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Laboratory tests beta
Model: March 5, 2025
- Conditions
- Symptoms
- Risk factors
- Laboratory testsbetaLab tests are still in development and will be available soon.
Added (2)
ID | Concept | Age groups |
c_1672 | Cervical tumor Name:Cervical tumor Hint:Please consult a gynecologist Synonyms:['Cervical cancer', 'Cervical growth', 'Cervical lesion', 'Cervical mass', 'Cervix growth', 'Cervix mass', 'Cervix tumor', 'Lesion of cervix', 'Lump of cervix', 'Neoplasm of uterine cervix', 'Carcinoma of the cervix', 'Cervical carcinoma', 'Malignant tumor of the cervix'] | Adults |
c_1674 | Non-celiac gluten sensitivity Name:Non-celiac gluten sensitivity Hint:Please consult a gastroenterologist. Hint_newborn:Please consult a pediatrician or a gastroenterologist. Hint_child:Please consult a pediatrician or a gastroenterologist. Synonyms:['NCGS - non-celiac gluten sensitivity', 'NCGS - non-coeliac gluten sensitivity', 'Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity', 'Non-celiac gluten intolerance', 'Non-celiac gluten sensitivity syndrome', 'Gluten-related sensitivity'] | AdultsPediatrics |
Removed (3)
ID | Concept | Age groups |
c_96 | Cervical cancer Name:Cervical cancerNone Hint:Please consult a gynecologist and an oncologist.None | Adults |
c_540 | Pure hypercholesterolemia Name:Pure hypercholesterolemiaNone Hint:Please consult a family doctor or an internist.None | Adults |
c_541 | Pure hypertriglyceridemia Name:Pure hypertriglyceridemiaNone Hint:Please consult a family doctor or an internist.None | Adults |
Updated (3)
ID | Concept | Age groups |
c_667 | Alcohol intoxication Hint:Urgent medical attention may be needed! Please immediately go to the nearest hospital.Self-care at home, for example, hydration and rest, waiting for symptoms to pass, may be sufficient. Watch closely for alarming signs. If you notice symptoms such as slow or irregular breathing, confusion, bluish skin, seizures, inability to wake up, or excessive vomiting, please immediately go to the nearest hospital. | AdultsPediatrics |
c_1105 | COVID-19 Hint:The symptoms may be caused by COVID-19. Please follow these steps: 1. Isolate yourself from non-infected people at home. 2. Schedule a COVID-19 test as soon as possible. 3. If you have trouble breathing or you develop a high fever, please go to the emergency room or call an ambulance.The symptoms may be caused by COVID-19. Please follow these steps: 1. Stay at home and avoid close contact with others, if possible. 2. Do a COVID-19 test as soon as possible. 3. In case of severe symptoms appearing, such as trouble breathing, blue lips or face, pain in the chest, cold and clammy skin, fainting, little or no urine, high fever, or coughing up blood, please go to the emergency room or call an ambulance. | AdultsPediatrics |
c_248 | Obstructive jaundice Name_common:Bile duct blockage | Adults |
Added (5)
ID | Concept | Age groups |
s_3378 | Diarrhea, intermittent Name:Diarrhea, intermittent Name_common:Recurrent diarrhea Question:Has the diarrhea been occurring periodically, with normal bowel movements in between? Question_someone:Has the diarrhea been occurring periodically, with normal bowel movements in between? Question_newborn:Has the diarrhea been occurring periodically, with normal bowel movements in between? Question_child:Has the diarrhea been occurring periodically, with normal bowel movements in between? Answers:['Yes', 'No', "Don't know"] Synonyms:['episodic diarrhea', 'on-and-off diarrhea', 'periodic diarrhea', 'relapsing diarrhea'] | AdultsPediatrics |
s_3374 | Dyspnea, breathing with effort at rest Name:Dyspnea, breathing with effort at rest Question:Do you breathe with effort even when resting, not due to a cough or runny nose? Question_someone:Does he|she breathe with effort even when resting, not due to a cough or runny nose? Question_child:Does he|she breathe with effort even when resting, or to the point where it is difficult to speak? Answers:['Yes', 'No', "Don't know"] | AdultsPediatrics |
s_3373 | Dyspnea, due to other causes Name:Dyspnea, due to other causes Question:Do you experience trouble with breathing due to other causes like runny nose or coughing? Question_someone:Does he|she experience trouble with breathing due to other causes like runny nose or coughing? Question_newborn:Does he|she experience trouble with breathing due to other causes like runny nose or coughing? Question_child:Does he|she experience trouble with breathing due to other causes like runny nose or coughing? Answers:['Yes', 'No', "Don't know"] | AdultsPediatrics |
