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Model: July 07, 2021
Added (11)
c_634 | Diabetic ketoacidosis | P |
c_477 | Hepatitis A | P |
c_478 | Hepatitis B | P |
c_1083 | Joint pain, unspecified | P |
c_1053 | Limb injury, unspecified location | P |
c_1064 | Major skin injury | P |
c_1063 | Minor skin injury | P |
c_1177 | Non-traumatic vertebral fracture | A |
c_1175 | Stress fracture of foot | A |
c_1176 | Stress fracture of lower leg | A |
c_1036 | Upper limb injury, unspecified location | P |
Removed (1)
c_481 | Chinese restaurant syndrome | A |
Updated (11)
c_191 | Acute hypnotic toxicity Hint:Please consult a toxicologist or a psychiatrist.You may need urgent medical attention! Go immediately to the emergency department. | A |
c_168 | Acute porphyria Hint:Please consult a family doctor or a gastroenterologist.Please consult a family doctor. If the symptoms are severe, call ambulance or go to the closest emergency department. | A |
c_7 | Anorexia nervosa Name:AnorexiaAnorexia nervosa | AP |
c_128 | Bacterial vaginosis Name:Bacterial vaginitisBacterial vaginosis | AP |
c_649 | Cardiac tamponade Hint:Call an ambulance immediately!You may need urgent medical attention! Call an ambulance immediately! | A |
c_1101 | Chlamydial genitourinary infection Name common:ChlamydiosisGenital Chlamydia | A |
c_634 | Diabetic ketoacidosis Hint:Please call an ambulance immediately, or ask someone to call one for you.You need urgent medical attention! Go immediately to the emergency department, call an ambulance, or ask someone to call one for you. | A |
c_709 | Hemorrhagic stroke Name:Non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhageHemorrhagic stroke Name common:Hemorrhagic strokeNone | AP |
c_1083 | Joint pain, unspecified Hint:If your symptoms worsen, please consult a family doctor.If the symptoms worsen, please consult a family doctor. | A |
c_953 | Psoriatic arthritis Hint:Please consult a rheumatologist.Please consult a general practitioner or a rheumatologist. | A |
c_104 | Rheumatoid arthritis Hint:Please consult a rheumatologist.Please consult a general practitioner or a rheumatologist. | A |
Added (16)
s_1693 | Decreased intensity of breath sounds | P |
s_1395 | Decreased intensity of breath sounds, right basilar lung zones | P |
s_2328 | Diarrhea, lasting 2 to 4 weeks | AP |
s_2322 | Diarrhea, lasting more than 4 weeks | AP |
s_1125 | Erythema, palmar | P |
s_2188 | Eye discharge, purulent | AP |
s_2329 | Eye discharge, thick and clear | AP |
s_2320 | Fever, lasting 3 to 7 days | AP |
s_2319 | Fever, lasting less than 3 days | AP |
s_2321 | Fever, lasting more than 7 days | AP |
s_2330 | Muscle weakness, general | AP |
s_2331 | Paresis, localised | AP |
s_2334 | Paresis, lower limb | AP |
s_2318 | Paresis, one lower limb | AP |
s_2326 | Paresis, paraparesis | AP |
s_2274 | Short stature | AP |
Removed (39)
s_1293 | Abdominal mass, after pregnancy or the removal of a molar pregnancy | A |
s_1419 | Abnormal foveal avascular zone | A |
s_1019 | Allelomimetic behaviour, allomimetic behaviour | A |
s_1269 | Aponeurotic reflex | A |
s_1120 | Atonic bladder | A |
s_1011 | Bilateral limb apraxia | A |
s_1168 | Calcification of the tympanic membrane | A |
s_357 | Decreased breast size | A |
s_1850 | Diarrhea, lasting more than 14 days | AP |
s_968 | Diminished eye motility in the same direction | A |
s_1231 | Diplopia with vertical or oblique image dispersion | A |
s_1071 | Epicritic sensation loss or impairment in fingertips | A |
s_1290 | Excessive uterine enlargement in comparison to assumed duration of pregnancy | A |
s_487 | Eye discharge, thick and clear | AP |
s_2062 | Eye discharge, watery | P |
s_77 | Fine downy hair | AP |
s_1079 | Flaccid paresis | A |
s_1080 | Flaccid paresis, symmetrical | A |
s_1022 | Hemiplegia | AP |
s_658 | Lengthening of reaction time | A |
s_766 | Muscle weakness, large proximal muscles | AP |
s_743 | Muscle weakness, legs | AP |
s_767 | Muscle weakness, standing up or climbing stairs | AP |
