:Pain when pressing abdomen in right upper part |
s_1288 | Abnormal vaginal bleeding, 4-5 month of pregnancy Common name:Vaginal bleeding in 4 or 5 month of pregnancy |
s_151 | Abnormal vaginal bleeding, postmenopausal Common name:Vaginal bleeding after menopause |
s_598 | Abscess Common name:Reddened, swollen and painful skin change Question:Have you noticed a reddened, swollen and tender or painful lesion on your skin?Have you noticed a reddened, swollen and tender or painful lesion on your skin (abscess)? |
s_145 | Agitation Question:Do you feel agitated and unable to sit or lie still?Do you feel agitated more than usual lately, are you unable to sit or lie still? |
s_833 | Agnosia Common name:Inability to recognize objects, people, sounds, shapes or smells Question:Do you have trouble recognizing objects, people, sounds or smells?Do you have trouble recognizing objects, people, sounds, shapes or smells? |
s_884 | Agoraphobia Common name:Fear of certain environments where escape or getting help might be difficult |
s_1012 | Agraphia Common name:Loss of writing ability |
s_817 | Alcohol craving Common name:Constant urge to drink alcohol |
s_588 | Alcohol tolerance Common name:Need of higher alcohol quantities to get drunk |
s_818 | Alcohol withdrawal syndrome Common name:Ailments occurring when reducing alcohol consumption Question:After stopping drinking or significantly reducing your alcohol intake, have you experienced tremors,hypertension, increased heart rate, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, dried mucous membranes, increased sweating, or weakness?After stopping drinking or significantly reducing your alcohol intake, have you experienced tremors, hypertension, increased heart rate, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, dried mucous membranes, increased sweating, or weakness? |
s_1019 | Allelomimetic behavior, allomimetic behavior Common name:Repetition of another person's actions or words |
s_837 | Alogia Common name:Poverty of speech Name:Poverty of speech, alogiaAlogia |
s_1728 | Altered defecation rhythm Common name:Change in bowel habits |
s_1457 | Amenorrhea Common name:Absence of menstrual period |
s_1458 | Amenorrhea, primary Common name:Absence of first menstrual period at age 15 |
s_1459 | Amenorrhea, secondary Common name:Cessation of menstrual periods |
s_1370 | Amenorrhea, secondary, for at least 12 months Common name:Lack of menstrual period for at least 12 months |
s_1032 | Amusia Common name:Inability to produce or recognize musical sounds |
s_608 | Angular cheilitis Common name:Cracked corners of lips |
s_508 | Anhedonia Common name:Inability to enjoy life |
s_1123 | Anhidrosis Common name:Lack of sweating |
s_669 | Anhidrosis, face, unilateral Common name:Lack of sweating on one side of face |
s_497 | Anisocoria Common name:Asymmetric pupils |
s_1030 | Anomic aphasia Common name:Inability to find words |
s_4 | Apathy Common name:Loss of interest in everyday matters |
s_969 | Aphasia Common name:Inability to comprehend and formulate speech |
s_477 | Aphonia Common name:Loss of voice |
s_1 | Aphthous ulcers Common name:Canker sores |
s_1292 | Arthropathy Common name:Diseases of joints |
s_26 | Articular edema and pain of both hands or feet Common name:Pain and swelling of both hands or feet |
s_380 | Asymmetry of a skin mole or birthmark Question:Is the lesion on your skin asymmetric (one half is different from the other)?Is the mole or birthmark asymmetric (one half is different from the other)? Name:Worrisome skin lesions, asymmetryAsymmetry of a skin mole or birthmark |
s_651 | Ataxia Common name:Problems with movements coordination |
s_1120 | Atonic bladder Name:Atonic bladder, flaccid bladderAtonic bladder |
s_1117 | Atrophy or diminishing of both testicles Common name:Diminished testicles |
s_159 | Back pain, exacerbating after physical exertion Common name:Back pain worse after physical exertion |
s_1205 | Back pain, lasting at least a few hours Common name:Back pain lasting at least a few hours |
s_53 | Back pain, lumbar Common name:Lower back pain |
s_1339 | Back pain, lumbar, exacerbating during the night Common name:Lower back pain worsening in the night |
s_663 | Back pain, lumbar, radiating to the groin Common name:Lower back pain radiating to the groin |
s_1192 | Back pain, severe Common name:Severe back pain |
s_1206 | Back pain, subsides during rest Common name:Back pain decrease during rest |
s_1198 | Back pain, sudden Common name:Sudden back pain |
s_1772 | Back pain, thoracic Common name:Middle or upper back pain |
s_1189 | Back pain, with flare-ups and remissions Common name:Back pain that comes and goes Name:Back pain, flare-ups and remissionsBack pain, with flare-ups and remissions |
s_843 | Behavioral changes Common name:Change in behavior |
s_348 | Behavioral changes, personality Common name:Change in personality |
s_192 | Blepharoptosis Common name:Drooping eyelids |
s_197 | Blisters or erosion on the penis Common name:Blisters or sores on the penis Name:Worrisome skin lesions, blisters or erosion on penisBlisters or erosion on the penis |
s_641 | Bowel incontinence Common name:Loss of bowel control |
s_1553 | Bowel sounds, decreased Common name:Decreased bowel sounds |
s_1552 | Bowel sounds, hyperactive, high-pitched Common name:Excessive bowel sounds |
s_534 | Bradycardia Common name:Slow heart rate Question:Do you have a slow heart rate?Do you have a slow heart rate (under 60 beats per minute)? |
s_394 | Bumps appearing and disappearing quickly Common name:Skin rash or bumps appearing and disappearing quickly Name:Worrisome skin lesions, bumps appearing and disappearing quicklyBumps appearing and disappearing quickly |
s_1684 | Burning skin, face Common name:Burning skin on face |
s_1330 | Cafe au lait macules Common name:Light brown marks on skin Question:Do you have spots on you skin that have the color of "café au lait"?Do you have six or more spots on your skin that have the light brown color? |
s_117 | Calf muscle spasms Common name:Cramps in calves |
s_811 | Cardiomegaly Common name:Heart enlargement |
s_1576 | Carotid bruit Common name:Cervical artery murmur |
s_996 | Cervical dystonia Name:Spasmodic torticollis, Cervical dystoniaCervical dystonia |
s_585 | Change in color of a skin mole or birthmark Name:Change in color of a moleChange in color of a skin mole or birthmark |
s_584 | Change in shape of a skin mole or birthmark Name:Change in shape of a moleChange in shape of a skin mole or birthmark |
s_45 | Chest pain, 2-5 minutes Common name:Chest pain lasting 2 to 5 minutes |
s_31 | Chest pain, continue after rest Common name:Chest pain continuing after rest Name:Chest pain, doesn't subside after restChest pain, continue after rest |
s_51 | Chest pain, diffuse Common name:Diffuse chest pain |
s_35 | Chest pain, during exertion Common name:Chest pain on exertion |
s_1763 | Chest pain, exacerbated by stress Common name:Chest pain worsened by stress |
s_42 | Chest pain, exacerbating during movement Common name:Chest pain worsening during movement |
s_30 | Chest pain, exacerbating with deep breath or cough Common name:Chest pain worsening with deep breath or cough |
s_1204 | Chest pain, lasting at least a few hours Common name:Chest pain lasting at least a few hours |
s_46 | Chest pain, lasting longer than 30 minutes Common name:Chest pain lasting longer than 30 minutes |
s_37 | Chest pain, radiating between shoulder blades Common name:Chest pain radiating between shoulder blades |
s_1490 | Chest pain, radiating to left arm Common name:Chest pain radiating to left arm |
s_1489 | Chest pain, radiating to left shoulder Common name:Chest pain radiating to left shoulder |
s_36 | Chest pain, radiating to neck Common name:Chest pain radiating to neck |
s_1197 | Chest pain, severe Common name:Severe chest pain |
s_1601 | Chest pain, stabbing Common name:Stabbing chest pain |
s_48 | Chest pain, subsides during rest Common name:Chest pain subsiding during rest |
s_1509 | Chest pain, substernal Common name:Chest pain behind breastbone |
s_1200 | Chest pain, sudden Common name:Sudden chest pain |
s_1178 | Chest pain, worsens on palpation Common name:Chest pain worsening when touching or pressing |
s_1580 | Chest pain, worsens on palpation of costochondral joints Common name:Chest pain worsening on palpation of costochondral joints |
s_734 | Claudication in upper leg Common name:Acute thigh or buttock pain appearing during exertion and relieving after short rest |
s_429 | Clicking sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth Name:Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouthClicking sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth |
s_1548 | Coated tonsills, pseudomembrane Common name:Gray layer in throat |
s_610 | Coated tonsils Common name:White spots on tonsils Name:Coated tonsillsCoated tonsils |
s_303 | Compulsive behavior Common name:Performing certain actions repeatedly to ease anxiety |
s_1212 | Conjunctival pallor Common name:Pale conjunctiva |
s_1214 | Conjunctival pallor, sudden Common name:Sudden paleness of conjunctivae Name:Sudden conjunctival pallorConjunctival pallor, sudden |
s_329 | Constipation Name:Altered defecation rhythm, constipationConstipation |
s_1549 | Constipation, long lasting Common name:Long lasting constipation |
s_1228 | Convergent strabismus Common name:Crossed eyes Question:Do you have a convergent squint (cross-eyes)?Do you have a convergent squint (crossed eyes)? |
s_295 | Convulsions or headache preceded by olfactory hallucinations Common name:Imaginary smells before headache or convulsions |
s_135 | Cough, attacks Common name:Coughing attacks |
s_105 | Cough, dry Common name:Dry cough |
s_103 | Cough, lasting less than 3 weeks Common name:Cough lasting less than 3 weeks Name:Cough lasting less than 3 weeksCough, lasting less than 3 weeks |
s_106 | Cough, lasting more 8 weeks Common name:Cough lasting more 8 weeks Name:Cough, over 8 weeksCough, lasting more 8 weeks |
s_104 | Cough, productive Common name:Coughing up phlegm |
s_662 | Cough, productive in the morning Common name:Coughing up phlegm in the morning Question:Do you often cough up sputum in the morning?Have you been coughing up phlegm in the morning for more than 3 weeks? |
s_670 | Cough, productive with pink frothy sputum Common name:Coughing up pink phlegm |
s_526 | Cough, productive with purulent sputum Common name:Coughing up thick yellow or green phlegm |
s_1683 | Cutaneous mass, mobile Common name:Mobile mass under the skin |
s_1662 | Cutaneous mass, soft Common name:Soft mass under the skin |
s_437 | Cyanosis Common name:Bluish-gray colored skin Name:Cyanosis, skinCyanosis |
s_1105 | Cyanosis under the eyes Common name:Dark circles under eyes |
s_553 | Cyanosis, fingers Common name:Pale or grayish-blue fingers |
s_1750 | Cyanosis, fingers, after exposure to stress or cold Common name:Pale or grayish-blue fingers after exposure to stress or cold |
s_1244 | Decrease of inguinal tumor size while supine Common name:Decrease of groin mass size while lying down |
s_967 | Decrease of visual acuity Common name:Decrease of vision |
s_236 | Decreased libido Common name:Loss of interest in sex |
s_634 | Decreased need for sleep Name:Sleep disorder, decreased need for sleepDecreased need for sleep |
