Available pediatrics symptoms
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- Abdominal guarding (s_1558)
- Abdominal mass (s_299)
- Abdominal pain (s_13)
- Abdominal pain, below navel (s_1598)
- Abdominal pain, burning or gnawing (s_1802)
- Abdominal pain, colicky (s_1848)
- Abdominal pain, crampy (s_1860)
- Abdominal pain, diffuse (s_1557)
- Abdominal pain, epigastric (s_1387)
- Abdominal pain, exacerbating during coughing or movement (s_15)
- Abdominal pain, exacerbating during deep breath (s_1202)
- Abdominal pain, exacerbating on an empty stomach (s_14)
- Abdominal pain, gradual onset (s_1844)
- Abdominal pain, lasting 2 to 7 days (s_1852)
- Abdominal pain, lasting 8 to 14 days (s_1853)
- Abdominal pain, lasting less than 2 days (s_1840)
- Abdominal pain, lasting more than 2 weeks (s_1842)
- Abdominal pain, left lower quadrant (s_1729)
- Abdominal pain, left upper quadrant (s_1591)
- Abdominal pain, localized (s_2275)
- Abdominal pain, migrating to the right lower quadrant (s_1851)
- Abdominal pain, mild (s_1782)
- Abdominal pain, moderate (s_1783)
- Abdominal pain, periumbilical (s_1532)
- Abdominal pain, postprandial (s_16)
- Abdominal pain, premenstrual (s_17)
- Abdominal pain, radiating to left shoulder or shoulder blade (s_1845)
- Abdominal pain, recurrent (s_1847)
- Abdominal pain, reduced by defecation or relieving flatulence (s_57)
- Abdominal pain, right lower quadrant (s_1531)
- Abdominal pain, right upper quadrant (s_1528)
- Abdominal pain, severe (s_1195)
- Abdominal pain, sharp and stabbing (s_1369)
- Abdominal pain, sudden onset (s_1843)
- Abdominal pain, unbearable (s_1929)
- Abdominal pain, unknown character (s_2288)
- Abdominal pain, unknown onset (s_2558)
- Abdominal pain, unspecified location (s_2281)
- Abdominal tenderness (s_1514)
- Abdominal tenderness, epigastric region (s_2463)
- Abdominal tenderness, hypogastric region (s_1400)
- Abdominal tenderness, left lower quadrant (s_2252)
- Abdominal tenderness, left upper quadrant (s_1589)
- Abdominal tenderness, right lower quadrant (s_1856)
- Abdominal tenderness, right upper quadrant (s_1392)
- Ability to manage hypoglycemia (s_2575)
- Abnormal eating pattern (s_3248)
- Abnormal menstruation (s_3069)
- Abnormal menstruation, dysmenorrhea (s_3066)
- Abnormal menstruation, hypomenorrhea (s_3065)
- Abnormal menstruation, irregular (s_3062)
- Abnormal menstruation, menorrhagia (s_3064)
- Abnormal uterine bleeding, nonmenstrual (s_2908)
- Abnormal uterine spotting, nonmenstrual (s_2909)
- Abnormal vaginal discharge (s_328)
- Abnormal wound drainage (s_2369)
- Abscess (s_598)
- Absence seizure (s_2047)
- Absence seizures, reflex (s_2294)
- Acid reflux (s_2121)
- Active suicide attempt (s_2904)
- Acute weight loss (s_2635)
- Additional injury (s_3092)
- Agnosia (s_833)
- Agoraphobia (s_884)
- Alcohol consumption (s_3042)
- Allodynia (s_2648)
- Anger outbursts (s_660)
- Angular cheilitis (s_608)
- Anhedonia (s_508)
- Anhedonia, lasting at least 2 weeks (s_287)
- Anhidrosis (s_1123)
- Anisocoria (s_497)
- Annular skin lesions (s_1647)
- Anorectal pain (s_436)
- Anuria (s_2586)
- Anxiety (s_120)
- Anxiety attack (s_582)
- Apathy (s_4)
- Aphonia (s_477)
- Ascites (s_1116)
- Asymmetrical thigh creases (s_2238)
- Ataxia (s_651)
- Ataxia, acute (s_2278)
- Ataxia, chronic (s_2280)
- Ataxia, subacute (s_2279)
- Audible popping in knee during injury (s_1744)
- Audible wheezing (s_474)
- Auscultative fine crackles over the thorax (s_857)
- Auscultative wheezes over the thorax (s_856)
- Avoidance behavior related to trauma (s_2705)
- Avoiding going home (s_2612)
- Axillary or inguinal freckles (s_1322)
- Back pain (s_1190)
- Back pain, acute (s_2820)
- Back pain, chronic (s_2822)
- Back pain, exacerbated by physical exertion (s_159)
- Back pain, improves with rest (s_1206)
- Back pain, lumbar (s_53)
- Back pain, lumbar, radiates to back of the thigh (s_38)
- Back pain, lumbar, radiating to the groin (s_663)
- Back pain, lumbar, unknown radiating direction (s_2314)
- Back pain, nocturnal (s_2284)
- Back pain, recurrent (s_1189)
- Back pain, severe (s_1192)
- Back pain, subacute (s_2821)
- Back pain, sudden (s_1198)
- Back pain, thoracic (s_1772)
- Back pain, worsens on palpation (s_2085)
- Battle's sign (s_2362)
- Bearable pain during limb movements, after trauma (s_2969)
- Bedwetting (s_2048)
- Belching (s_561)
- Bilateral enophthalmos (s_698)
- Bilateral muscle paralysis (s_1291)
- Binge eating (s_137)
