Model 2024 05 29
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Model: May 29, 2024


Adults – 12+ yr.

Pediatrics: 0-12 yr.

Added (4)

IDConceptAge groups
c_1528Heavy menstrual bleedingAdultsPediatrics
c_1521Hormonal IUD-related complicationsAdultsPediatrics
c_995Hypertensive urgencyAdultsPediatrics
c_1522Non-hormonal IUD-related complicationsAdultsPediatrics

Removed (1)

IDConceptAge groups
c_1429IUD-related complicationsAdultsPediatrics

Updated (3)

IDConceptAge groups
c_1040Head or neck injury, unspecified location
Name:Head and neck unspecified injuryHead or neck injury, unspecified location
c_984Minor head injury
Name:Minor head injury, unspecifiedMinor head injury
c_55Tension-type headaches
Hint:Take a couple of deep breaths and try to rest and relax for a moment. If the symptoms do not improve please consult a general practitioner or a neurologist.Try to relieve the symptoms using available self-care measures. If the symptoms do not improve, please consult a general practitioner or a neurologist.


Added (17)

IDConceptAge groups
s_3194Anisocoria, lasting 3 days or moreAdultsPediatrics
s_3193Anisocoria, lasting less than 3 daysAdultsPediatrics
s_3188Dizziness, sudden and severeAdultsPediatrics
s_3209Electric shock resulting in respiratory or cardiovascular complicationsAdultsPediatrics
s_3206Eye closure difficultiesAdultsPediatrics
s_3201Impaired vision, complete blindnessAdultsPediatrics
s_3199Impaired vision, gradualAdultsPediatrics
s_3189Impaired vision, loss of part of visual fieldAdultsPediatrics
s_3200Impaired vision, subjective visual disturbanceAdultsPediatrics
s_3190Impaired vision, sudden onsetAdultsPediatrics
s_3197Loss of consciousness, after traumaAdultsPediatrics
s_3212No hormonal contraception, HRT, or IUD usageAdultsPediatrics
s_3205Nosebleed, uncontrollableAdultsPediatrics
s_3210Pain in limbAdultsPediatrics
s_3208Reduced mobility of body partsAdultsPediatrics
s_3173Skin wound, animal scratchAdultsPediatrics
s_3195The setting-sun phenomenonAdultsPediatrics

Removed (5)

IDConceptAge groups
s_822Alcohol consumption, days of continuous consumptionAdultsPediatrics
s_827Alcohol consumption, drinking at workAdultsPediatrics
s_819Alcohol consumption, drinking despite harm awarenessAdultsPediatrics
s_1934Complete vision loss, recentAdultsPediatrics
s_1818Impaired vision, recent onsetAdultsPediatrics

Updated (41)