s_697 | Decreased skin turgor Common name:Decreased skin elasticity |
s_1277 | Decreased tongue motility Common name:Difficulty moving tongue |
s_356 | Decreased vitality for at least 2 weeks Common name:Significant loss of energy for at least 2 weeks |
s_652 | Deep tendon reflexes, decreased Common name:Decreased deep tendon reflexes |
s_878 | Deep tendon reflexes, increased Common name:Increased deep tendon reflexes |
s_108 | Deepening of periodontal pockets Common name:Deepened spaces between the gums and the teeth |
s_422 | Deepening of voice Name:Deep voiceDeepening of voice |
s_1106 | Dennie-Morgan fold Name:Dennie-Morgan fold, infraorbital foldDennie-Morgan fold |
s_916 | Depressed mood, persistent Common name:Persistent depressed mood |
s_241 | Dermatological changes Question:Have you noticed any worrisome skin changes (e.g. a rash, growth, or patch that does not resemble the area surrounding it)?Have you noticed any worrisome changes on or under your skin or mucous membrane (e.g. a rash, growth, nodule, discoloration or patch that does not resemble the area surrounding it)? Name:Worrisome skin lesionsDermatological changes |
s_406 | Dermatological changes concentrated in one place on the body Question:Do additional skin growths appear near the initial ones?Do you have dermatological changes concentrated in one place on the body, not scattered throughout the skin? Name:Localized spread of the skin lesionsDermatological changes concentrated in one place on the body |
s_1761 | Dermatological changes, aggravated by stress Common name:Skin changes aggravated by stress Name:Worrisome skin lesions, aggravated by stressDermatological changes, aggravated by stress |
s_352 | Dermatological changes, at the point of contact with buttons or fasteners Common name:Skin changes at the point of contact with buttons or fasteners Name:Worrisome skin lesions, at point of contact with buttons or fastenersDermatological changes, at the point of contact with buttons or fasteners |
s_398 | Dermatological changes, entire skin Common name:Skin changes on the entire body Question:Are the skin lesions localized all over your body?Are the skin changes localized all over your body? Name:Worrisome skin lesions, entire skinDermatological changes, entire skin |
s_1692 | Dermatological changes, exacerbated by alcohol consumption Common name:Skin changes aggravated by alcohol consumption Question:Are the skin lesions aggravated by alcohol consumption?Are the skin changes aggravated by alcohol consumption? Name:Worrisome skin lesions, exacerbated by alcohol consumptionDermatological changes, exacerbated by alcohol consumption |
s_245 | Dermatological changes, forming a crust Common name:Skin changes forming a crust Name:Worrisome skin lesions, forming a crustDermatological changes, forming a crust |
s_350 | Dermatological changes, forming a line Common name:Skin changes forming a line Name:Worrisome skin lesions, forming a lineDermatological changes, forming a line |
s_390 | Dermatological changes, localization near sebaceous glands Common name:Skin changes on oily areas of body Question:Do the skin changes appear on your face, upper chest or back?Do the skin changes appear on oily areas of your body (e.g. face, upper chest or back)? Name:Worrisome skin lesions, localization near sebaceous glandsDermatological changes, localization near sebaceous glands |
s_694 | Dermatological changes, located in the mouth Common name:Dermatological changes located in the mouth Question:Have you noticed blisters or sores in your mouth?Are the worrisome changes located in your mouth? Name:Blisters and sores in the mouthDermatological changes, located in the mouth |
s_1571 | Dermatological changes, painful Common name:Painful skin change Name:Worrisome skin lesions, painfulDermatological changes, painful |
s_405 | Dermatological changes, palms or soles Common name:Skin changes on palms or soles Name:Worrisome skin lesions, palms or solesDermatological changes, palms or soles |
s_349 | Dermatological changes, penis Common name:Skin changes on the penis Name:Worrisome skin lesions, penisDermatological changes, penis |
s_400 | Dermatological changes, preceded by pain or itching Common name:Skin changes preceded by pain or itching Name:Worrisome skin lesions, preceded by pain or itchingDermatological changes, preceded by pain or itching |
s_402 | Dermatological changes, recurring during infections or menstrual period Common name:Skin changes recurring during infections or menstrual period Question:Do the skin lesions recur following exposure to the sun, when your lips are chapped, during infections, or during your menstrual period?Do the skin changes recur during infections, or during your menstrual period? Name:Worrisome skin lesions, recurring after sun exposure, when lips are chapped, during infections or menstrual periodDermatological changes, recurring during infections or menstrual period |
s_404 | Dermatological changes, rough and irregular surface Common name:Skin change with rough, irregular surface Question:Does your skin have rough, irregular surface?Does the skin change have rough, irregular surface? Name:Worrisome skin lesions, rough and irregular skin surfaceDermatological changes, rough and irregular surface |
s_353 | Dermatological changes, vulva Common name:Skin changes on the vulva Name:Worrisome skin lesions, vulvaDermatological changes, vulva |
s_1191 | Dermatological changes, with flare-ups and remissions Common name:Skin changes that come and go Name:Worrisome skin lesions, with flare-ups and remissionDermatological changes, with flare-ups and remissions |
s_412 | Diarrhea, foamy Common name:Foamy diarrhea |
s_1121 | Diarrhea, mainly at night Common name:Diarrhea mainly at night |
s_1376 | Diarrhea, rice-water Common name:Diarrhea looking like rice water |
s_269 | Difficulty acquiring new information Common name:Difficulty learning new things |
s_1645 | Difficulty doing single-leg heel raise Common name:Difficulty raising heel while standing on one leg |
s_263 | Difficulty retracting foreskin Name:Difficulty retracting foreskin, phimosisDifficulty retracting foreskin |
s_207 | Diplopia Common name:Seeing double |
s_1232 | Diplopia while looking down and medially Common name:Double vision while looking down and towards the nose Question:Do you have double vision when looking towards your nose or looking down (e.g. while walking down stairs or reading)?Do you have double vision when looking towards your nose and looking down (e.g. while walking down stairs or reading)? |
s_1235 | Diplopia while looking in any direction Common name:Double vision while looking in any direction |
s_1229 | Diplopia with horizontal image dispersion Common name:Double vision with images appearing side by side Question:Do you have double vision in which images disperse horizontally?Do you have double vision in which images appear side by side? |
s_1231 | Diplopia with vertical or oblique image dispersion Common name:Double vision with images appearing one above the other or obliquely Question:Do you have double vision in which images disperse vertically or obliquely?Do you have double vision in which images appear one above the other or obliquely? |
s_302 | Discharge from periodontal pockets Common name:Discharge from spaces between the gums and the teeth |
s_501 | Distance misjudgment Common name:Problems judging distances |
s_730 | Diurnal mood variation Common name:Mood better in the evening than in the morning |
s_1236 | Divergent strabismus Common name:Squint with one or two eyes turning outwards |
s_1479 | Dizziness, head rotation Common name:Dizziness while turning the head |
s_936 | Dizziness, vertigo Common name:Feeling as if one or one's surrounding were spinning Question:Does your dizziness make you feel as if you or your surroundings are spinning?Does your dizziness make you feel as if you or your surroundings were spinning? |
s_385 | Dry, cracked skin, bleeding occasionally Name:Dry cracked skin, sometimes bleedsDry, cracked skin, bleeding occasionally |
s_1225 | Duck-like gait Question:Has your gait (walk) become duck-like of late?Has your gait (walk) become duck-like recently? |
s_315 | Dysarthria Common name:Difficulty with speech |
s_59 | Dysmenorrhoea Common name:Painful menstrual periods |
s_1432 | Dyspepsia Common name:Indigestion |
s_962 | Dysphagia Common name:Difficulty swallowing |
s_1779 | Dysphagia, esophageal Common name:Feeling of food getting stuck several seconds after swallowing |
s_1776 | Dysphagia, oropharyngeal Common name:Difficulty initiating a swallow |
s_68 | Dysphonia Common name:Hoarseness |
s_88 | Dyspnea Common name:Shortness of breath |
s_1625 | Dyspnea, chronic Common name:Chronic shortness of breath Name:Dyspnea, over 2 weeksDyspnea, chronic |
s_1333 | Dyspnea, exacerbating during exercise Common name:Shortness of breath getting worse during exercise |
s_90 | Dyspnea, increasing over several hours or days Common name:Shortness of breath getting worse over a few hours or days |
s_91 | Dyspnea, increasing over several minutes or hours Common name:Shortness of breath getting worse over several minutes or hours |
s_563 | Dyspnea, orthopnea Common name:Shortness of breath when lying flat |
s_1317 | Dyspnea, paroxysmal nocturnal Common name:Shortness of breath and cough waking up at night |
s_92 | Dyspnea, sudden onset Common name:Shortness of breath appearing suddenly |
s_1185 | Dyspnea, with flare-ups and remissions Common name:Shortness of breath which comes and goes Name:Dyspnea with flare-ups and remissionsDyspnea, with flare-ups and remissions |
s_291 | Ear canal swelling Common name:Swelling inside the ear |
s_700 | Edema Common name:Swelling |
s_171 | Edema, ankle joint Common name:Ankle swelling Name:Edema, joint, ankleEdema, ankle joint |
s_623 | Edema, ankles Common name:Swollen ankles Name:Edema, lower limbs, anklesEdema, ankles |
s_1581 | Edema, costochondral junctions Common name:Swelling in the middle of the chest Question:Have you noticed edema in the middle of your chest?Have you noticed swelling in the middle of your chest? |
s_701 | Edema, daytime Common name:Daytime swelling |
s_699 | Edema, dependent Common name:Swelling dependent on the body position Question:Do you have swelling that depends on the position of your body (i.e. when you lie down the swelling forms in your low back area, but when you walk it forms first around your ankles and gradually moves up your legs?Do you have swelling that depends on the position of your body (i.e. when you lie down the swelling forms in your low back area, but when you walk it forms first around your ankles and gradually moves up your legs)? |
s_1635 | Edema, elbow joint Common name:Elbow swelling |
s_616 | Edema, face Common name:Face swelling |
s_1311 | Edema, finger Common name:Finger swelling |
s_1464 | Edema, hand Common name:Hand swelling |
s_174 | Edema, joint Common name:Joint swelling |
s_170 | Edema, knee joint Common name:Knee swelling |
s_1433 | Edema, lip Common name:Lip swelling |
s_175 | Edema, lower limbs Common name:Swollen legs Question:Are your legs swollen?Are both of your legs swollen? |
s_702 | Edema, nighttime Common name:Nighttime swelling |
s_173 | Edema, one lower limb Common name:Swollen leg Question:Is your lower leg swollen?Is one of your leg swollen? Name:Edema, lower legEdema, one lower limb |