s_3372 | Dyspnea, without exertion Name:Dyspnea, without exertion Name_common:Shortness of breath without exercising Question:Do you experience shortness of breath while sitting or moving around a house, without any exercise or strolling Question_someone:Does he|she experience shortness of breath while sitting or moving around a house, without any exercise or strolling Question_newborn:Does he|she experience shortness of breath while sitting or playing calmly? Question_child:Does he|she experience shortness of breath while sitting or playing calmly? Answers:['Yes', 'No', "Don't know"] Synonyms:['breathless during routine activities at home', 'difficult to speak due to trouble breathing', 'difficulty speaking due to breathlessness', 'dyspnea at rest', 'dyspnea during daily activities', 'dyspnea during everyday activities at home', 'dyspnea during routine activities at home', 'dyspnea while dressing up', 'normal activity causes shortness of breath', 'severe dyspnea', 'shortness of breath at rest', 'shortness of breath during everyday activities at home', 'shortness of breath during routine activities at home', 'shortness of breath while dressing up', 'trouble breathing during everyday activities at home', 'trouble breathing while getting dressed', 'trouble of breathing at rest', 'severe difficulty breathing'] | AdultsPediatrics |
s_3381 | Vomiting, fecal matter Name:Vomiting, fecal matter Name_common:Fecal vomiting Question:Does the vomit have a dark brown or greenish color, a thick, paste-like consistency, and a foul odor similar to stool? Question_someone:Does the vomit have a dark brown or greenish color, a thick, paste-like consistency, and a foul odor similar to stool? Question_newborn:Does the vomit have a dark brown or greenish color, a thick, paste-like consistency, and a foul odor similar to stool? Question_child:Does the vomit have a dark brown or greenish color, a thick, paste-like consistency, and a foul odor similar to stool? Answers:['Yes', 'No', "Don't know"] Synonyms:['brown vomit that look and smell like feces', 'foul-smelling vomit resembling stool', 'greenish-brown vomit that resembles feces', 'poop-like vomit', 'stool-like vomit', 'vomit resembling feces', 'vomiting brown thick material that resembles feces', 'vomiting material with a bowel-like look and odor', 'vomiting poop', 'vomiting stool-like material', 'vomit with a look and smell like bowel movements'] Synonyms_professional:['faeculent vomit', 'feculent vomiting', 'vomiting fecal matter', 'vomiting faecal matter'] Explication_infant:Vomiting material that resembles stool, known as feculent vomiting, is a serious symptom typically associated with a bowel obstruction or severe gastrointestinal disorder. It occurs when intestinal contents back up into the stomach due to a blockage, leading to vomit that may have a foul odor, a dark brown or greenish color, and a thick, paste-like consistency. Explication_toddler:Vomiting material that resembles stool, known as feculent vomiting, is a serious symptom typically associated with a bowel obstruction or severe gastrointestinal disorder. It occurs when intestinal contents back up into the stomach due to a blockage, leading to vomit that may have a foul odor, a dark brown or greenish color, and a thick, paste-like consistency. Explication_child:Vomiting material that resembles stool, known as feculent vomiting, is a serious symptom typically associated with a bowel obstruction or severe gastrointestinal disorder. It occurs when intestinal contents back up into the stomach due to a blockage, leading to vomit that may have a foul odor, a dark brown or greenish color, and a thick, paste-like consistency. Explication_adult:Vomiting material that resembles stool, known as feculent vomiting, is a serious symptom typically associated with a bowel obstruction or severe gastrointestinal disorder. It occurs when intestinal contents back up into the stomach due to a blockage, leading to vomit that may have a foul odor, a dark brown or greenish color, and a thick, paste-like consistency. Explication_senior:Vomiting material that resembles stool, known as feculent vomiting, is a serious symptom typically associated with a bowel obstruction or severe gastrointestinal disorder. It occurs when intestinal contents back up into the stomach due to a blockage, leading to vomit that may have a foul odor, a dark brown or greenish color, and a thick, paste-like consistency. | AdultsPediatrics |
