Model 2023 09 28
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Model: September 28, 2023


Adults – 12+ yr.

Pediatrics: 0-12 yr.

Added (5)

IDConceptAge groups
c_1448Lumbosacral radiculopathyAdultsPediatrics
c_1454Neck contusionAdultsPediatrics
c_1453Protracted bacterial bronchitisAdultsPediatrics
c_1444Thoracic radiculopathyAdultsPediatrics


Added (42)

IDConceptAge groups
s_151Abnormal uterine bleeding or spotting, postmenopausalAdultsPediatrics
s_2908Abnormal uterine bleeding, nonmenstrualAdultsPediatrics
s_2115Abnormal uterine bleeding, pregnancyAdultsPediatrics
s_2909Abnormal uterine spotting, nonmenstrualAdultsPediatrics
s_2116Abnormal uterine spotting, pregnancyAdultsPediatrics
s_2969Bearable pain during limb movements, after traumaAdultsPediatrics
s_2988Eye pain, bilateralAdultsPediatrics
s_2987Eye pain, unilateralAdultsPediatrics
s_2961History of falls from a standing heightAdultsPediatrics
s_2984Inability to bear weightAdultsPediatrics
s_2992Inability to bear weight, non-traumaticAdultsPediatrics
s_2967Limb paresis, after traumaAdultsPediatrics
s_2954Limited neck rotationAdultsPediatrics
s_2155Nasal flaringAdultsPediatrics
s_2953Neck pain, sudden onsetAdultsPediatrics
s_2913No abnormal uterine bleeding or spotting, nonmenstrualAdultsPediatrics
s_2950No abnormal uterine bleeding or spotting, pregnancyAdultsPediatrics
s_2970No pain or restrictions during limb movements, after traumaAdultsPediatrics
s_2918Radicular painAdultsPediatrics
s_2986Recent miscarriageAdultsPediatrics
s_2968Reduced range of joint motion, after traumaAdultsPediatrics
s_2960Severe pain during limb movements, after traumaAdultsPediatrics
s_2955Skin burnAdultsPediatrics
s_2959Skin burn, another causeAdultsPediatrics
s_2976Skin burn, another locationAdultsPediatrics
s_2957Skin burn, chemicalAdultsPediatrics
s_2980Skin burn, covering between 10 to 20% of body surfaceAdultsPediatrics
s_2966Skin burn, covering less than 10% of body surfaceAdultsPediatrics
s_2981Skin burn, covering more than 20% of body surfaceAdultsPediatrics
s_2965Skin burn, deep tissuesAdultsPediatrics
s_2958Skin burn, electricalAdultsPediatrics
s_2971Skin burn, face or neckAdultsPediatrics
s_2973Skin burn, footAdultsPediatrics
s_2964Skin burn, full-thicknessAdultsPediatrics
s_2974Skin burn, genitalia or perineumAdultsPediatrics
s_2972Skin burn, handAdultsPediatrics
s_2975Skin burn, major jointAdultsPediatrics
s_2963Skin burn, partial-thicknessAdultsPediatrics
s_2962Skin burn, superficialAdultsPediatrics
s_2956Skin burn, thermalAdultsPediatrics
s_2982Trouble with defecation, after traumaAdultsPediatrics
s_2977Trouble with urination, after traumaAdultsPediatrics

Removed (8)

IDConceptAge groups
s_2214Chemical burnAdultsPediatrics
s_974Drop attackAdultsPediatrics
s_1989Electrical burnAdultsPediatrics
s_2080Neurological deficit, since less than 24 hoursAdultsPediatrics
s_2083Neurological deficit, since more than 24 hoursAdultsPediatrics
s_1217Nonmenstrual vaginal bleeding or spottingAdultsPediatrics
s_2601Other cause of burnAdultsPediatrics
s_2039Third-degree burnAdultsPediatrics

Updated (32)

