Model 2024 10 16
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Model: October 16, 2024


Adults – 12+ yr.

Pediatrics: 0-12 yr.

Added (9)

IDConceptAge groups
c_1594Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathyAdults
c_1584Head or neck massAdultsPediatrics
c_1600Human biteAdultsPediatrics
c_1609Lower limb tumorAdultsPediatrics
c_1270Oral lichen planusAdultsPediatrics
c_1605Oral lichenoid reactionAdultsPediatrics
c_1601Postpartum sexual dysfunctionAdults
c_1607Tumor of pharynxAdults
c_1608Upper limb tumorAdultsPediatrics

Removed (2)

IDConceptAge groups
c_784Adrenal cancerAdults
c_1186Bone neoplasmAdultsPediatrics

Updated (6)

IDConceptAge groups
c_93Breast cancer
Hint:Please consult an oncologist or a gynecologist as soon as possible.Please consult a gynecologist or visit a Breast Care Center as soon as possible.
c_415Carcinoid syndrome
Hint:Please immediately consult a doctor.Please consult a family doctor as soon as possible.
c_449Conn's syndrome
Hint:Please consult a family doctor.Please consult a family doctor or an endocrinologist.
c_92Malignant tumor of kidney
Name:Kidney cancerMalignant tumor of kidney
Name_common:Kidney cancer
Hint:Please consult a nephrologist and an oncologist as soon as possible.Reported symptoms may indicate a potentially serious health issue. Please consult a family doctor or urologist as soon as possible.
c_66Malignant tumor of stomach
Name:Gastric cancerMalignant tumor of stomach
Name_common:Stomach cancer
Hint:Please consult a gastroenterologist and an oncologist.Reported symptoms may indicate a potentially serious health issue. Please consult a family doctor or gastroenterologist as soon as possible.
c_1572Vitreous floaters
Hint:Please consult an opthalmologist.Please consult an ophthalmologist.


Added (11)

IDConceptAge groups
s_3277Burned skin, covering 1% or less of body surfaceAdultsPediatrics
s_3280Burned skin, covering 20% or more of body surfaceAdultsPediatrics
s_3279Burned skin, covering between 10 to 19% of body surfaceAdultsPediatrics
s_3278Burned skin, covering between 2 to 9% of body surfaceAdultsPediatrics
s_3286Displacement of orbitAdultsPediatrics
s_3283Oral lesions, associated with drugsAdultsPediatrics
s_3284Oral lesions, associated with restorative materialsAdultsPediatrics
s_3282Oral lesions, bilateralAdultsPediatrics
s_3281Oral lesions, unilateralAdultsPediatrics
s_3285Round faceAdultsPediatrics
s_3275Skin mark from a human biteAdultsPediatrics

Removed (4)

IDConceptAge groups
s_2966Burned skin, covering between 1 to 10% of body surfaceAdultsPediatrics
s_2980Burned skin, covering between 10 to 20% of body surfaceAdultsPediatrics
s_3012Burned skin, covering less than 1% of body surfaceAdultsPediatrics
s_2981Burned skin, covering more than 20% of body surfaceAdultsPediatrics

Updated (15)

IDConceptAge groups
s_698Bilateral enophthalmos
Name_common:Both eyes sunkenSunken eyes on both sides
Question:Do both eyes appear sunken?Do both of your eyes appear more sunken or hollow than usual?
s_1228Convergent strabismus
Question:Do you have crossed eyes, i.e., eyes that point inward toward the nose?Does he|she has crossed eyes, that is, eyes that point inward toward the nose?
s_679Delusions, hypochondriacal
Question:Have you ever thought or believed that there is something wrong with your health, e.g., you have cancer, another disease, or an abnormal anatomy, while healthcare professionals and test results prove the contrary?Have you ever thought or believed that there is something wrong with your health, for example, have you ever thought you have cancer or other disease even though health care professionals deny it?
s_768Delusions, self-accusation
Question:Have you ever thought or believed that you are evil or sinful, e.g., have you ever thought you are responsible for a great disaster or guilty of a horrible crime, and deserve to be punished?Have you ever thought or believed that you are evil or sinful, for example, have you ever thought you are responsible for a great disaster or the cause of horrible crime for which you deserve to be punished?
s_1088Fear of losing control
Question:Are you afraid that you will suddenly lose control, e.g., that you won't be able to control your reactions or the outcome of future events, and something terrible will happen?Are you afraid that you will suddenly lose control, that you won't be able to control your reactions or the outcome of future events, and that something terrible will happen?
s_2832Fear of social interactions
Question:Do you feel extremely anxious during social interactions such as meeting new people, starting conversations, speaking in public, or talking to authorities?Do you feel extremely anxious during social interactions, such as meeting new people, starting a conversation, speaking in public, or talking to authorities?
s_1912Headache, recent
Question:Have the headache been happening regularly but for less than 3 months?Has the headache been happening regularly but for less than 3 months?
s_2714History of a stressful situation
Question:Have you experienced a stressful situation, e.g., breaking up with a partner, moving house, changing or losing work or school, or any other stressful or worrying issues?Have you had a stressful situation, such as breaking up with a partner, moving to a new house, or changing or missing work or school?
s_2299Joint pain, inflammatory
Question:Is the joint pain worse when you are not moving, e.g., in the morning before getting up?Is the joint pain worse when you are not moving, for example, in the morning before getting up?
s_2687Mood swings, extreme rapid pattern
Question:Do you experience rapid, often exaggerated changes in mood and emotions, i.e., feeling extremely happy to feeling extremely sad from one moment to the other?Do you have quick, often exaggerated mood swings, such as going from feeling extremely happy to feeling extremely sad from one moment to the next?
s_2786Mood swings, longstanding pattern
Question:Do the mood swings extend over weeks, i.e., feeling depressed for weeks and then starting to feel euphoric for no apparent reason?Do your mood swings last for weeks; for example, do you feel depressed for weeks and then start feeling euphoric for no known reason?
s_3227Noticeable change in the quality of semen
Name:Noticeable change the quality of semenNoticeable change in the quality of semen
s_2851Pain in lower limb, lasting between 1 and 7 days
Question:Has the lower limb pain lasted between 1 day and 7 days?Has the lower limb pain lasted between 1 and 7 days?
Question:Have you recently had a seizure, i.e., sudden muscle convulsions, e.g., jerking of the arms and legs or twitching all over?Have you recently had a seizure, consisting of sudden muscle convulsions, such as jerking of the arms and legs or twitching all over?
s_668Unilateral enophthalmos
Question:Does one eye appear sunken compared to the other?Does one of your eyes appear sunken or hollow compared to the other?

Risk factors

Added (3)

IDConceptAge groups
p_683History of Helicobacter pylori infectionAdultsPediatrics
p_679Human biteAdultsPediatrics
p_680Presence of a stomaAdults

Laboratory tests beta
Lab tests are still in development and will be available soon.