Removed (1)
ID | Concept | Age groups |
s_3089 | Dyspnea, severe at rest Name:Dyspnea, severe at restNone Name_common:Severe shortness of breath at restNone Question:Do you have severe trouble breathing while not doing anything, or to the point where it is difficult for you to speak?None Question_someone:Does he|she have severe trouble breathing while not doing anything, or to the point where it is difficult for him|her to speak?None Question_newborn:Does he|she have severe trouble breathing while not doing anything?None Question_child:Does he|she have severe trouble breathing while not doing anything, or to the point where it is difficult for him|her to speak?None Answers:['Yes', 'No', "Don't know"][] Synonyms:['difficult to speak due to trouble breathing', 'severe trouble breathing at rest', 'difficulty speaking due to breathlessness'][] | AdultsPediatrics |
Updated (16)
ID | Concept | Age groups |
s_1458 | Amenorrhea, primary Name_common:Absence of first menstrual period at age 16Absence of first menstrual period at age 15 | Adults |
s_2034 | Consciousness disturbances Question:Do you feel confused, disoriented, or drowsy, like you are overly sleepy or unsure of where you are, when you are, or who you are?Do you feel confused, disoriented, or unsure of where you are, when you are, or who you are? | AdultsPediatrics |
s_402 | Dermatological changes, recurring during infections or menstrual period Name_common:Skin changes recurring during menstrual period or infectionsSkin changes recurring during infections or menstrual period | AdultsPediatrics |
s_3090 | Dyspnea, during daily activities Name:Dyspnea, severeDyspnea, during daily activities Name_common:Severe shortness of breathShortness of breath during daily activities | Adults |
s_2204 | Dyspnea, on exertion Name_common:Shortness of breath on effortShortness of breath during exercise | AdultsPediatrics |
s_2454 | Foreign body insertion, dangerous object Name:Insertion of foreign body, dangerous objectForeign body insertion, dangerous object | AdultsPediatrics |
s_2884 | Foreign body insertion, stuck in anus Question:Is the object stuck in your anus?Is the object stuck in your bottom? | AdultsPediatrics |
s_2271 | Gastric symptoms, after gluten ingestion Question:Do you have any abdominal symptoms shortly after eating foods containing gluten, such as cereals, bread, or pasta?Do you have any abdominal symptoms that you link directly to eating gluten-containing foods, such as cereals, bread, or pasta? | AdultsPediatrics |
s_2760 | Misplacing things Name:Difficulty organizing objectsMisplacing things Name_common:Losing or misplacing objectsNone | AdultsPediatrics |
s_2771 | Misplacing things, lasting 3 days or less Name:Difficulty organizing objects, 3 days or lessMisplacing things, lasting 3 days or less Name_common:Losing or misplacing objects lasting 3 days or lessNone | AdultsPediatrics |
s_2772 | Misplacing things, lasting 4 to 6 days Name:Difficulty organizing objects, 4 to 6 daysMisplacing things, lasting 4 to 6 days Name_common:Losing or misplacing objects lasting 4 to 6 daysNone | AdultsPediatrics |
s_2774 | Misplacing things, lasting 6 months or more Name:Difficulty organizing objects, 6 months or moreMisplacing things, lasting 6 months or more Name_common:Losing or misplacing objects lasting 6 months or moreNone | AdultsPediatrics |
s_2773 | Misplacing things, lasting 7 days to 6 months Name:Difficulty organizing objects, between 7 days and 6 monthsMisplacing things, lasting 7 days to 6 months Name_common:Losing or misplacing objects lasting between 7 days and 6 monthsNone | AdultsPediatrics |
s_3210 | Pain in the limb during movement Name:Pain in limbPain in the limb during movement Name_common:Limb painNone Question:Do you have pain in either limb?Do you have pain in either limb during movement? | AdultsPediatrics |