s_1442 | Edema, periorbital Common name:Swelling around the eyes |
s_562 | Edema, pitting Common name:Pitting edema |
s_176 | Edema, scrotum Common name:Swollen scrotum |
s_1655 | Edema, shoulder joint Common name:Shoulder swelling Name:Edema, joint, shoulderEdema, shoulder joint |
s_1447 | Edema, upper limb Common name:Swelling of the upper limb |
s_1431 | Edema, wrist joint Common name:Wrist swelling |
s_480 | Enlargement of hands, feet, face, tongue and thickening of facial features Common name:Enlargement of hands, feet, tongue and face Name:Enlargement of hands, feet, face (nose, lips and ears) and a thickening of facial featuresEnlargement of hands, feet, face, tongue and thickening of facial features |
s_229 | Erythema Common name:Redness of skin |
s_1469 | Erythema and scaling on almost entire skin Common name:Redness and scaling affecting nearly entire skin Question:Do you observe erythema and scaling that affects nearly your entire skin surface?Do you observe redness and scaling that affects nearly your entire skin surface? Name:Erythema and scaling on almost entire skin (erythroderma)Erythema and scaling on almost entire skin |
s_323 | Erythema and warmth of skin overlying a joint Common name:Redness and warmth of the skin overlying joint Question:Is the skin above the joint red and warm to the touch?Is the skin over one of your joints red and warm to the touch? Name:Erythema, and warmth of skin overlying jointErythema and warmth of skin overlying a joint |
s_1468 | Erythema, facial Common name:Red skin on face |
s_230 | Erythema, facial, butterfly-shaped Common name:Red skin on face covering mainly nose and cheeks |
s_1314 | Erythema, finger Common name:Redness of finger |
s_433 | Erythema, head of penis Common name:Reddened foreskin or head of the penis Question:Is your foreskin or glans (head of your penis) red?Is foreskin or head of your penis (glans) red? Name:Erythema of the foreskin and glansErythema, head of penis |
s_325 | Erythema, limb Common name:Red skin on arm or leg Question:Have you noticed redness on the affected limb?Have you noticed redness on your arm or leg? |
s_179 | Erythema, limb, hot to the touch Common name:Skin on arm or leg hot to the touch |
s_1125 | Erythema, palmar Common name:Red skin on palms |
s_1791 | Erythema, scalp Common name:Red patches on scalp |
s_1498 | Erythematous tonsils Common name:Unusually red tonsils |
s_777 | Excessive sleepiness Name:Sleep disorder, excessive sleepinessExcessive sleepiness |
s_726 | Excessive worrying about health of child Name:Worrying about health of childExcessive worrying about health of child |
s_1163 | Exophthalmos Name:Exophthalmos, proptosisExophthalmos |
s_483 | Eyelid lesion Common name:Skin change on eyelid |
s_485 | Eyelid lesion, itching and painful Common name:Itching and painful skin change on eyelid Question:Is the eyelid lesion itchy and painful?Is the eyelid lesion (skin change) itchy and painful? |
s_491 | Eyelid lesion, occasionally painful Common name:Skin change on eyelid hurting only occasionally |
s_486 | Eyelid lesion, red and warm Common name:Red and warm skin change on eyelid Question:Is the eyelid lesion redder and warmer then the rest of the eyelid?Is the eyelid lesion (skin change) redder and warmer then the rest of the eyelid? |
s_484 | Eyelid lesion, red lump with yellow tip Common name:Red lump with yellow tip on eyelid Name:Red lump with yellow tip on eyelidEyelid lesion, red lump with yellow tip |
s_591 | Eyelid tremors Common name:Trembling eyelids |
s_1156 | Facial muscle paresis Common name:Facial weakness |
s_1203 | Facial pain, longer than a few hours Common name:Facial pain lasting longer than a few hours |
s_427 | Facial pain, periodic Common name:Periodic facial pain |
s_1194 | Facial pain, severe Common name:Severe facial pain |
s_1436 | Facial pain, sinus Common name:Sinus pain |
s_425 | Facial pain, sudden and stabbing Common name:Sudden and stabbing facial pain |
s_426 | Facial pain, triggered Common name:Facial pain triggered by eating, touching or brushing teeth |
s_424 | Facial pain, unilateral Common name:Facial pain on one side |
s_190 | Fainting with urination or defecation Common name:Fainting with loss of bladder or bowel control |
s_1587 | Feeling detached from your body Name:Feeling detached from your body (depersonalization)Feeling detached from your body |
s_514 | Feeling unreal Question:Do you feel unreal or as if you are in a dream or in a movie?Do you feel unreal or as if you were in a dream or in a movie? Name:Feeling unreal (derealization)Feeling unreal |
s_100 | Fever > 101 °F Name:Fever > 101 FFever > 101 °F |
s_99 | Fever between 99.5 and 101 °F Name:Fever between 99.5 and 101 FFever between 99.5 and 101 °F |
s_1186 | Fever with flare-ups and remissions Common name:Fever that comes and goes |
s_77 | Fine downy hair Name:Fine downy hair (lanugo)Fine downy hair |
s_1313 | Finger pain Question:Does one of your fingers hurt?Is the pain located in one particular finger? |
s_1079 | Flaccid paresis Name:Muscle weakness, flaccid paresisFlaccid paresis |
s_1080 | Flaccid paresis, symmetrical Name:Muscle weakness, flaccid paresis, symmetricalFlaccid paresis, symmetrical |
s_146 | Forgetting names of close friends and family Name:Forgets names of close friends and familyForgetting names of close friends and family |
s_126 | Formication around the mouth Common name:Tingling around the mouth |
s_125 | Formication in feet Common name:Foot tingling |
s_1401 | Frequent bowel movement Name:Altered defecation rhythm, frequent bowel movementFrequent bowel movement |
s_532 | Frequent infections, lower respiratory tract Common name:Frequent bronchitis |
s_531 | Frequent infections, upper respiratory tract Common name:Frequent runny nose, cough Question:Do you often get upper respiratory tract infections often (runny nose, cough)?Do you often get upper respiratory tract infections (runny nose, cough)? |
s_75 | Frequent urination, large quantities Common name:Frequent urination in large quantities |
s_1767 | Gastrointestinal complaints, stress-related Common name:Stress-related gastrointestinal complaints |
s_513 | Globus sensation Common name:Feeling of foreign body in throat |
s_756 | Gottron's papules Common name:Red, painful bumps on the skin overlying joints Question:Have you noticed scaly red papules or patches on the skin overlying joints?Do the papules are red, painful and occur on the skin overlying joints? |
s_322 | Gum erythema Common name:Red gums |
s_618 | Hairy leukoplakia Name:Hairy leukoplakia (Epstein-Barr virus, EBV)Hairy leukoplakia |
s_65 | Halitosis Common name:Bad breath |
s_682 | Hallucinations, auditory Common name:Auditory hallucinations |
s_685 | Hallucinations, cenesthetic Common name:Cenesthetic hallucinations |
s_683 | Hallucinations, gustatory Common name:Gustatory hallucinations |
s_684 | Hallucinations, olfactory Common name:Olfactory hallucinations |
s_681 | Hallucinations, visual Common name:Visual hallucinations |
s_557 | Hand erythema Common name:Red skin on hands |
s_1230 | Head tilt in order to avoid diplopia Common name:Double vision resolving while tilting the head Name:Compensatory head tilt (in order to avoid diplopia)Head tilt in order to avoid diplopia |
s_1349 | Headache, anterior location Common name:Headache located in front part of head |
s_1535 | Headache, chronic Common name:Chronic headache Question:Does your headache last more than 15 days per month for several months?Does your headache appears in more than 15 days per month for several months? |
s_1762 | Headache, exacerbated by increased stress Common name:Headache worsened by stress |
s_625 | Headache, exacerbating by tilting head forward Common name:Headache worsened by tilting head forward Name:Headache, exacerbating by tilting the head forwardHeadache, exacerbating by tilting head forward |
s_799 | Headache, exacerbating in the morning Common name:Morning headache |
s_24 | Headache, generalized Common name:Generalized headache |
s_604 | Headache, lancinating Common name:Stabbing headache |
s_1780 | Headache, mild Common name:Mild headache |
s_1781 | Headache, moderate Common name:Moderate headache |
s_970 | Headache, occipital Common name:Pain in back of head |
s_23 | Headache, pressure Common name:Head pressure |
s_25 | Headache, pulsing Common name:Pulsing headache |
s_605 | Headache, series over a period of time Common name:Series of headaches |
s_1193 | Headache, severe Common name:Severe headache |
s_1542 | Headache, sudden Common name:Sudden headache |
s_22 | Headache, unilateral Common name:Headache on one side |
s_1188 | Headache, with flare-ups and remissions Common name:Headache that comes and goes Name:Headache with flare-ups and remissionsHeadache, with flare-ups and remissions |
s_1484 | Hearing loss, progressing without fluctuation Common name:Progressive hearing loss without fluctuation Name:Hearing loss, progressive, without fluctuationHearing loss, progressing without fluctuation |
s_1538 | Hearing loss, sudden Common name:Sudden hearing loss |
s_935 | Hearing loss, variable intensity and duration Common name:Hearing loss with variable intensity and duration |
s_273 | Heavy legs at the end of the day Name:Heavy legs at end of dayHeavy legs at the end of the day |
s_761 | Heliotrope rash around eyes Common name:Pink-purple rash on the skin around the eyes Name:Heliotrope rash around the eyesHeliotrope rash around eyes |
s_1170 | Hemarthrosis Common name:Bleeding into joints Name:Bleeding into jointsHemarthrosis |
s_306 | Hematemesis Common name:Vomiting blood |
s_116 | Hemoptysis Common name:Spitting blood |
s_757 | Holster sign Common name:Redness on the sides of the thighs and (or) hips |
s_957 | Homonymous hemianopsia Common name:Visual field loss on the same side of both eyes Name:Lateral hemianopsia, homonymous hemianopsiaHomonymous hemianopsia |
s_373 | Honey-colored crust on the skin Question:Have you noticed blisters filled with pus or drying up to form a honey-colored crust?Have you noticed a honey-colored crust on the surface of your skin? Name:Blisters fester or dry to form honey-colored crustHoney-colored crust on the skin |
s_180 | Hypopigmentation of the skin Common name:Lightening of the skin |
s_570 | Hypopyon Common name:Collection of pus in the front of the eye Name:Hypopyon (collection of pus in the eye)Hypopyon |
s_533 | Hypotension Common name:Low blood pressure |
s_631 | Impaired concentration Common name:Poor concentration |
s_825 | Impaired memory, alcohol-related amnesia Common name:Alcohol-related amnesia |
s_619 | Impaired memory, finding objects of everyday use Common name:Difficulty finding everyday objects Name:Memory loss, finding objects of everyday useImpaired memory, finding objects of everyday use |
s_830 | Impaired memory, short-term Common name:Impaired short-term memory |
s_716 | Impaired social functioning Common name:Worse functioning at home, at work or at school Name:Role, social impairment, dysfunctionImpaired social functioning |
s_1551 | Inability to pass flatus Common name:Inability to pass gas |
s_991 | Increased masseter reflex Common name:Jaw jerk Name:Increased masseter reflex (jaw jerk)Increased masseter reflex |
s_917 | Insomnia Name:Sleep disorder, insomniaInsomnia |
s_127 | Intrusive thoughts, obsessions Common name:Obsessive thoughts |