s_1086 | Neural tenderness | A |
s_1305 | Numbness of part of ear | A |
s_1234 | Ocular bulb rotation medially and upward | A |
s_1296 | Paralysis, limb | AP |
s_654 | Skin and blood vessel inflammation | A |
s_1169 | Splenic agenesis | A |
s_1081 | Symmetrical flaccid paresis in lower limbs (mainly feet) | A |
s_1082 | Symmetrical flaccid paresis in upper limbs (mainly hands) | A |
s_602 | Symptoms do not occur during sleep | A |
s_937 | Tinnitus, low frequency | A |
s_1085 | Toenail dystrophy | A |
s_231 | Toothache, strong reaction to heat | AP |
s_601 | Tremors, worsen after caffeine intake | A |
s_1031 | Verbal learning disability | A |
s_1219 | Waist-hip ratio (WHR) over 0.85 in women | A |
s_1218 | Waist-hip ratio (WHR) over 1.0 in men | A |
Updated (26)
s_1847 | Abdominal pain, recurrent Question:Do you have stomach pain that comes and goes periodically?Do you have stomach pain that comes and goes periodically over a period of several weeks to months? | AP |
s_2047 | Absence episodes Name common:Absence seizure | P |
s_2278 | Ataxia, acute Name common:Acute problems with movements coordinationProblems with coordination lasting minutes or hours | AP |
s_2280 | Ataxia, chronic Name common:Chronic problems with movements coordinationProblems with coordination lasting more than a year | AP |
s_2279 | Ataxia, subacute Name common:Subacute problems with movements coordinationProblems with coordination lasting days, weeks or months | AP |
s_2072 | Consciousness disturbances, acute Question:Has your confusion or disorientation started suddenly, over the course of a couple of hours or days?Has your confusion or disorientation started recently, i.e., a couple of hours or days ago? | AP |
s_1154 | Difficulty completely closing eye Name:Difficulty completely closing one eyeDifficulty completely closing eye Question:When you close your eyes, does one of them not close completely?When you close your eyes, do either of them not close completely? | AP |
s_432 | Drooping mouth corner Question:Does one corner of your mouth droop or sit lower than the other?Does either corner of the mouth droop more than usual? | A |
s_149 | Facial muscle paresis, unilateral Name:Unilateral facial paresisFacial muscle paresis, unilateral Question:Is your facial weakness only on one side?Do you have facial weakness on only one side of the face, e.g., drooping mouth corner, difficulty closing eye, or frowning on only one side? | AP |
s_1909 | Foot drop Name common:Dropping of the forefootDropping the front of the foot Question:When you walk, does the front of your foot drop and makes you stumble?When you walk, does the front of your foot drop and may make you stumble? | AP |
s_547 | Galactorrhea Question:Do you have a milky nipple discharge unassociated with childbirth or at least one year after nursing has ended?Do you have a milky nipple discharge unassociated with childbirth or nursing a baby? | A |
s_756 | Gottron's papules Question:Are the bumps on the back of your hand or fingers painful, red, or scaly?None | A |
s_1905 | Headache, sudden onset Name common:Headache reaching its climax within minutessudden headache Question:Did your headache start all of a sudden and reach its peak in a few minutes?Did your headache start all of a sudden? | AP |
s_2298 | Joint pain, mechanical Question:Does the joint pain worsen with movement and weight-bearing, and is relieved by rest?Does the joint pain worsen with movement and weight-bearing, and does it subside during rest? | AP |
s_1159 | Loss of sensation of half of the face Name:Hypesthesia of half of the faceLoss of sensation of half of the face | A |
s_822 | Nonstop alcohol consumption for several days Name:Nonstop drinking alcohol for several daysNonstop alcohol consumption for several days Name common:Nonstop drinking for several daysConstantly drinking alcohol for several days | A |