s_69 | Preoccupation with food Question:Do you spend several hours a day fixating on food or have you been unusually preoccupied with it for at least 3 months?Do you spend several hours a day fixating on food or have you been more preoccupied with it than usual for at least 3 months? | AdultsPediatrics |
s_9 | Skin pallor Question:Is your skin paler than usual?Is any part of your skin paler than usual? | AdultsPediatrics |
Risk factors
Added (1)
ID | Concept | Age groups |
p_718 | Family history of celiac disease Name:Family history of celiac disease Name_common:Celiac disease in family Question:Has anyone among your first-degree relatives been diagnosed with celiac disease? Question_someone:Has anyone among his|her first-degree relatives been diagnosed with celiac disease? Question_newborn:Has anyone among his|her first-degree relatives been diagnosed with celiac disease? Question_child:Has anyone among his|her first-degree relatives been diagnosed with celiac disease? Answers:['Yes', 'No', "Don't know"] Synonyms:['family link to celiac disease', 'celiac disease in family history', 'family tendency for celiac disease'] Synonyms_professional:['hereditary risk for celiac', 'inherited celiac risk', 'family genetic risk for celiac'] Explication_infant:First-degree relatives include parents, siblings, and children. Explication_toddler:First-degree relatives include parents, siblings, and children. Explication_child:First-degree relatives include parents, siblings, and children. Explication_adult:First-degree relatives include parents, siblings, and children. Explication_senior:First-degree relatives include parents, siblings, and children. | AdultsPediatrics |
Updated (68)
ID | Concept | Age groups |
p_155 | Animal bite Question:Have you recently been bitten by an animal, e.g., dog, cat, or rodent?Have you recently been bitten by an animal, for example, a dog, cat, or rodent? | AdultsPediatrics |
p_146 | Back injury Question:Have you recently injured your back, e.g., from falling or exercising?Have you recently injured your back, for example, from falling? | AdultsPediatrics |
p_704 | Blunt eye injury Question:Have you had a serious eye injury, e.g., a blow to the eye, being stabbed, severely poked in the eye, or being hit by a ball into the eye?Have you had a serious eye injury, for example, being hit or poked hard in the eye? | AdultsPediatrics |
p_40 | Carbon monoxide exposure Name_common:Exposure to carbon monoxide in the past 72 hours Question:Have you been exposed to carbon monoxide, e.g., by inhaling smoke from a fire or a charcoal grill, being near a malfunctioning gas boiler or a faulty heating system, or a running vehicle in a poorly ventilated space such as an indoor garage?Have you been exposed to carbon monoxide in the past 72 hours, e.g., by inhaling smoke from a fire or a charcoal grill, being near a malfunctioning gas boiler or a faulty heating system, or a running vehicle in a poorly ventilated space such as an indoor garage? | AdultsPediatrics |
p_607 | Child care at home Name_common:Child home care by family or a babysitter | Pediatrics |
p_220 | Chronic NSAIDs use Question:Have you been using NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve), diclofenac (Voltaren), etc., for longer than a year, and the gaps between taking the medication were not longer than 7 days?Have you been using NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen, diclofenac, etc., three times a week for more than three months? | AdultsPediatrics |
p_283 | Circumcision Name_common:Being circumcised | AdultsPediatrics |
p_303 | Consumption of fruits or vegetables contaminated with animal feces Name_common:Eating fruits or vegetables contaminated with animal feces | AdultsPediatrics |
p_63 | Consumption of raw or undercooked meat Name_common:Consuming raw or undercooked meatsEating raw or undercooked meat | AdultsPediatrics |
p_139 | Contact lenses Name_common:Contact lens wearer | AdultsPediatrics |
p_500 | Contact with children with gastroenteritis Name_common:Contact with children with stomach flu | Adults |
p_385 | Contact with the blood of another person Name_common:Contact with bloodContact with another person's blood | Adults |
p_306 | Diagnosed concussion Name_common:Recent concussion | Adults |
p_128 | Excessive UV exposure Name_common:Intense UV light exposure | AdultsPediatrics |
p_528 | Foreign body in wound Name_common:Object stuck in a wound | AdultsPediatrics |
