Examples of implementations
Infermedica API can be used in many different ways. See how global companies, as well as startups, have used it to enhance their businesses and support their patients and healthcare environments.

Arts en Zorg Group
Arts en Zorg Group is the largest primary care organization in the Netherlands. Its mission - to provide direct access to high quality healthcare for everyone, anywhere, anytime. The Digital Healthcare department of Arts en Zorg Group creates solutions for consumers, patients, and healthcare professionals by combining self-care, digital care, and physical care. In furtherance of that mission, the Digital Healthcare department of Arts en Zorg Group has decided to add the Infermedica API-based symptom checker to their HuisartsDichtbij (opens in a new tab) platform. By making use of the Infermedica API, their patients now have easier, quicker access to both video consultations and self-care information as well as better treatment overall.
Learn more at artsenzorg.nl (opens in a new tab)

A digital platform that combines medical knowledge, data about physicians, and innovative technologies to help patients find their way to the right health support. DOCYET offers its solutions to insurance companies and health care institutions. Their platform leverages Infermedica API to provide access to a medical knowledge database and symptom assessment algorithms.
Learn more at docyet.com (opens in a new tab)

A digital platform that simplifies access to healthcare for patients in the U.S.A. Infermedica's API is used to enhance the personalized healthcare journey that each patient experiences by providing a symptom checker and improved patient data collection ahead of the visit. Through this, both patient and provider have more time to prepare for each visit.
Learn more at lifemd.com (opens in a new tab)

A virtual clinic combining telemedicine with traditional health services. Infermedica API is a part of their telehealth hub and is responsible for the initial symptom assessment of patients and intake collection.
Learn more at mydoc.ge (opens in a new tab) | See a demo video (opens in a new tab)

Solv partners with high-quality providers nationwide to provide convenient care via their platform. With the support of Infermedica’s symptom checker, millions of users in the US can now be directed to and access the most appropriate same-day or next-day care, either in person or virtually. By working with Infermedica API, Solv also managed to further improve their patients’ loyalty and engagement, as well as their own understanding of their patients’ needs. In-network bookings doubled (opens in a new tab) among symptom checker users.
Learn more at solvhealth.com (opens in a new tab) | See the case study (opens in a new tab)

Infermedica is responsible for assessing the risks of primary care conditions via one of the industry's leading symptom checkers.
Learn more at symptomate.com (opens in a new tab)