s_744 | Paresis, ascending Name:Muscle weakness, ascendingParesis, ascending Question:Has the muscle weakness started recently and in the lower parts of the body and spread upwards towards the head over a few hours or days?Has the muscle weakness started recently in the lower parts of your body and spread upwards towards your head over a few hours or days? | A |
s_1005 | Paresis, hemiparesis Name common:Weakness of one side of the bodyWeakness of only one side of the body Question:Are you having trouble moving the limbs on only one side of your body, e.g., left hand and left leg? | AP |
s_148 | Paresis, limbs Name:ParesisParesis, limbs Question:Are you having more difficulty moving your arms or legs than usual?Are you having more difficulty than usual moving your arms or legs? | AP |
s_268 | Paresis, upper limbs Question:Are you having trouble moving your arms or hands?Are you having trouble moving your hands or your arms? | AP |
s_572 | Reduced degree of facial expression Question:Have you or someone else noticed that your face lacks expression or animation, i.e., looks like a mask?Have you, or someone else, noticed that your face lacks expression, animation, or movement, i.e., it looks fixed, like a mask? | AP |
s_2 | Sexual intercourse in recent months Name:Vaginal sexual intercourse in recent monthsSexual intercourse in recent months Question:Have you had vaginal sex at least once in the past few months?Have you had sexual intercourse, involving penetration of the vagina by the penis, at least once in the past few months? | A |
s_1536 | Spine asymmetry Question:Are your shoulders or hip bones uneven or asymmetric, i.e., one side is higher or protrudes more than the other?Have you, or someone else, noticed a slight curvature of your spine from one side to the othe, or an uneven posture, shoulders, or hips? | AP |
s_1899 | Tingling fingers, first three digits Name common:Tingling in the thumb, index, and middle fingerTingling in the thumb, index and middle finger Question:Do you have a tingling feeling, like pins and needles, in your thumb, index and middle finger?Do you have a tingling feeling, like pins and needles, only in your thumb, index and middle finger? | A |
s_1900 | Tingling fingers, fourth and fifth digits Question:Do you have a tingling feeling, like pins and needles, in your ring and little finger?Do you have a tingling feeling, like pins and needles, only in your ring and little finger? | A |
s_1910 | Wrist drop Name common:Dropping hand Question:Does your wrist drop down making you unable to lift it up or hold out your hand?Does your wrist drop down making you unable to lift or hold out your hand? | AP |
Risk factors
Added (8)
p_330 | Absent COVID-19 vaccination | A |
p_281 | Breastfeeding | A |
p_139 | Contact lenses | P |
p_333 | Diagnosed osteoporosis or osteopenia | A |
p_332 | Full COVID-19 vaccination | A |
p_307 | History of head trauma | AP |
p_331 | Incomplete COVID-19 vaccination | A |
p_334 | New intensive physical activity | A |
Removed (1)
p_233 | Craniocerebral trauma in the past 5 years | AP |
Updated (4)
p_122 | Contact with animals Question:Have they come into contact with farm animals, wild animals, or pests?Have you had contact with farm animals, wild animals, or pests? | AP |
p_100 | Contact with animals, cat Name:Contact with animals, stray catContact with animals, cat Name common:Contact with stray catsContact with cats Question:Have you recently been around or had any contact with stray cats?Have you recently been around or had any contact with cats? | AP |
p_78 | Coronary disease Question:Do you suffer from any coronary artery disease, e.g., angina pectoris?Do you suffer from a coronary artery disease, e.g., angina pectoris? | A |
p_216 | Risky sexual behaviour Name:Risky sexual behaviorRisky sexual behaviour Question:Would you describe your sexual behaviour as risky, e.g., sex without condom use, having a high-risk partner, anal sex, mouth-to-genital contact, having multiple sex partners?Would you describe your sexual behaviour as risky, e.g., any type of sex without the use of a condom, with a high-risk partner, or multiple sex partners? | A |