IDConceptAge groups
s_2311Abdominal pain, not associated with menstrual cycle
Name_common:Stable abdominal painStable abdominal pain unrelated to menstrual cycle
Question:Is the abdominal pain constant but not getting worse?Is the abdominal pain constant but not getting worse during the menstrual cycle?
s_2288Abdominal pain, unknown character
Name_common:Stomach pain of unspecific characterAbdominal pain of unspecific character
Question:Are you unable to describe the character of the stomach pain?Are you unable to describe the abdominal pain?
s_3069Abnormal menstruation
Question:Have you recently noticed any abnormalities in your menstrual cycle, i.e., irregularity, pain, or changes in blood amount?Have you recently noticed any abnormalities in your menstrual cycle, e.g., irregularity, pain, or changes in blood amount?
s_3062Abnormal menstruation, irregular
Question:Have you recently noticed irregularity of your menstrual cycles with a variance of more than 7 days?Do you have an irregular menstrual cycles with a variance of more than 7 days?
s_824Alcohol consumption, violating norms under influence
Question:Do you often do inappropriate things after drinking alcohol?Do you often engage in inappropriate behaviors after drinking alcohol, such as making harmful impulsive decisions, engaging in risky activities, or exhibiting aggression?
s_1647Annular skin lesions
Question:Do you have a ring-shaped skin change, i.e., a circular lesion with lighter skin inside?Do you have a ring-shaped skin change, such as a round rash with lighter-colored skin inside?
s_2387Blood oxygen saturation, between 90% and 94%
Name_common:Blood oxygen level between 90 and 94%Blood oxygen level between 90% and 94%
s_2390Blood oxygen saturation, sudden worsening
Question:Has your blood oxygen saturation suddenly worsened?Has your blood oxygen saturation dropped all of a sudden?
s_2958Burned skin, electrical
Question:Have you recently been burned by an electric current, including a lighting strike injury?Have you recently been burned by an electric current, including a lightning strike injury?
s_1918Buttocks pain
Question:Does either buttocks hurt?Does either of your buttocks hurt?
s_3094Carbon monoxide exposure for burn cases
Name_common:Carbon monoxide exposure for burn casesNone
s_118Cold sensitivity
Question:Do you easily or frequently feel cold?Do you feel cold easily or often?
s_2073Consciousness disturbances, chronic
Question:Have you been feeling confused, disorientated or drowsy for more than a week?Have you been feeling confused, drowsy, or unable to think clearly for more than a week?
s_1761Dermatological changes, aggravated by stress
Question:Do the skin changes start or worsen when you are stressed?Do the skin changes start or get worse when you're stressed?
s_92Dyspnea, started less than 1 hour ago
Question:Has the shortness of breath started within the past hour?Did you start to have trouble breathing within the past hour?
s_3122Eye closure difficulties, both eyes
Name:Muscle weakness, eye closure difficulties on both sidesEye closure difficulties, both eyes
s_3099Eye closure difficulties, one eye
Name:Muscle weakness, eye closure difficulties on one sideEye closure difficulties, one eye
s_1203Facial pain, more than 2 hours
Question:Has the facial pain lasted more than 2 hours?Has the face pain lasted more than 2 hours?
s_2470Fear of ageing
Question:Are you abnormally afraid of getting old or ageing?Do you have an extreme fear of getting older or ageing?
s_157Fear of obesity
Question:Are you afraid of becoming obese?Are you afraid of becoming very overweight or obese?
s_2010Fetal membranes rupture
Question:Has your water broke?Has your water broken?
s_1905Headache, sudden onset
Question:Did the headache start all of a sudden?Did the headache start all of a sudden rather than building up gradually?
s_223Inability to stop flow of urine
Question:When you urinate, is it hard for you to stop the flow of urine?Is it hard to stop the flow while you are passing urine?
Question:Has your skin or eyes turned yellow?Has your skin or the whites of youur eyes turned yellow?
s_550Lens clouding
Name_common:Cloudy eyesCloudy appearance of either eye
Question:Is there clouding in either eye or pupil?Have you noticed any changes in the appearance of either eye, such as a cloudy or milky haze in the center, i.e., the pupil area?
s_1404Low intraocular pressure, 4 to 5 mmHg difference in affected eye compared to the other eye
Name:Low intraocular pressure, 4 to 5mmHg difference in affected eye compared to the other eyeLow intraocular pressure, 4 to 5 mmHg difference in affected eye compared to the other eye
Name_common:Constricted pupilConstricted pupils
Question:Is either pupil small or constricted?Are both of your pupils unusually small or constricted?
s_3123Muscle weakness, drooping mouth corner on both sides
Question:Do both mouth corners droop more than usual or are you unable to lift it?Do both mouth corners droop more than usual or are you unable to lift them?
Question:Is either pupil large or dilated?Are both of your pupils unusually large or dilated?
s_2173Neck pain, during head movement
Question:Does the neck pain appear or worsen when you turn your head to either side?Does the neck pain start or get worse when you turn your head to either side?
s_580Pain in upper limb
Question:Do you have pain in either upper limb?Do you have pain in either of your upper limbs?
s_569Pale or clay-colored stool
Name:Pale or clay-coloured stoolPale or clay-colored stool
Question:Are your stools occasionally pale, clay-like, or chalky?Are your stools sometimes pale, clay-like, or chalky?
s_2112Pleuritic chest pain, after trauma
Question:Do you have sudden, sharp and intense chest pain when you breathe following a recent injury?Do you have sudden, sharp, and intense chest pain when you breathe, after a recent injury?
s_69Preoccupation with food
Question:Are you constantly preoccupied or distracted by thoughts of food or eating?Are you constantly worried about or distracted by thoughts of food or eating?
s_1713Reduced range of joint motion
Question:Is it hard to move any of your joints?Do you have difficulty and discomfort when moving your joints that prevents you from moving them smoothly?
s_1533Rhinitis triggered by environment
Question:Do you ave a runny or stuffy nose that's caused by dust, smog, strong smells, temperature changes, humidity, emotions, or food?Do you have a runny or stuffy nose that's caused by dust, smog, strong smells, temperature changes, humidity, emotions, or food?
s_3121Suicide attempt in the past
Question:Have you ever tried to commit suicide?Have you ever tried to attempt suicide?
s_161Symptoms regularly appearing a few days before menstrual period
Question:Do the symptoms regularly appear during your period or a few days before?Do the symptoms usually show up during your period or a few days before it starts?
s_243Unhealthy weight loss practices
Question:Have you repetitively tried to lose weight by vomiting, starving yourself, exercising very intensely, or using laxatives or diuretics?Have you repetitively tried to lose weight by vomiting, starving yourself, exercising very intensely, or using medicines that make you pass urine or stool?
s_3171Vascular compromise, limb, related to trauma
Question:Is any limb away from the injury pulseless or paler and colder in comparision to other limbs?Is any limb away from the injury pulseless or paler and colder in comparison to other limbs?
s_494Visual field narrowing
Name_common:Tunnel VisionTunnel vision

Risk factors

Added (2)

IDConceptAge groups
p_641Intrauterine contraception, hormonalAdultsPediatrics
p_642Intrauterine contraception, non-hormonalAdultsPediatrics

Updated (1)

IDConceptAge groups
p_561Intrauterine contraception, unknown type
Name:Intrauterine contraceptionIntrauterine contraception, unknown type
Name_common:Unknown type of IUD
Question:Do you use intrauterine contraception?Do you use unknown type of intrauterine contraception?

Laboratory tests beta
Lab tests are still in development and will be available soon.

Added (7)

IDConceptAge groups
lt_617ADAMTS13 activityAdultsPediatrics
lt_602Anti-Yellow fever virus IgGAdultsPediatrics
lt_600Anti-Yellow fever virus IgMAdultsPediatrics
lt_624Anti-proteinase-3 antibodies titerAdultsPediatrics
lt_803Brain-derived neurotrophic factor levelAdultsPediatrics
lt_755Serum anti-Parvovirus B19 IgM or/and IgG antibody titerAdultsPediatrics
lt_805Urine amylase acitivityAdultsPediatrics

Updated (2)

IDConceptAge groups
lt_358Anti–glomerular basement membrane antibody titer
Name_common:Anti-GBM antibodies
lt_790Positive Trypanosoma b. gambiense rapid diagnostic test result
Name_common:rapid diagnostic test for Trypanosoma brucei gambiense