s_687 | Intrusive thoughts, obsessive fears Common name:Obsessive fears |
s_688 | Intrusive thoughts, obsessive images Common name:Obsessive images |
s_1271 | Jacobson sign Common name:Finger flexion when tapping distal base of radius bone |
s_1718 | Janeway lesion Name:Skin lesion on palms or soles, Janeway lesionJaneway lesion |
s_332 | Jaundice Common name:Yellowed skin |
s_334 | Jaundice during increased stress Common name:Yellowed skin after a time of increased stress |
s_336 | Jaundice during infectious disease Common name:Yellowed skin after suffering from an infectious disease |
s_335 | Jaundice following intense physical exertion Common name:Yellowed skin after a physical exertion |
s_1143 | Jaw claudication Common name:Pain and tiredness in jaw while chewing |
s_428 | Jaw locking when opening mouth Common name:Jaw locking |
s_359 | Joint malformation Common name:Deformed joint |
s_576 | Joint pain, aggravated during cold, damp weather Question:Does the pain get worse during cold, damp weather?Does the joint pain get worse during cold, damp weather? Name:Pain is aggravated during cold, damp weatherJoint pain, aggravated during cold, damp weather |
s_1621 | Joint pain, ankle Common name:Ankle pain |
s_1623 | Joint pain, during ankle movement Common name:Ankle pain while moving Name:Joint pain, ankle, movementsJoint pain, during ankle movement |
s_1634 | Joint pain, during elbow movement Common name:Elbow pain while moving Name:Joint pain, elbow, movementsJoint pain, during elbow movement |
s_1610 | Joint pain, during knee movement Common name:Knee pain while moving Name:Joint pain, knee, movementsJoint pain, during knee movement |
s_40 | Joint pain, during movement Common name:Joint pain while moving Name:Joint pain, movementsJoint pain, during movement |
s_29 | Joint pain, during movement in the morning Common name:Joint pain while moving in the morning Name:Joint pain, movements, morningsJoint pain, during movement in the morning |
s_1641 | Joint pain, during thumb movement Common name:Thumb pain while moving Name:Joint pain, thumb, movementsJoint pain, during thumb movement |
s_1636 | Joint pain, during wrist movement Common name:Wrist pain while moving Name:Joint pain, wrist, movementsJoint pain, during wrist movement |
s_1632 | Joint pain, elbow Common name:Elbow pain |
s_79 | Joint pain, hallux Common name:Toe pain |
s_581 | Joint pain, knee Common name:Knee pain |
s_578 | Joint pain, metatarsalgia Common name:Foot pain |
s_41 | Joint pain, severe Common name:Severe joint pain |
s_1654 | Joint pain, shoulder Common name:Shoulder pain |
s_1201 | Joint pain, sudden Common name:Sudden joint pain |
s_1656 | Joint pain, tenderness Common name:Joint pain while touching |
s_1639 | Joint pain, thumb Common name:Thumb pain |
s_1430 | Joint pain, wrist Common name:Wrist pain |
s_575 | Joint stiffness Common name:Stiff joint |
s_1472 | Kayser–Fleischer ring Common name:Dark rings appearing around the iris of the eye |
s_1689 | Kernig's sign Name:Kernig signKernig's sign |
s_664 | Koplik's spots Common name:Small white spots with red rims in the mouth, near the molar teeth |
s_1451 | Kussmaul breathing Common name:Abnormally deep, labored and gasping breathing |
s_778 | Lack of boundaries in interpersonal relations Common name:Lack of boundaries in relationships |
s_1006 | Lack of initiative, motivation or drive Name:Lack of initiative, motivation, driveLack of initiative, motivation or drive |
s_242 | Lack of space in dental arch Common name:Crowded teeth Name:Lack of space in dental arch, crowded teethLack of space in dental arch |
s_743 | Lack of strength in legs Common name:Leg weakness |
s_964 | Lateropulsion Common name:Falling or losing gait on one side |
s_1282 | Lead-pipe rigidity Common name:Constant muscle stiffness in a limb |
s_666 | Leopard-like spots on the skin Common name:Brick-colored spots resembling leopard spots Name:Leopard-like spotsLeopard-like spots on the skin |
s_119 | Lethargy Common name:Feeling weak and tired |
s_1547 | Lethargy, for more than 6 months Common name:Feeling weak and tired for more than 6 months |
s_1793 | Lice eggs or nits on hair shafts Common name:Tiny eggs at the bottom of hair |
s_488 | Light sensitivity Common name:Oversensitivity to light |
s_1252 | Limb weakness ipsilateral to facial changes Common name:Limb weakness on the same side of the body as facial changes |
s_628 | Limitations in everyday life activities Common name:Problem performing everyday life activities |
s_763 | Livedo reticularis Common name:Purplish and lacy or net-like skin changes Name:Worrisome skin lesions, livedo reticularisLivedo reticularis |
s_1543 | Loss of consciousness Common name:Passing out, loss of consciousness |
s_287 | Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed, lasting at least 2 weeks Common name:Loss of interest |
s_622 | Loss of muscle mass Common name:Loss of muscles |
s_564 | Loss of muscle mass, hands Common name:Loss of muscles in hands Name:Loss of muscle mass, hand(s)Loss of muscle mass, hands |
s_747 | Loss of temperature sensation, impaired temperature sensation Common name:Loss of temperature sensation |
s_1394 | Loss of the lingual papillae Common name:Loss of taste buds Name:Depapillation of the tongue (loss of the lingual papillae)Loss of the lingual papillae |
s_155 | Low self-esteem Common name:Low sense of self-worth |
s_1618 | Lower limb tenderness Common name:Tender leg |
s_1622 | Lower limb tenderness, calf Common name:Tender lower leg |
s_420 | Lying about eating, hiding food Name:Lying to friends and family, hiding foodLying about eating, hiding food |
s_1733 | Lymph node pain Common name:Painful lymph node |
s_665 | Measles rash Name:Maculopapular rash, measles rashMeasles rash |
s_1768 | Mental disturbances exacerbated by stress Name:Mental disturbances, exacerbated by stressMental disturbances exacerbated by stress |
s_646 | Mood swings Name:Mood swings, mood instabilityMood swings |
s_258 | Morning stiffness of hand joints Name:Joint stiffness, hands, in the morningMorning stiffness of hand joints |
s_1104 | Mouth breathing Name:Mouth breathing, breathing through mouthMouth breathing |
s_1213 | Mucosal pallor, sudden Common name:Sudden paleness of mucous membranes Name:Sudden mucosal pallorMucosal pallor, sudden |
s_744 | Muscle weakness, ascending Common name:Ascending muscle weakness |
s_1142 | Myalgia Common name:Muscle pain |
s_748 | Myalgia, deep and dull Common name:Deep and dull muscle pain |
s_1766 | Myalgia, exacerbated by stress Common name:Muscle pain triggered by increased stress |
s_603 | Nail clubbing Common name:Enlarged finger tips |
s_1167 | Nail dystrophy Common name:Nail deformation |
s_360 | Narrowing of the mouth, difficulty opening mouth Common name:Smaller mouth, difficulty opening mouth |
s_107 | Nasal catarrh Common name:Runny nose |
s_331 | Nasal congestion Common name:Blocked nose |
s_524 | Nasal polyps Common name:Polyps in nose |
s_1303 | Nasal speech Common name:Nasal voice |
s_156 | Nausea Common name:Feeling sick |
s_1388 | Neck asymmetry Common name:Asymmetrical neck |
s_363 | Neck edema Common name:Swollen neck |
s_965 | Neck pain, unilateral Common name:Neck pain on one side |
s_671 | Neck vein distention Common name:Widened neck veins |
s_820 | Neglecting family, work or hobbies due to alcohol Common name:Neglecting other duties and activities to drinking Name:Neglecting other areas of your life due to alcohol, such as hobbies, work or familyNeglecting family, work or hobbies due to alcohol |
s_326 | Neglecting obligations such as work, study or family to pursue sex or think about sex Common name:Neglecting other duties to pursue sex |
s_143 | Nervousness or weepiness Common name:Nervousness |
s_1422 | Nipple discharge Common name:Leaking from the nipple |
s_182 | Nocturia Common name:Urinating at night |
s_300 | Nodule located in breast Common name:Lump in the breast Name:Palpable mass in breastNodule located in breast |
s_1429 | Nosebleeds Common name:Bleeding from nose |
s_1305 | Numbness of part of ear Common name:Loss of feeling in part of ear Name:Numbness of part of the earNumbness of part of ear |
s_1148 | Numbness of tongue Common name:Loss of feeling in tongue Name:Numbness of the tongueNumbness of tongue |
s_377 | Numerous nevi Name:Many neviNumerous nevi |
s_1721 | Nystagmus, horizontal Common name:Horizontal nystagmus |
s_1237 | Ocular bulb rotation laterally and downwards Common name:Eye rotation sideways and downwards |
s_1234 | Ocular bulb rotation medially and upwards Common name:Eye rotation upwards and centrally |
s_750 | Ocular motility disorder Common name:Difficulty moving eyes |
s_509 | Odynophagia Common name:Pain while swallowing Question:Does your throat hurt when you swallow?Do you have pain while swallowing? Name:Pharyngeal pain when swallowingOdynophagia |
s_185 | Oliguria Common name:Low urine output |
s_389 | Open comedones Common name:Blackheads |
s_541 | Orthostatic hypotension Common name:Fall in blood pressure when standing up |
s_1719 | Osler nodes Name:Skin lesion on palms or soles, Osler nodesOsler nodes |
s_371 | Overwork Common name:Working too much |
s_1145 | Pain and redness in temporal region Common name:Pain and redness in the area of the temple |
s_1196 | Pain in crotch, severe Common name:Severe crotch pain |
s_34 | Pain in crotch, sudden Common name:Sudden crotch pain |
s_554 | Pain in fingers or hand Name:Pain in fingersPain in fingers or hand |
s_60 | Pain in glans penis Common name:Pain of the head of the penis |
s_1620 | Pain in lower limb, calf Common name:Calf pain |
s_232 | Pain in lower limb, calf, severe while walking Common name:Severe calf pain while walking |
s_732 | Pain in lower limb, calf, severe while walking, intermittent claudication Common name:Leg pain occurring during exertion and relieved by rest |
s_38 | Pain in lower limb, radiation from buttock through back of thigh to knee Common name:Buttock pain radiating through the back of thigh to knee |
s_430 | Pain in temporomandibular joint while yawning, chewing or biting Common name:Pain in the jaw while yawning, chewing or biting |
s_1393 | Painful defecation Common name:Painful bowel movements Question:Do you have pain when defecating?Do you have pain during a bowel movement? |
s_1371 | Palatine petechiae Common name:Little bruises on the soft palate |
s_1208 | Palpitations, worsen following caffeine intake Common name:Palpitations worsening after caffeine intake |
s_101 | Papule or nodule Common name:Skin bump less than 1 cm in diameter Question:Do you get papules (solid raised spots on your skin)?Do you have palpable spherical lesion less than 1 cm in diameter (papule, nodule, growth)? Name:PapulesPapule or nodule |
s_1296 | Paralysis, limb Common name:Limb paralysis |
s_148 | Paresis, limb Common name:Limb weakness |
s_268 | Paresis, limb, upper limbs Common name:Difficulty raising arms |
s_518 | Paresthesia Common name:Body tingling |
s_1063 | Paresthesia, both lower limbs Common name:Numbness of both lower limbs |
s_973 | Paresthesia, both upper limbs Common name:Numbness of both upper limbs |
s_971 | Paresthesia, face Common name:Face numbness |
s_83 | Paresthesia, limbs Common name:Numbness of limbs |
s_1449 | Paresthesia, one hand Common name:Numbness of one hand |