IDConceptAge groups
s_1598Abdominal pain, below navel
Name:Abdominal pain, below belly buttonAbdominal pain, below navel
Name_common:Lower stomach painLower abdominal pain
Question:Is the stomach pain located below your belly button?Is the abdominal pain below your navel?
s_1387Abdominal pain, epigastric
Name_common:Upper central stomach painUpper central abdominal pain
Question:Is the stomach pain located in the upper-middle part of your abdomen, above the belly button?Is the pain in the upper middle part of your abdomen, above the navel?
s_1840Abdominal pain, lasting less than 2 days
Name_common:Stomach pain lasting less than 2 daysAbdominal pain lasting less than 2 days
Question:Has the stomach pain lasted less than 2 days?Has the abdominal pain lasted less than 2 days?
s_1729Abdominal pain, left lower quadrant
Name_common:Lower left side stomach painLower left side abdominal pain
Question:Is the stomach pain located in the lower-left part of your abdomen?Is the pain in the lower left part of your abdomen?
s_1591Abdominal pain, left upper quadrant
Name_common:Upper left side stomach painUpper left side abdominal pain
Question:Is the stomach pain located in the upper-left part of your abdomen?Is the pain in the upper left part of your abdomen?
s_2275Abdominal pain, localized
Name:Abdominal pain, localisedAbdominal pain, localized
Name_common:Localised stomach painLocalized abdominal pain
Question:Is the stomach pain located in a specific part of your stomach?Is the pain in just one area of your abdomen?
s_1782Abdominal pain, mild
Name_common:Mild stomach painMild abdominal pain
Question:Is the stomach pain mild?Is the abdominal pain mild?
s_1783Abdominal pain, moderate
Name_common:Moderate stomach painModerate abdominal pain
Question:Is the stomach pain moderate?Is the abdominal pain moderate?
s_1532Abdominal pain, periumbilical
Name_common:Central stomach painCentral abdominal pain
Question:Is the pain in the center of your abdomen, near the belly button?Is the pain in the middle of your abdomen, near the navel?
s_1531Abdominal pain, right lower quadrant
Name_common:Lower right side stomach painLower right side abdominal pain
Question:Is the stomach pain located in the lower-right part of your abdomen?Is the pain in the lower right part of your abdomen?
s_1528Abdominal pain, right upper quadrant
Name_common:Upper right side stomach painUpper right side abdominal pain
Question:Is the stomach pain in the upper-right part of your abdomen?Is the pain in the upper right part of your abdomen?
s_2375Blood oxygen saturation, not measured
Question:Have you not measured your blood oxygen saturation?Have you not yet checked your blood oxygen saturation?
s_2096Chest pain, burning
Question:Do you have a burning pain or sensation in the chest?Do you have a burning pain or feeling in your chest?
s_1925Chest pain, pressure
Question:Is the chest pain squeezing or pressing, or does it feel like there is a heavy weight on your chest?Is the chest pain squeezing or pressing, or does it feel like there's a heavy weight on your chest?
s_2060Dermatological changes, trunk
Name_common:Skin changes on the neck, chest, belly, or backSkin changes on the neck, chest, belly or back
Question:Are there any skin changes on your neck, chest, stomach, or back?Are there any skin changes on the neck, chest, abdomen or back?
Question:Do you have diarrhea, i.e., three or more watery stools a day?Does he|she have diarrhea, for example, three or more watery stools a day?
Question:Do you experience indigestion, i.e., stomach pain or a feeling of fullness soon after you start eating?Do you get indigestion, abdominal pain or a feeling of fullness soon after you start eating?
s_220Enlarged lymph nodes
Question:Are any lymph nodes enlarged, e.g., in the neck, behind the ears, under the arms, or anywhere else?Are any lymph glands swollen, such as those in the neck, behind the ears, under the arms or anywhere else?
Question:Do you have fever?Do you have a fever?
s_2024Gambling, pathological
Question:Have your family or friends said that you gamble too much?Have you ever had an uncontrollable urge to gamble, even when it caused negative consequences for you or your loved ones?
s_1922Heel drop test
Question:Do you experience stomach pain when you stand on your toes and drop hard onto your heels?Do you have abdominal pain when you stand on your toes and then drop down hard onto your heels?
s_1201Joint pain, sudden
Question:Did the joint pain start suddenly?Did your joint pain start all of a sudden?
s_2634Loss of joint motion
Question:Is it impossible to move the joint or does moving it cause unbearable pain?Is it impossible to move the joint at all?
s_2153Nasal catarrh, mucoid
Question:Is the nasal discharge clear white?Is the mucus that's coming out of your nose clear white?
s_2154Nasal catarrh, purulent
Question:Is the nasal discharge yellow or green?Is the mucus that's coming out of your nose yellow or green?
s_331Nasal congestion
Name_common:Stuffy noseBlocked nose
s_2307Nasal congestion, acute
Question:Has the stuffy nose lasted less than 10 days?Has your nose been stuffy for less than 10 days?
s_2226Nasal congestion, worsens after briefly improving
Question:Does the stuffy nose worsen after briefly improving?Does your stuffy nose get worse after improving for a short time?
Question:Have you been feeling nauseous?Have you been feeling sick, like you might vomit?
s_694Oral lesions
Name_common:Lesions in the mouthChanges in the mouth
Question:Are there any lesions or mucosal changes inside your mouth?Are there any sores or changes on the tissues inside your mouth?
s_2081Severe pain, after trauma
Question:Are you in severe pain following a recent injury?Have you experienced severe and unbearable pain that greatly affects your daily life and is hard to relieve following a recent injury?
s_1981Wound infection
Question:Is the wound infected, or are you experiencing problems with a wound?Are you having any issues with the wound, e.g., pain, redness, swelling, or making more fluid than before? This fluid can be white, yellow, or brown, and may be thick or have a bad smell.

Risk factors

Added (2)

IDConceptAge groups
p_599Possible methanol consumption, past 72 hoursAdultsPediatrics
p_583Recent fall from standing heightAdultsPediatrics

Updated (2)

IDConceptAge groups
p_299Fall onto an outstretched hand
Question:Have you fallen onto an outstretched hand?
p_143Recent alcohol consumption
Question:Have you consumed a substance that may contain alcohol, e.g., an alcoholic drink, rubbing alcohol, perfume, aftershave lotion, mouthwash, or hand sanitizer?Have you consumed a substance that may contain alcohol, either ethanol or methanol, e.g., an alcoholic drink, alcohol of unfamiliar origin, moonshine, rubbing alcohol, perfumes, aftershave lotion, mouthwash, hand sanitizer, windshield washer fluid, gas line antifreeze, carburetor cleaner, copy machine fluid, food warming fuel, or other types of fuels in the past 72 hours?

Laboratory tests beta
Lab tests are still in development and will be available soon.

Added (6)

IDConceptAge groups
lt_599Anti-Chlamydophila pneumoniae antibodies titer (IgG, IgA, IgM)AdultsPediatrics
lt_625Anti-myeloperoxidase antibody titerAdultsPediatrics
lt_733Detection of influenza viruses using NAATAdultsPediatrics
lt_729Fecal lactoferrinAdultsPediatrics
lt_735Serum Placenta Growth FactorAdultsPediatrics
lt_731Tissue polypeptide specific antigenAdultsPediatrics