p_267 | Frequent tobacco smoke exposure Name_common:Secondhand smokeFrequent exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke | AdultsPediatrics |
p_235 | Gastroenteritis in the household Name_common:Gastroenteritis among family membersStomach flu in the family | Pediatrics |
p_589 | History of a tick bite, 3 weeks to 3 months ago, Europe Name_common:Tick bite in Europe between 3 weeks to 3 months ago | AdultsPediatrics |
p_592 | History of a tick bite, 3 weeks to 3 months ago, North America Name_common:Tick bite in North America between 3 weeks to 3 months ago | AdultsPediatrics |
p_593 | History of a tick bite, 3 weeks to 3 months ago, Northern Asia Name_common:Tick bite in Northern Asia between 3 weeks to 3 months ago | AdultsPediatrics |
p_595 | History of a tick bite, 3 weeks to 3 months ago, Southeast Asia Name_common:Tick bite in Southeast Asia between 3 weeks to 3 months ago | AdultsPediatrics |
p_590 | History of a tick bite, more than 3 months ago, Europe Name_common:Tick bite in Europe more than 3 months ago | AdultsPediatrics |
p_594 | History of a tick bite, more than 3 months ago, Northern Asia Name:History of a tick bite, more then 3 months ago, Northern AsiaHistory of a tick bite, more than 3 months ago, Northern Asia Name_common:Tick bite in Northern Asia more than 3 months ago | AdultsPediatrics |
p_596 | History of a tick bite, more than 3 months ago, Southeast Asia Name_common:Tick bite in Southeast Asia more than 3 months ago | AdultsPediatrics |
p_591 | History of a tick bite, more then 3 months ago, North America Name_common:Tick bite in North America more than 3 months ago | AdultsPediatrics |
p_176 | History of anaphylactic reaction Name_common:History of severe allergic reactionAnaphylaxis in the past | AdultsPediatrics |
p_384 | History of burn Name_common:Burn injury more than 48 hours ago | AdultsPediatrics |
p_296 | History of chickenpox or VZV vaccination Name_common:Past chickenpox or vaccination against it | AdultsPediatrics |
p_321 | History of hip joint replacement Name_common:Hip joint replacementHip joint replacement in the past | Adults |
p_322 | History of knee joint replacement Name_common:Knee joint replacementKnee joint replacement in the past | Adults |
p_691 | History of malignant neoplasm Name_common:History of cancerHistory of resolved cancer between 6 months and 3 years Question:Have you been diagnosed with cancer in the past 3 years?Have you been diagnosed with cancer in the past 3 years, but not earlier than in the last 6 months? | Adults |
p_442 | History of marine injury Name_common:Injury caused by marine animal | AdultsPediatrics |
p_316 | History of prostatectomy Name_common:Removal of prostateRemoval of prostate in the past | Adults |
p_278 | History of stroke Name_common:Past stroke | Adults |
p_54 | Hormonal contraceptive or menopausal hormone therapy Name_common:Birth control or menopausal hormone therapyCurrent birth control or menopausal hormone therapy | Adults |
p_367 | Improper hand hygiene Question:Do you often skip washing your hands before eating a meal?Do you tend to skip washing your hands before eating a meal? | AdultsPediatrics |
p_191 | Local upper limb compression Name_common:Squeezed arm | Adults |
p_274 | Maternal AIDS Name_common:HIV-positive mother | Pediatrics |
p_302 | Maternal Rh negative blood type Name_common:Mother has Rh negative blood type | Pediatrics |
p_535 | Maternal gestational diabetes Name_common:Diabetes in pregnancyDiabetes in mother during pregnancy | Pediatrics |
p_576 | Minor injury of nail fold Name_common:Nail fold damage | AdultsPediatrics |
p_142 | Non-serious eye injury Name_common:Mild eye injury | AdultsPediatrics |
p_681 | Ongoing malignant neoplasm Name_common:Diagnosed cancerPresent cancer diagnosis | Adults |
p_287 | Personal or family history of allergy Name_common:Family predisposition to allergyHistory of allergy in myself or my family | AdultsPediatrics |
p_599 | Possible methanol consumption, past 72 hours Name_common:Recent methanol overdoseRecent methanol drinking | Adults |
p_284 | Prematurity Name_common:Preemie | Pediatrics |
p_80 | Prior myocardial infarction Name_common:Prior heart attackHeart attack in the past | Adults |
p_213 | Profuse bleeding recently Name_common:Bleeding a lot recentlyHeavy bleeding recently | Adults |