s_1343 | Paresthesia, one or both lower limbs Common name:Numbness of one or both lower limbs |
s_1069 | Paresthesias, ascending Common name:Ascending paresthesias |
s_1068 | Paresthesias, symmetrical Common name:Symmetrical paresthesias |
s_1800 | Past appendectomy Common name:Appendix removal in the past |
s_1801 | Past cholecystectomy Common name:Gallbladder removal in the past |
s_1715 | Pathologic fractures Common name:Broken bone without having had an accident Question:Have you ever fractured a bone without having had an accident?Have you ever broken a bone without having had an accident? |
s_1312 | Perionychial pain Common name:Pain of the skin around the nail |
s_594 | Petechiae Common name:Small red spots on the skin not fading under pressure |
s_1367 | Pharyngeal erythema Common name:Red throat |
s_20 | Pharyngeal pain Common name:Sore throat |
s_770 | Poor personal hygiene Name:Poor personal hygiene, self-neglectPoor personal hygiene |
s_1471 | Post-nasal drip Common name:Mucus dripping at the back of the throat |
s_1162 | Pretibial myxedema Name:Worrisome skin lesions, pretibial myxedemaPretibial myxedema |
s_1397 | Priapism Common name:Prolonged erection |
s_254 | Pruritus Common name:Itching of skin Question:Does your skin itch?Does your skin or skin change itch? |
s_251 | Pruritus, aggravated by change in temperature, sweating, or wool Common name:Itching aggravated by changes in temperature, sweat or wool products Name:Pruruitus, aggravated by change in temperature, sweating, or woolPruritus, aggravated by change in temperature, sweating, or wool |
s_250 | Pruritus, most intense at night Common name:Itching most intense at night |
s_1617 | Pruritus, scalp Common name:Itching of the scalp |
s_762 | Purpuric rash Common name:Rash with small, red or purple spots, not fading under pressure Question:Do you have a rash made up of many small bluish spots?Do you have red or purple spots, which diameter is 3–10 mm, on the skin that do not blanch on applying pressure? |
s_388 | Pustule Common name:Vesicles filled with pus, up to 1 cm in diameter Question:Do you get pimples that sometimes become infected or fill with pus?Do you have pustules (vesicles filled with pus, whose diameter does not exceed 1 cm)? Name:PimplesPustule |
s_707 | Re-experiencing the psychological trauma - circumstances resembling or associated with the stressor Common name:Re-experiencing the traumatic event when circumstances resemble or associate with it |
s_706 | Re-experiencing the psychological trauma in nightmares Common name:Re-experiencing the traumatic event in nightmares Name:Re-experiencing psychological trauma in nightmaresRe-experiencing the psychological trauma in nightmares |
s_705 | Re-experiencing the psychological trauma in recurring flashbacks Common name:Re-experiencing the traumatic event in recurring distressing memories |
s_708 | Re-experiencing the psychological trauma through physiological reactivity Common name:Strong physiological reactions while re-experiencing the traumatic event Name:Re-experiencing psychological trauma through physiological reactivityRe-experiencing the psychological trauma through physiological reactivity |
s_72 | Red and stinging conjunctivae Common name:Red and stinging eyes Name:Red eye, stinging conjunctivaeRed and stinging conjunctivae |
s_384 | Red maculas with silver-white, flaky scales Common name:Red skin patches with silver-white, flaky scales |
s_1301 | Red macules Question:Do you have red macules on your skin, which diameter is less than 10 mm at the widest point? Name:Maculopapular rashRed macules |
s_202 | Red rings with light centers on skin Common name:Red rings with light centers on the skin |
s_73 | Red stretch marks on abdomen, hips or thighs Name:Worrisome skin lesions, red stretch marks on abdomen, hips or thighsRed stretch marks on abdomen, hips or thighs |
s_758 | Redness on shoulders and nape of neck Common name:Redness on the shoulders and the back of the neck |
s_572 | Reduced degree of facial expression Common name:Face lacking expression or animation Name:Reduced degree of facial expression (hypomimia)Reduced degree of facial expression |
s_330 | Regurgitation Common name:Swallowed food coming back up into the mouth |
s_186 | Restricted mobility, problem bending over Common name:Difficulty bending down |
s_343 | Retraction or indentation of nipple Common name:Change in the nipple |
s_1682 | Rhinophyma Common name:Ruddy, bulbous nose |
s_1544 | Scarlet fever rash Name:Maculopapular rash, scarlet fever rashScarlet fever rash |
s_1492 | Scleral icterus Common name:Yellow eyes |
s_124 | Scotoma, eye floaters Common name:Black spots in vision |
s_829 | Secret drinking Name:Hide drinking, secret drinkingSecret drinking |
s_972 | Sensory loss in both arms Common name:Loss of feeling in both arms Question:Do you have loss of feeling involving both of your arms?Have you lost feeling in both of your arms? |
s_313 | Sensory loss in one limb Common name:Loss of feeling in one arm or leg Question:Do you have loss of feeling in one arm or leg?Have you lost feeling in one of your arms or legs? |
s_959 | Sensory loss involving the face Common name:Loss of feeling in face Question:Does the patient have sensory loss in the face?Have you lost feeling in your face, completely or partially? |
s_1470 | Skin desquamation Common name:Skin shedding |
s_382 | Skin mole or birthmark with diameter > 0.25 in Question:Is the diameter of your mole or skin growth more than a quarter of an inch (6.3 mm)?Is the diameter of your mole or birthmark more than a quarter of an inch (6 mm)? Name:Worrisome skin lesions, diameter > .25 inSkin mole or birthmark with diameter > 0.25 in |
s_381 | Skin mole or birthmark with irregular border Question:Do you have a mole or skin growth with irregular (ragged or indistinct) edges?Do you have a mole or birthmark with irregular edges? Name:Worrisome skin lesions, irregular borderSkin mole or birthmark with irregular border |
s_43 | Skin pain, severe Common name:Severe skin pain |
s_49 | Skin pain, severe, lasting more than a few hours Common name:Severe skin pain lasting more than few hours |
s_1209 | Skin pallor, sudden Common name:Sudden paleness of skin |
s_376 | Skin phototype I or II Name:Phototype I or IISkin phototype I or II |
s_238 | Slower gait Common name:Slower walk |
s_93 | Smoking large quantity of cigarettes Common name:Smoking a lot Name:Large quantity of cigarettes smokedSmoking large quantity of cigarettes |
s_308 | Smoking most cigarettes in the morning Name:Most cigarettes in the morningSmoking most cigarettes in the morning |
s_571 | Spasticity Common name:Increased muscle tension Name:Increased muscle tension (spasticity)Spasticity |
s_259 | Spine or joints stiffness subsiding after exercise Name:Stiffness subsides after exerciseSpine or joints stiffness subsiding after exercise |
s_1045 | Splenomegaly Common name:Enlarged spleen |
s_1434 | Steatorrhea Common name:Fatty stools |
s_880 | Stimulants use (amphetamine, cocaine) Name:Stimulants use, taking stimulants (amphetamine, cocaine)Stimulants use (amphetamine, cocaine) |
s_201 | Stinging eyes and feeling of sand under eyelids Name:Stinging conjunctivae, feeling of sand under eyelidStinging eyes and feeling of sand under eyelids |
s_221 | Surface of lesion on genitals resembles cauliflower Common name:Growths on genitals resembling cauliflower |
s_383 | Suspicious mole or birthmark Common name:Suspicious mole or birthmark on the skin Question:Do you have a mole, birthmark or skin growth that has changed recently (grown larger, darkened, started to bleed or itch)?Do you have a suspicious mole or birthmark on your skin? Name:Worrisome skin lesions, recent change (enlargement, darkening, bleeding, itching)Suspicious mole or birthmark |
s_217 | Sweating, night Common name:Night sweats |
s_1182 | Swelling in the mastoid region Common name:Swelling behind ear Name:Swelling in the mastoid region (behind the ear)Swelling in the mastoid region |
s_1124 | Swelling of dorsal side of feet Question:Is there swelling on the top of your feet and around your ankles?Is there swelling on the top of your feet? Name:Swelling of the dorsal side (top) of the feet and around anklesSwelling of dorsal side of feet |
s_161 | Symptoms appear few days before period Name:Symptoms appear a few days before periodSymptoms appear few days before period |
s_160 | Symptoms increase in evening Name:Symptoms increase in the eveningSymptoms increase in evening |
s_261 | Tachycardia Common name:Fast heartbeat |
s_545 | Telangiectasias Common name:Visible dilated blood vessels on the skin or mucous membranes |
s_1685 | Telangiectasias, face Common name:Visible dilated blood vessels on face |
s_640 | Tenesmus Common name:Sensation of needing to pass stool |
s_1790 | Thickened nails Name:Thickened nailThickened nails |
s_407 | Tinnitus Common name:Ringing in ears |
s_937 | Tinnitus, low-frequency Common name:Rumbling in ear |
s_1466 | Tinnitus, pulsatile Common name:Pulsing sound in ears |
s_1085 | Toenail dystrophy Common name:Degeneration of toenail |
s_607 | Tongue erythema Common name:Unusually red tongue |
s_995 | Tongue muscle atrophy Common name:Decline in tongue size |
s_1534 | Tonsil stones Common name:White or yellow formations in tonsils |
s_55 | Toothache after contact with cold, sweet or hot food Name:Tooth pain after contact with cold, sweet or hot foodToothache after contact with cold, sweet or hot food |
s_339 | Toothache, reduced after cold foods or drinks Common name:Cold foods or drinks ease toothache Name:Cold foods ease toothacheToothache, reduced after cold foods or drinks |
s_233 | Toothache, severe Common name:Severe toothache |
s_231 | Toothache, strong reaction to heat Common name:Toothache worsened by heat Name:Tooth reacts strongly to heatToothache, strong reaction to heat |
s_1421 | Tremor, flapping Common name:Flapping tremor |
s_1264 | Tremor, intention Common name:Intention tremor |
s_1454 | Tremor, kinetic Common name:Trembling during movement Question:Do your have tremors during the course of a voluntary movement?Do your muscles tremble during movement? |
s_1455 | Tremor, resting Common name:Trembling at rest |
s_538 | Tremors Common name:Muscle trembling |
s_87 | Tremors, both hands Common name:Trembling of both hands |
s_86 | Tremors, in one hand Common name:Trembling of one hand |
s_1765 | Tremors, stress-related Common name:Trembling worsening under stress Question:Are the tremors triggered or aggravated by stress?Is the trembling triggered or aggravated by stress? |
s_84 | Tremors, subside after drinking alcohol Common name:Trembling subsiding after alcohol |
s_590 | Tremors, tongue Common name:Trembling of tongue |
s_601 | Tremors, worsen after caffeine intake Common name:Trembling worsening after caffeine |
s_256 | Trismus Common name:Difficulty with mouth opening |
s_672 | Ulcer on skin Common name:Sore of the skin or mucous membrane Question:Have you noticed an ulceration (sore) on your skin?Have you noticed an ulcer (open craters, often round, with a red skin around it) on your skin or mucous membrane? Name:Skin ulcerationUlcer on skin |
s_668 | Unilateral enophthalmos Common name:Sunken eye |
s_966 | Unilateral eye socket pain Common name:Pain in one of eye sockets |
s_149 | Unilateral facial paresis Common name:Facial weakness on one side of face |
