Model 2024 09 11
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Model: September 11, 2024


Adults – 12+ yr.

Pediatrics: 0-12 yr.

Added (12)

IDConceptAge groups
c_1585Abdominal or pelvic massAdultsPediatrics
c_1592Actinic keratosisAdults
c_1596Acute radiation cystitisAdults
c_1577Benign essential blepharospasmAdultsPediatrics
c_1588Complication of chemotherapyAdults
c_1516Drug-induced liver injuryAdultsPediatrics
c_1574Eyelid myokymiaAdultsPediatrics
c_1593Lymphadenopathy of unknown originAdultsPediatrics
c_1591Radiation-induced dermatitisAdults
c_1586Thoracic massAdultsPediatrics
c_1572Vitreous floatersAdultsPediatrics

Removed (1)

IDConceptAge groups
c_1253Eyelid twitch, unspecifiedAdultsPediatrics

Updated (4)

IDConceptAge groups
c_88Endometrial tumor
Name:Endometrial cancerEndometrial tumor
c_543Prolactin-releasing pituitary tumor
Name:Pituitary prolactin releasing adenomaProlactin-releasing pituitary tumor
Name_common:Prolactin releasing pituitary adenoma
c_202Type 1 Neurofibromatosis
Name_common:Neurofibromatosis type 1
c_574Type 2 Neurofibromatosis
Name_common:NF2Neurofibromatosis type 2


Added (5)

IDConceptAge groups
s_3269Eye floatersAdultsPediatrics
s_3260Eyelid twitching, both eyesAdultsPediatrics
s_3259Eyelid twitching, one eyeAdultsPediatrics
s_3272Ongoing or recently completed other cancer treatmentAdults

Updated (22)

IDConceptAge groups
s_824Alcohol consumption, violating norms under the influence
Name:Alcohol consumption, violating norms under influenceAlcohol consumption, violating norms under the influence
s_1330Café au lait macules
Question:Do you have 6 or more light brown spots on the skin?Do you have 6 or more light brown, flat spots on your skin that are larger than typical moles and resemble coffee stains?
s_3094Carbon monoxide exposure associated with burn
Name:Carbon monoxide exposure for burn casesCarbon monoxide exposure associated with burn
s_2682Current mood, normal
Question:Do you currently feel in a normal mood, neither overly sad or depressed nor overly happy or euphoric?Do you currently have a normal mood, neither overly sad or depressed nor overly happy or euphoric?
s_2669Episode of elevated mood, lasting 3 days or less
Question:Has the longest period of elevated mood, euphoria or elation, lasted 3 days or less?Has the longest period of elevated mood, euphoria, or elation lasted 3 days or less?
s_2672Episode of elevated mood, substance induced
Question:Does the period of elevated mood, euphoria or elation happen because of or after drug or stimulant use?"Does the period of elevated mood, euphoria or elation happen because of or after drug or stimulant use?
s_169Episodes of depressed mood
Question:Do you experience periods of low mood, i.e., temporary episodes of intense sadness or depression?Do you have periods of low mood, with temporary episodes of intense sadness or depression?
s_2664Episodes of depressed mood, lasting more than 2 years
Question:Has the longest episode of feeling sad or depressed on most days lasted more than 2 yearsHas the longest episode of feeling sad or depressed on most days lasted more than 2 years?
s_1436Facial pain, paranasal sinus
Question:Do you have pain or pressure in your sinuses, i.e., the region next to the nose, under the eyes, or above the eyebrows?Do you have pain or pressure in your sinuses, that is, the area next to his|her nose, under his|her eyes or above his|her eyebrows?
s_625Headache, exacerbated by tilting head forwards
Question:Does bending your body or head down cause the headache or make it worse?Does bending your head down cause the headache or make it worse?
s_1912Headache, recent
Name_common:Headaches history shorter than 3 monthsHeadache history shorter than 3 months
Question:Have the headaches been happening regularly but for less than 3 months?Have the headache been happening regularly but for less than 3 months?
s_799Headache, worse in the morning
Question:Do headaches occur in the morning or are they worse in the morning compared to other times of the day?Do headaches occur in the morning or worse then than at other times of the day?
s_2546Heterochromic irides
Name_common:Different eye coloursDifferent eye colors
Question:Is one eye a different colour than the other, or are there different colours in one eye than the other?Are the irises of your eyes different colors, or does either iris have more than one color?
s_3097Muscle weakness, limbs
Question:Do you experience muscle weakness in limbs, i.e., partial or complete lose of the ability to move one or more limbs?Do you experience muscle weakness in limbs, that is, partial or complete loss of the ability to move one or more limbs?
s_2512Nausea, triggered by movement
Question:Do you feel sick specifically when traveling by plane, car, or boat, or while engaging in visual motion activities, such as dynamic scenes on TV?Do you feel sick specifically when travelling by plane, car or boat, or while engaging in visual motion activities, such as dynamic scenes on TV?
s_3227Noticeable change the quality of semen
Name:Noticeable change in a quality of semenNoticeable change the quality of semen
s_1927Pain in lower limb, limping due to pain
Name_common:Limping due to leg painLimping due to pain
s_1449Paresthesia, one upper limb
Question:Does only one upper limb tingle or feel numb?Does only one of your upper limbs tingle or feel numb?
s_113Red-colored urine
Name:Red-coloured urineRed-colored urine
s_3214Reluctance to eat certain foods
Name:Reluctance to eat new foodsReluctance to eat certain foods
Question:Do you often avoid or have a strong aversion when confronted with unfamiliar foods?Do you hesitate to try certain foods, whether familiar or unfamiliar, resulting in fussy eating?
s_2713Trauma or stressor related disturbances
Question:Have you ever been in a stressful situation that significantly affected his|her life?Have you ever been in a stressful situation that significantly affected your life?
s_2646Tremors, either hand
Question:Has either hand been trembling?Has either of your hands been trembling?