p_138 | Prolonged exposure to sunlight and heat Name_common:Long time spent in the sun or heat | AdultsPediatrics |
p_280 | Prolonged lower limb immobilization Name_common:Leg immobilizationLeg immobilization for at least 8 hours | Adults |
p_566 | Recent Caesarean Section Name_common:Recent C-sectionC-section in the past 6 weeks | Adults |
p_143 | Recent alcohol consumption Name_common:Drank alcohol in the past 72 hours | AdultsPediatrics |
p_352 | Recent beetroot consumption Name_common:Recent beet consumptionEating beets in the last 72 hours Question:Have you recently eaten beetroots?Have you eaten beetroots in the last 72 hours? | AdultsPediatrics |
p_234 | Recent burn Name_common:Burn in the last 48 hours Question:Have you been burned by a hot object, hot liquid, electricity, or chemicals in the past 48 hours?Have you been burned by a hot object, hot liquid, electricity, or chemicals in the last 48 hours? | AdultsPediatrics |
p_36 | Recent contact with herbicides Name_common:Contact with weed killersContact with weed killers in the last 72 hours Question:Have you had contact with herbicides or weed killers in the past 48 hours?Have you had contact with herbicides or weed killers in the past 72 hours? | AdultsPediatrics |
p_41 | Recent contact with insecticides Name_common:Contact with chemicals meant to kill insectsContact with bug-killing chemicals in the last 72 hours Question:Have you had contact with insecticides or chemicals meant to kill insects or bugs in the past 48 hours?Have you had contact with insecticides or bug-killing chemicals in the past 72 hours? | AdultsPediatrics |
p_562 | Recent foreign body insertion in anus Name:History of foreign body insertion in anusRecent foreign body insertion in anus | AdultsPediatrics |
p_232 | Recent head injury Name_common:Recent head or face area injury | AdultsPediatrics |
p_161 | Recent history of urinary tract infections Name_common:Urinary tract infection in the last 3 months | AdultsPediatrics |
p_662 | Recent ovarian stimulation Name_common:Recent controlled ovarian stimulationControlled ovarian stimulation in the last 10 days | Adults |
p_667 | Recent procedure on cervix Name_common:Medical procedure on cervix in the last 7 days | Adults |
p_585 | Recent surgery Name_common:Surgery in the last 4 weeks | AdultsPediatrics |
p_148 | Recent upper respiratory tract infection Name_common:Upper respiratory tract infection in the past 8 weeks | AdultsPediatrics |
p_533 | Smokeless tobacco Name_common:Chewing or snuffing tobaccoChewing or snuffing tobacco for at least 5 years | Adults |
p_140 | Time spent at more than 2500 meters or 8200 ft above sea level Name_common:Being at an altitude of over 2500m or 8200 ft above sea level | Adults |
p_408 | Unknown insect bite, Southeast Asia Name_common:Unknown insect bite in Southeast AsiaBite of unknown insect in Southeast Asia | AdultsPediatrics |
p_406 | Unknown insect bite, the Middle East Name_common:Unknown insect bite in the Middle EastBite of an unknown insect in the Middle East | AdultsPediatrics |
p_328 | Unprotected vaginal intercourse in the past 3 months Name_common:Unprotected penile-vaginal sexual activity in recent monthsUnprotected penile-vaginal sexual activity in last 3 months | Adults |
Laboratory tests betaLab tests are still in development and will be available soon.
Added (2)
ID | Concept | Age groups |
lt_837 | Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibody Name:Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibody Name_common:anti-NMDAR Ab Synonyms_professional:['anti-NMDAR antibody', 'NMDAR-antibody'] | Adults |
lt_584 | Serum digoxin concentration Name:Serum digoxin concentration Name_common:Digoxin level Synonyms_professional:['serum digoxin level'] | Adults |
Updated (4)
ID | Concept | Age groups |
lt_203 | Anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA/IgG antibody titer Name:Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody titerAnti-tissue transglutaminase IgA/IgG antibody titer | AdultsPediatrics |
lt_301 | Positive fasting test Name:Positive fasting blood testPositive fasting test | Adults |
lt_120 | Serum CA 72-4 concentration Name_common:CA 72-4 | Adults |
lt_296 | Two-hour 75-gram oral glucose tolerance test Name_common:Oral glucose tolerance test | Adults |