s_1586 | Unilateral vulval swelling Common name:Vulval swelling on one side Question:Have you noticed unilateral swelling of vulva?Have you noticed swelling of vulva on one side? |
s_153 | Urinary incontinence Question:Have you had any urinary incontinence (involuntarily urinating in small amounts)?Do you sometimes urinate involuntarily in small amounts? |
s_696 | Urinary retention Common name:Unable to urinate Question:Do you have urinary retention (are you unable to urinate)?Are you unable to urinate even though you feel your bladder is full? |
s_690 | Urinary urgency Common name:Urgent need to urinate |
s_393 | Urticaria Common name:Hives |
s_791 | Urticaria triggered by cold Common name:Hives appearing after exposure to cold, water or wind |
s_793 | Urticaria triggered by heat Common name:Hives appearing after exposure to heat |
s_790 | Urticaria triggered by prolonged pressure on the skin Common name:Hives appearing after exposure to prolonged pressure on the skin |
s_789 | Urticaria triggered by scratching Common name:Hives after scratching |
s_794 | Urticaria triggered by sunlight Common name:Hives appearing after exposure to sunlight or UV radiation Name:Urticaria triggered by sunlight (sun urticaria)Urticaria triggered by sunlight |
s_792 | Urticaria triggered by vibration Common name:Hives appearing after exposure to vibration |
s_759 | V-shaped redness on chest Common name:V-shaped redness on the chest |
s_1318 | Vesicular exanthema of mouth or ear Common name:Blisters around mouth or ear |
s_307 | Vomiting, less than 1h after meal Common name:Vomiting shortly after meal |
s_1365 | Vomiting, more often in the morning Common name:Vomiting more often in the morning |
s_800 | Vomiting, on an empty stomach Common name:Vomiting on an empty stomach |
s_801 | Vomiting, projectile Common name:Vomiting that ejects with great force |
s_1219 | Waist-hip ratio (WHR) over 0.85 in women Name:Waist-hip ratio (WHR) over 0,85 in womenWaist-hip ratio (WHR) over 0.85 in women |
s_1218 | Waist-hip ratio (WHR) over 1.0 in men Name:Waist-hip ratio (WHR) over 1,0 in menWaist-hip ratio (WHR) over 1.0 in men |
s_776 | Waking up early Name:Sleep disorder, early waking upWaking up early |
s_355 | Warts in the genital area Name:Worrisome skin lesions, warts in genital areaWarts in the genital area |
s_1332 | Weakness exacerbates after exercise Common name:Weakness worsening after exercise |
s_474 | Wheezing Common name:Whistling sound made while breathing Question:Have you been wheezing?Have you been wheezing (making whistling sound while breathing)? |
s_1673 | White oral plaques Common name:White patches on the oral mucous membrane Question:Do you have white plaques or patches on your oral mucosa?Do you have white plaques or patches on your oral mucous membrane? |
s_613 | Xanthelasma Common name:Yellow skin lesions on eyelids |
s_1561 | Xanthoma Common name:Yellowish deposits under skin |
s_1789 | Yellow nail discoloration Common name:Yellow nails |
Risk factors
Updated (3)
p_74 | Craniocerebral trauma Common name:Head injury |
p_9 | Hypertension Common name:High blood pressure |
p_48 | Insect bite Answers:Yes|NoYes|No|Don't know |
Laboratory tests
Added (1)
lt_526 | Total anti-hepatitis B core antibody titer |
Updated (219)
lt_335 | 75-g oral glucose tolerance test - growth hormone suppression test Name:75-g oral glucose tolerance test (75g OGTT)-GH suppression test75-g oral glucose tolerance test - growth hormone suppression test |
lt_373 | Abnormal bromsulphalein test result Name:Abnormal BSP testAbnormal bromsulphalein test result |
lt_12 | Absolute basophil count Name:Absolute basophil count (ABC)Absolute basophil count |
lt_11 | Absolute eosinophil count Name:Absolute eosinophil count (AEC)Absolute eosinophil count |
lt_13 | Absolute lymphocyte count Name:Absolute lymphocyte count (ALC)Absolute lymphocyte count |
lt_86 | Absolute monocyte count Name:Absolute monocyte count (AMC)Absolute monocyte count |
lt_10 | Absolute neutrophil count Name:Absolute neutrophil count (ANC)Absolute neutrophil count |
lt_258 | Acid-fast Bacillus smear Name:Acid-fast Bacillus (AFB) smearAcid-fast Bacillus smear |
lt_66 | Activated partial thromboplastin time Name:Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)Activated partial thromboplastin time |
lt_148 | Adrenocorticotropic hormone concentration Name:Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) concentrationAdrenocorticotropic hormone concentration |
lt_367 | Anti-HCV antibody titer using ELISA test Name:Anti-HCV antibody titer (ELISA test)Anti-HCV antibody titer using ELISA test |
lt_369 | Anti-HCV titer using recombinant immunoblot assay Name:Anti-HCV titer (RIBA test)Anti-HCV titer using recombinant immunoblot assay |
lt_293 | Anti-HIV antibody titer using Western blot test Name:Anti-HIV antibody titer (Western blot test)Anti-HIV antibody titer using Western blot test |
lt_372 | Anti-Liver-Kidney Microsome antibody titer Name:Anti-liver kidney microsomal (anti-LKM) antibody titerAnti-Liver-Kidney Microsome antibody titer |
lt_256 | Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody titer Name:Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody (ASCA) titerAnti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody titer |
lt_513 | Anti-West Nile virus IgM antibody titer Name:Anti-West Nile virus (WNV) IgM antibody titerAnti-West Nile virus IgM antibody titer |
lt_131 | Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody titer Name:Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (a-CCP) antibody titerAnti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody titer |
lt_134 | Anti-double-stranded DNA antibody titer Name:Anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) antibody titerAnti-double-stranded DNA antibody titer |
lt_202 | Anti-gliadin antibody titer Name:Anti-gliadin antibody (AGA) titerAnti-gliadin antibody titer |
lt_300 | Anti-insulin antibody titer Name:Anti-insulin antibody (anti-IAA) titerAnti-insulin antibody titer |
lt_217 | Anti-intrinsic factor antibody titer Name:Anti-intrinsic factor antibody (AIFA) titerAnti-intrinsic factor antibody titer |
lt_444 | Anti-neuronal nuclear antibodies type 1 titer Name:Anti-neuronal nuclear antibodies type 1 (ANNA-1) titerAnti-neuronal nuclear antibodies type 1 titer |
lt_135 | Anti-streptolysin O titer Name:Anti-streptolysin O (ASO) titerAnti-streptolysin O titer |
lt_326 | Anti-thyroglobulin antibody titer Name:Anti-thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb) titerAnti-thyroglobulin antibody titer |
lt_325 | Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody titer Name:Anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) antibody titerAnti-thyroid peroxidase antibody titer |
lt_203 | Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody titer Name:Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody (ATA, anti-tTG) titerAnti-tissue transglutaminase antibody titer |
lt_118 | Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody titer Name:Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (c-ANCA) titerAntineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody titer |
lt_92 | Antinuclear antibody titer Name:Antinuclear antibody (ANA) titerAntinuclear antibody titer |
lt_358 | Anti–glomerular basement membrane antibody titer Name:Anti–glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibody titerAnti–glomerular basement membrane antibody titer |
lt_70 | Arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure Name:Arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure (PaCO2)Arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure |
lt_71 | Arterial oxygen partial pressure Name:Arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO2)Arterial oxygen partial pressure |
lt_344 | Aspartate aminotransferase to alanine aminotransferase ratio Name:AST/ALT ratioAspartate aminotransferase to alanine aminotransferase ratio |
lt_87 | Base excess Name:Base excess (BE)Base excess |
lt_291 | Bleeding time Name:Bleeding time (BT)Bleeding time |
lt_346 | Blood alcohol concentration Name:Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)Blood alcohol concentration |
lt_427 | Blood lead level Name:Blood lead level (BLL)Blood lead level |
lt_129 | Brain natriuretic peptide concentration Name:Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentrationBrain natriuretic peptide concentration |
lt_44 | C-reactive protein concentration Name:C-reactive protein concentration (CRP)C-reactive protein concentration |
lt_443 | Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin concentration Name:Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) concentrationCarbohydrate-deficient transferrin concentration |
lt_122 | Carboxyhemoglobin level Name:Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levelCarboxyhemoglobin level |
lt_501 | Cerebrospinal fluid albumin concentration Name:Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) albumin concentrationCerebrospinal fluid albumin concentration |
lt_181 | Cerebrospinal fluid beta-amyloid (1-42) concentration Name:Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) beta-amyloid (1-42) concentrationCerebrospinal fluid beta-amyloid (1-42) concentration |
lt_453 | Cerebrospinal fluid chloride concentration Name:Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) chloride concentrationCerebrospinal fluid chloride concentration |
lt_199 | Cerebrospinal fluid gamma-globulin concentration Name:Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) gamma-globulin concentrationCerebrospinal fluid gamma-globulin concentration |
lt_183 | Cerebrospinal fluid glucose concentration Name:Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) glucose concentrationCerebrospinal fluid glucose concentration |
lt_200 | Cerebrospinal fluid lactate concentration Name:Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactate concentrationCerebrospinal fluid lactate concentration |
lt_504 | Cerebrospinal fluid lymphocyte count Name:Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lymphocyte countCerebrospinal fluid lymphocyte count |
lt_505 | Cerebrospinal fluid neutrophils count Name:Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) neutrophils countCerebrospinal fluid neutrophils count |
lt_180 | Cerebrospinal fluid tau protein concentration Name:Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tau protein concentrationCerebrospinal fluid tau protein concentration |
lt_90 | Cerebrospinal fluid total protein concentration Name:Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) total protein concentrationCerebrospinal fluid total protein concentration |
lt_286 | Closure time Name:Closure time (CT)Closure time |
lt_250 | Corticotropin-releasing hormone concentration Name:Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) concentrationCorticotropin-releasing hormone concentration |
lt_175 | Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentration Name:Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) concentrationDehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentration |
lt_209 | Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or its metabolite in blood Name:Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or its metabolite in bloodDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or its metabolite in blood |