Risk factors

Added (2)

IDConceptAge groups
p_675Ongoing or recently completed chemotherapyAdults
p_676Ongoing or recently completed radiation therapyAdults

Updated (1)

IDConceptAge groups
p_83Compromised immune system
Question:Do you have a weakened immune system, e.g., you are HIV positive, taking oral or intravenous steroids or chemotherapy, using insulin, or had your spleen removed?Have you been diagnosed with an immune deficiency, e.g., due to congenital immunodeficiency disorder, infection causes, e.g., HIV infection, medications, or an exacerbation of chronic diseases?

Laboratory tests beta
Lab tests are still in development and will be available soon.

Added (4)

IDConceptAge groups
lt_811Presence of BCR-ABL fusion geneAdults
lt_795Serum Apolipoprotein BAdults
lt_818Serum anti-Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG titerAdults
lt_817Serum anti-Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM or/and IgA antibody titerAdults

Removed (13)

IDConceptAge groups
lt_219Abnormal Schilling test resultAdults
lt_373Abnormal bromsulphalein test resultAdults
lt_677Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in nipple discharge or aspirated material obtained from breast biopsyAdults
lt_676Identification of Staphylococcus aureus in nipple discharge or aspirated material obtained from breast biopsyAdults
lt_692Identification of Corynebacterium spp in nipple discharge or aspirated material obtained from breast biopsyAdults
lt_678Identification of Streptococcus spp in nipple discharge or aspirated material obtained from breast biopsyAdults
lt_93Perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody titerAdults
lt_164Plasma ghrelin concentrationAdults
lt_654Positive Gram stain result of amniotic fluidAdults
lt_290Positive Rumpel-Leede Capillary-Fragility testAdults
lt_104Serum anti-U2 RNP antibody titerAdults
lt_491Staphylococcus aureus in blood culturesAdults
lt_552Trisomy 21 (karyotype)AdultsPediatrics

Updated (3)

IDConceptAge groups
lt_74Arterial oxygen saturation using blood gas analysis
Name:Oxygen saturationArterial oxygen saturation using blood gas analysis
Name_common:Arterial oxygen saturation
lt_352Positive sucrose lysis test
Name_common:Sucrose hemolysis test
lt_655Serum zinc transporter 8 antibody titer