lt_210 | Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or its metabolite in urine Name:Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or its metabolite in urineDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or its metabolite in urine |
lt_348 | Detection of Gumprecht shadows in peripheral blood smear Name:Detection of Gumprecht shadows (smudge cells) in peripheral blood smearDetection of Gumprecht shadows in peripheral blood smear |
lt_282 | Detection of oligoclonal gamma-globulin banding of cerebrospinal fluid using electrophoresis Name:Detection of oligoclonal gamma-globulin banding of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) using electrophoresisDetection of oligoclonal gamma-globulin banding of cerebrospinal fluid using electrophoresis |
lt_375 | Detection of target cells in peripheral blood smear Name:Detection of target cells (codocytes) in peripheral blood smearDetection of target cells in peripheral blood smear |
lt_276 | Direct renin concentration Name:Direct renin concentration (DRC)Direct renin concentration |
lt_45 | Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Name:Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate |
lt_121 | Erythropoietin concentration Name:Erythropoietin (EPO) concentrationErythropoietin concentration |
lt_84 | Estimated glomerular filtration rate Name:Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)Estimated glomerular filtration rate |
lt_268 | Fecal white blood cell count Name:Fecal white blood cell (WBC) countFecal white blood cell count |
lt_172 | Follicle-stimulating hormone concentration Name:Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrationFollicle-stimulating hormone concentration |
lt_252 | Free PSA/total PSA ratio Name:fPSA/tPSA ratioFree PSA/total PSA ratio |
lt_111 | Free fatty acid concentration Name:Free fatty acid (FFA) concentrationFree fatty acid concentration |
lt_126 | Free prostate specific antigen concentration Name:Free PSA (fPSA)Free prostate specific antigen concentration |
lt_77 | Free thyroxine concentration Name:fT4 concentrationFree thyroxine concentration |
lt_76 | Free triiodothyronine concentration Name:fT3 concentrationFree triiodothyronine concentration |
lt_232 | Gastric acid secretion Name:Gastric acid (HCl) secretionGastric acid secretion |
lt_88 | Glycated hemoglobin Name:Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)Glycated hemoglobin |
lt_399 | Group A streptococcus antigens discovered using rapid strep test Name:Group A streptococcus antigens discovered using RST (rapid strep test)Group A streptococcus antigens discovered using rapid strep test |
lt_165 | Growth hormone concentration Name:Growth hormone (GH) concentrationGrowth hormone concentration |
lt_72 | HCO3 Actual Name:HCO3 Actual (HCO3-act)HCO3 Actual |
lt_414 | Heart rate Name:Heart rate (HR)Heart rate |
lt_6 | Hematocrit Name:Hematocrit (Ht, HCT)Hematocrit |
lt_5 | Hemoglobin Name:Hemoglobin (Hb, Hgb)Hemoglobin |
lt_218 | Hemoglobin distribution width Name:Hemoglobin distribution width (HDW)Hemoglobin distribution width |
lt_498 | Hepatitis B surface antibody titer Name:Hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) titerHepatitis B surface antibody titer |
lt_426 | High hemoglobin S percentage in hemoglobin electrophoresis Name:High HbS percentage in hemoglobin electrophoresisHigh hemoglobin S percentage in hemoglobin electrophoresis |
lt_533 | Human Epididymis Protein 4 Name:Human Epididymis Protein 4 (HE4)Human Epididymis Protein 4 |
lt_269 | Human Leukocyte Antigen B27 Name:Human leukocyte antigen B27 (HLA-B27)Human Leukocyte Antigen B27 |
lt_366 | IgM antibody to hepatitis B core antigen titer Name:IgM antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (IgM anti-HBc) titerIgM antibody to hepatitis B core antigen titer |
lt_431 | Intraocular pressure Name:Intraocular pressure (IOP)Intraocular pressure |
lt_299 | Islet cell antibody titer Name:Islet cell antibody (ICA) titerIslet cell antibody titer |
lt_343 | Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase Name:Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP)Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase |
lt_208 | Lupus anticoagulant Name:Lupus anticoagulant (LA)Lupus anticoagulant |
lt_178 | Luteinizing hormone concentration Name:Luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrationLuteinizing hormone concentration |
lt_3 | Mean corpuscular hemoglobin Name:Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)Mean corpuscular hemoglobin |
lt_4 | Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration Name:Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration |
lt_2 | Mean corpuscular volume Name:Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)Mean corpuscular volume |
lt_314 | Mean platelet volume Name:Mean platelet volume (MPV)Mean platelet volume |
lt_123 | Methemoglobin Name:Methemoglobin (MetHb)Methemoglobin |
lt_416 | Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin Name:Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL)Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin |
lt_376 | Osmotic fragility test Name:Osmotic fragility test (OFT)Osmotic fragility test |
lt_74 | Oxygen saturation Name:Oxygen saturation (SaO2, SatO2)Oxygen saturation |
lt_156 | Parathyroid hormone concentration Name:Parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentrationParathyroid hormone concentration |
lt_211 | Percentage of bands Name:Percentage of bands (BAND)Percentage of bands |
lt_16 | Percentage of basophils Name:Percentage of basophils (%baso)Percentage of basophils |
lt_15 | Percentage of eosinophils Name:Percentage of eosinophils (%eos)Percentage of eosinophils |
lt_17 | Percentage of lymphocytes Name:Percentage of lymphocytes (%lymph)Percentage of lymphocytes |
lt_302 | Percentage of monocytes Name:Percentage of monocytes (%mono)Percentage of monocytes |
lt_14 | Percentage of neutrophils Name:Percentage of neutrophils (%neutro)Percentage of neutrophils |
lt_93 | Perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody titer Name:Perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (p-ANCA) titerPerinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody titer |
lt_523 | Plasma HIV RNA Name:Plasma HIV RNA (viral load)Plasma HIV RNA |
lt_354 | Plasma aldosterone concentration Name:Plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC)Plasma aldosterone concentration |
lt_510 | Plasma aldosterone concentration to plasma renin activity ratio Name:Plasma aldosterone concentration to plasma renin activity (PAC/PRA) ratioPlasma aldosterone concentration to plasma renin activity ratio |
lt_279 | Plasma renin activity Name:Plasma renin activity (PRA)Plasma renin activity |
lt_287 | Plasma von Willebrand factor concentration Name:Plasma von Willebrand factor (vWF) concentrationPlasma von Willebrand factor concentration |
lt_18 | Platelet count Name:Platelet count (PLT)Platelet count |
lt_315 | Platelet distribution width Name:Platelet distribution width (PDW)Platelet distribution width |
lt_471 | Plateletcrit Name:Plateletcrit (PCT)Plateletcrit |
lt_403 | Positive cerebrospinal fluid Gram stain results Name:Positive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Gram stain resultsPositive cerebrospinal fluid Gram stain results |
lt_157 | Positive fecal occult blood test Name:Positive fecal occult blood (FOB) testPositive fecal occult blood test |
lt_259 | Positive interferon gamma release assay Name:Positive interferon gamma release assay (IGRA)Positive interferon gamma release assay |
lt_494 | Positive result of Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test Name:Positive result of Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test (VDRL)Positive result of Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test |
lt_402 | Positive result of cerebrospinal fluid culture Name:Positive result of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culturePositive result of cerebrospinal fluid culture |
lt_492 | Positive result of rapid plasma reagin test Name:Positive result of rapid plasma reagin (RPR) testPositive result of rapid plasma reagin test |
lt_380 | Positive result of urea breath test Name:Positive result of urea breath test (UBT)Positive result of urea breath test |
lt_119 | Prolactin concentration Name:Prolactin (PRL) concentrationProlactin concentration |
lt_67 | Prothrombin time Name:Prothrombin time (PT)/ International normalized ratio (INR)Prothrombin time |
lt_1 | Red blood cell count Name:Red blood cell (RBC) countRed blood cell count |
lt_531 | Red blood cell count in cerebrospinal fluid Name:Red blood cell count in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)Red blood cell count in cerebrospinal fluid |
lt_150 | Red blood cell distribution width Name:RBC distribution width (RDW)Red blood cell distribution width |
lt_417 | Red cell zinc protoporphyrin concentration Name:Red cell zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) concentrationRed cell zinc protoporphyrin concentration |
lt_7 | Reticulocyte count Name:Reticulocyte count (RET)Reticulocyte count |
lt_130 | Rheumatoid factor Name:Rheumatoid factor (RF)Rheumatoid factor |
lt_207 | Serum C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen concentration Name:Serum C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP) concentrationSerum C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen concentration |
lt_28 | Serum HDL-cholesterol concentration Name:Serum HDL-cholesterol (HDL, HDL-C) concentrationSerum HDL-cholesterol concentration |
lt_365 | Serum Hepatitis B e antigen titer Name:Serum Hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) titerSerum Hepatitis B e antigen titer |
lt_364 | Serum Hepatitis B surface antigen Name:Serum Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)Serum Hepatitis B surface antigen |
lt_29 | Serum LDL-cholesterol concentration Name:Serum LDL-cholesterol (LDL, LDL-C) concentrationSerum LDL-cholesterol concentration |
lt_257 | Serum Neuron Specific Enolase concentration Name:Serum Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) concentrationSerum Neuron Specific Enolase concentration |
lt_36 | Serum acid phosphatase activity Name:Serum acid phosphatase (ACP) activitySerum acid phosphatase activity |
lt_94 | Serum aldolase activity Name:Serum aldolase activity (ALD)Serum aldolase activity |
lt_35 | Serum alkaline phosphatase activity Name:Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activitySerum alkaline phosphatase activity |
lt_51 | Serum alpha-fetoprotein concentration Name:Serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) concentrationSerum alpha-fetoprotein concentration |
lt_294 | Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme level Name:Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) levelSerum angiotensin-converting enzyme level |
lt_485 | Serum anti-Ehrlichia chaffeensis IgG antibody titer Name:Serum anti-Ehrlichia chaffeensis (HME) IgG antibody titerSerum anti-Ehrlichia chaffeensis IgG antibody titer |
lt_224 | Serum anti-Epstein-Barr Virus antibody titer Name:Serum anti-Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) antibody titerSerum anti-Epstein-Barr Virus antibody titer |
lt_105 | Serum anti-Smith antibody titer Name:Serum anti-Smith (anti-Sm) antibody titerSerum anti-Smith antibody titer |
lt_230 | Serum anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody titer Name:Serum anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody (anti-AChR) titerSerum anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody titer |
lt_204 | Serum anti-endomysial antibody titer Name:Serum anti-endomysial antibody (EMA) titerSerum anti-endomysial antibody titer |
lt_133 | Serum anti-gastric parietal cell antibody titer Name:Serum anti-gastric parietal cell antibody (APCA) titerSerum anti-gastric parietal cell antibody titer |
lt_374 | Serum anti-mitochondrial antibody titer Name:Serum anti-mitochondrial antibody (AMA) titerSerum anti-mitochondrial antibody titer |
lt_231 | Serum anti-muscle-specific tyrosine kinase antibody titer Name:Serum anti-muscle-specific tyrosine kinase (anti-MuSK) antibody titerSerum anti-muscle-specific tyrosine kinase antibody titer |
lt_371 | Serum anti-smooth-muscle antibody titer Name:Serum anti-smooth-muscle antibody (ASMA) titerSerum anti-smooth-muscle antibody titer |
lt_429 | Serum anti-soluble liver antigen antibody titer Name:Serum anti-soluble liver antigen antibody (SLA) titerSerum anti-soluble liver antigen antibody titer |
lt_227 | Serum anticardiolipin antibody titer Name:Serum anticardiolipin antibody (ACA) titerSerum anticardiolipin antibody titer |
lt_303 | Serum antidiuretic hormone concentration Name:Serum antidiuretic hormone (ADH) concentrationSerum antidiuretic hormone concentration |
lt_50 | Serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin concentration Name:Serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG) concentrationSerum beta human chorionic gonadotropin concentration |
lt_201 | Serum bone alkaline phosphatase activity Name:Serum bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP, BALP) activitySerum bone alkaline phosphatase activity |
lt_132 | Serum calcitonin concentration Name:Serum calcitonin (CT) concentrationSerum calcitonin concentration |
lt_49 | Serum carcinoembryonic antigen concentration Name:Serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) concentrationSerum carcinoembryonic antigen concentration |
lt_22 | Serum chloride concentration Name:Serum chloride (Cl) concentrationSerum chloride concentration |
lt_140 | Serum cholinesterase activity Name:Serum cholinesterase (CHE) activitySerum cholinesterase activity |
lt_308 | Serum chromogranin A concentration Name:Serum chromogranin A (CgA) concentrationSerum chromogranin A concentration |
lt_297 | Serum connecting peptide concentration Name:Serum connecting peptide (C-peptide) concentrationSerum connecting peptide concentration |
lt_143 | Serum copper concentration Name:Serum copper (Cu) concentrationSerum copper concentration |
lt_137 | Serum creatine kinase MB mass concentration Name:Serum creatine kinase MB (CK-MB) mass concentrationSerum creatine kinase MB mass concentration |
lt_40 | Serum creatine kinase activity Name:Serum creatine kinase (CK) activitySerum creatine kinase activity |
lt_173 | Serum estradiol concentration Name:Serum estradiol (E2) concentrationSerum estradiol concentration |
lt_25 | Serum free ionized calcium concentration Name:Serum free (ionized) calcium (Ca++) concentrationSerum free ionized calcium concentration |
lt_463 | Serum free light chains Name:Serum Free Light ChainsSerum free light chains |
lt_37 | Serum gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity Name:Serum gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT, GGTP) activitySerum gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity |
lt_34 | Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase activity Name:Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) activitySerum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase activity |
lt_33 | Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase activity Name:Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) activitySerum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase activity |
lt_128 | Serum heart type creatine kinase isoenzyme activity Name:Serum heart type creatine kinase isoenzyme (CK MB) activitySerum heart type creatine kinase isoenzyme activity |
lt_277 | Serum homocysteine concentration Name:Serum homocysteine (Hcy) concentrationSerum homocysteine concentration |
lt_166 | Serum insulin-like growth factor-1 concentration Name:Serum insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentrationSerum insulin-like growth factor-1 concentration |
lt_420 | Serum ischemia-modified albumin concentration Name:Serum ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) concentrationSerum ischemia-modified albumin concentration |
lt_78 | Serum lactic dehydrogenase activity Name:Serum lactic dehydrogenase (LDH, LD) activitySerum lactic dehydrogenase activity |
lt_42 | Serum lipase activity Name:Serum lipase (LPS) activitySerum lipase activity |
lt_23 | Serum magnesium concentration Name:Serum magnesium (Mg) concentrationSerum magnesium concentration |
lt_95 | Serum myoglobin concentration Name:Serum myoglobin (Mb) concentrationSerum myoglobin concentration |
lt_163 | Serum noradrenaline concentration Name:Serum noradrenaline (norepinephrine) concentrationSerum noradrenaline concentration |
lt_281 | Serum osteocalcin concentration Name:Serum osteocalcin (OC) concentrationSerum osteocalcin concentration |
lt_26 | Serum phosphate concentration Name:Serum phosphate (PO4) concentrationSerum phosphate concentration |
lt_21 | Serum potassium concentration Name:Serum potassium (K) concentrationSerum potassium concentration |
lt_273 | Serum sex hormone binding globulin concentration Name:Serum sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) concentrationSerum sex hormone binding globulin concentration |
lt_20 | Serum sodium concentration Name:Serum sodium (Na) concentrationSerum sodium concentration |
lt_124 | Serum squamous cell carcinoma antigen concentration Name:Serum squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) antigen concentrationSerum squamous cell carcinoma antigen concentration |
lt_474 | Serum to ascites albumin gradient Name:Serum-to-ascites albumin gradient (SAAG)Serum to ascites albumin gradient |
lt_43 | Serum total IgE concentration Name:Serum total IgE concentration (total IgE)Serum total IgE concentration |
lt_24 | Serum total calcium concentration Name:Serum total calcium (CaT) concentrationSerum total calcium concentration |
lt_27 | Serum total cholesterol concentration Name:Serum total cholesterol (TCH) concentrationSerum total cholesterol concentration |
lt_89 | Serum triglyceride concentration Name:Serum triglyceride (TG, TRIG) concentrationSerum triglyceride concentration |
lt_370 | Serum vasoactive intestinal peptide concentration Name:Serum vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) concentrationSerum vasoactive intestinal peptide concentration |
lt_169 | Serum vitamin B2 concentration Name:Serum vitamin B2 (riboflavin) concentrationSerum vitamin B2 concentration |
lt_283 | Serum vitamin C concentration Name:Serum vitamin C (ascorbic acid) concentrationSerum vitamin C concentration |
lt_170 | Serum zinc concentration Name:Serum zinc (Zn) concentrationSerum zinc concentration |
lt_425 | Sickle cells in peripheral blood smear Name:Sickle cells (drepanocytes) in peripheral blood smearSickle cells in peripheral blood smear |
lt_152 | Soluble transferrin receptor concentration Name:Soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) concentrationSoluble transferrin receptor concentration |
lt_400 | Sputum or bronchoalveolar lavage culture positive for Legionella pneumophila Name:Sputum or BAL culture positive for Legionella pneumophilaSputum or bronchoalveolar lavage culture positive for Legionella pneumophila |
lt_116 | Standard bicarbonate concentration Name:Standard bicarbonate concentration (SBCe)Standard bicarbonate concentration |
lt_327 | TSH-receptor antibody titer Name:TSH-receptor antibody (TRAb) titerTSH-receptor antibody titer |
lt_355 | Thyroglobulin concentration Name:Thyroglobulin (Tg) concentrationThyroglobulin concentration |
lt_75 | Thyroid stimulating hormone concentration Name:Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrationThyroid stimulating hormone concentration |
lt_149 | Total Iron Binding Capacity Name:Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)Total Iron Binding Capacity |
lt_46 | Total PSA concentration Name:Total PSA (tPSA) concentrationTotal PSA concentration |
lt_53 | Total serum iron Name:Total serum iron (TSI)Total serum iron |
lt_220 | Transferrin saturation Name:Transferrin saturation (TSAT)Transferrin saturation |
lt_127 | Troponin concentration Name:Troponin I (TnI)/ Troponin T (TnT) concentrationTroponin concentration |
lt_296 | Two-hour oral glucose tolerance test Name:Two-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)Two-hour oral glucose tolerance test |
lt_307 | Urine 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentration (24-hour sample) Name:Urine 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) concentration (24-hour sample)Urine 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentration (24-hour sample) |
lt_184 | Urine Bence-Jones protein concentration (24-hour sample) Name:Urine Bence-Jones protein (BJP) concentration (24-hour sample)Urine Bence-Jones protein concentration (24-hour sample) |
lt_278 | Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio Name:Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR)Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio |
lt_215 | Urine catecholamine metabolites concentration (24-hour sample) Name:Urine catecholamine metabolites (metanephrine, normetanephrine, 3-methoxytyramine) concentration (24-hour sample)Urine catecholamine metabolites concentration (24-hour sample) |
lt_144 | Urine copper concentration (24-hour sample) Name:Urine copper (Cu) concentration (24-hour sample)Urine copper concentration (24-hour sample) |
lt_138 | Urine delta-aminolevulinic acid concentration (24-hour sample) Name:Urine delta-aminolevulinic acid (dALA) concentration (24-hour sample)Urine delta-aminolevulinic acid concentration (24-hour sample) |
lt_353 | Urine hemoglobin Name:Urine hemoglobin (Hgb)Urine hemoglobin |
lt_347 | Urine phosphate concentration (24-hour sample) Name:Urine phosphate (PO4) concentration (24-hour sample)Urine phosphate concentration (24-hour sample) |
lt_139 | Urine porphobilinogen concentration (24-hour sample) Name:Urine porphobilinogen (PBG) concentration (24-hour sample)Urine porphobilinogen concentration (24-hour sample) |
lt_382 | Urine potassium concentration Name:Urine potassium (K) concentrationUrine potassium concentration |
lt_377 | Urine sodium concentration Name:Urine sodium (Na) concentrationUrine sodium concentration |
lt_57 | Urine specific gravity Name:Urine specific gravity (SG)Urine specific gravity |
lt_216 | Urine vanillylmandelic acid concentration (24-hour sample) Name:Urine vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) concentration (24-hour sample)Urine vanillylmandelic acid concentration (24-hour sample) |
lt_532 | Von Willebrand factor ristocetin cofactor Name:Von Willebrand factor ristocetin cofactor (VWF:RCo)Von Willebrand factor ristocetin cofactor |
lt_8 | White blood cell count Name:White blood cell (WBC) countWhite blood cell count |