- Binge eating, followed by self-disgust (s_568)
- Birthmark (s_3251)
- Black-coloured stool (s_71)
- Black-coloured stool, related to diet or medicine intake (s_2523)
- Bleeding from anus (s_115)
- Bleeding from anus, heavy (s_2277)
- Bleeding from anus, light (s_2276)
- Bleeding from anus, unknown severity (s_3348)
- Bleeding from mouth (s_3352)
- Bleeding from the umbilical cord stump (s_2132)
- Bleeding gums (s_111)
- Bleeding into muscles (s_1386)
- Blepharoptosis (s_192)
- Blepharoptosis, acute (s_2508)
- Blepharoptosis, chronic (s_2511)
- Blisters of skin (s_2856)
- Blisters of skin, bulla (s_2857)
- Blisters of skin, hemorrhagic bulla (s_3161)
- Blisters of skin, vesicle (s_2858)
- Bloating (s_309)
- Blood glucose level in the last 6 hours, more than 250 mg/dl or 13.9 mmol/l (s_3056)
- Blood glucose level, between 181 and 250 mg/dl or between 10 and 13.9 mmol/l (s_3053)
- Blood glucose level, between 251 and 350 mg/dl or between 14 and 19.4 mmol/l (s_3054)
- Blood glucose level, between 54 and 70 mg/dl or between 3 and 3.9 mmol/l (s_2011)
- Blood glucose level, between 71 and 180 mg/dl or between 4 and 9.9 mmol/l (s_3052)
- Blood glucose level, less than 54 mg/dl or 3 mmol/l (s_2487)
- Blood glucose level, more than 350 mg/dl or 19.4 mmol/l (s_3055)
- Blood glucose level, not measured (s_2014)
- Blood in eye (s_3307)
- Blood oxygen saturation, between 80% and 89% (s_2388)
- Blood oxygen saturation, between 90% and 94% (s_2387)
- Blood oxygen saturation, lower than 80% (s_2389)
- Blood oxygen saturation, normal (s_2376)
- Blood oxygen saturation, not measured (s_2375)
- Blood oxygen saturation, sudden worsening (s_2390)
- Blood pressure, elevated in children (s_3174)
- Bone deformity, non-traumatic (s_2180)
- Bone deformity, post-traumatic (s_2181)
- Bone pain (s_612)
- Bone pain, 1 week or more (s_2071)
- Bone pain, lasting less than a week (s_2070)
- Bone pain, nocturnal (s_2361)
- Bowel incontinence (s_641)
- Bowel sounds, decreased (s_1553)
- Bradycardia (s_534)
- Breaking the law (s_2806)
- Breast asymmetry in size or shape (s_2234)
- Breast pain or tenderness, bilateral (s_1480)
- Breast pain or tenderness, unilateral (s_609)
- Broken hair (s_1671)
- Brown nail discolouration (s_1310)
- Brown-coloured stool (s_2521)
- Brudzinski's sign (s_1690)
- Bruise (s_2341)
- Bruise, scrotum (s_2827)
- Bruising after trauma (s_1960)
- Bruxism (s_2283)
- Bulging fontanelle (s_2133)
- Bunion (s_2731)
- Burned skin (s_2955)
- Burned skin, another cause (s_2959)
- Burned skin, another location (s_2976)
- Burned skin, chemical (s_2957)
- Burned skin, covering 1% or less of the body's surface area (s_3277)
- Burned skin, covering 20% or more of the body's surface area (s_3280)
- Burned skin, covering between 10 to 19% of the body's surface area (s_3279)
- Burned skin, covering between 2 to 9% of the body's surface area (s_3278)
- Burned skin, deep tissues (s_2965)
- Burned skin, electrical (s_2958)
- Burned skin, foot (s_2973)
- Burned skin, full-thickness (s_2964)
- Burned skin, genitalia or perineum (s_2974)
- Burned skin, hand (s_2972)
- Burned skin, head or neck area (s_2971)
- Burned skin, major joint (s_2975)
- Burned skin, partial-thickness (s_2963)
- Burned skin, superficial (s_2962)
- Burned skin, thermal (s_2956)
- Burning skin (s_1165)
- Burning skin, face (s_1684)
- Burning tongue (s_200)
- Buttocks pain (s_1918)
- Café au lait macules (s_1330)
- Calf pain, above the heel (s_1878)
- Calf pain, severe while walking (s_232)
- Calf pseudohypertrophy (s_3368)
- Carbon monoxide exposure associated with burn (s_3094)
- Cardiac murmurs (s_1720)
- Catastrophising (s_2409)
- Central cyanosis (s_3294)
- Cervical dystonia (s_996)
- Change in colour of a tooth (s_346)
- Change in colour of a tooth, brown (s_2396)
- Change in colour of a tooth, white (s_2393)
- Chemosis (s_1091)
- Chest pain (s_50)
- Chest pain, burning (s_2096)
- Chest pain, continuing during rest (s_31)
- Chest pain, diffuse (s_51)
- Chest pain, during physical activity (s_35)
- Chest pain, exacerbated by chest wall movement (s_2051)
- Chest pain, exacerbated by stress (s_1763)
- Chest pain, exacerbating when lying down (s_2006)
- Chest pain, exacerbating with deep breath or cough (s_30)
- Chest pain, lasting between 30 minutes and 8 hours (s_2019)
- Chest pain, lasting less than 30 minutes (s_2018)
- Chest pain, lasting more than 8 hours (s_2022)
- Chest pain, pressure (s_1925)
- Chest pain, radiating to left upper limb (s_2074)
- Chest pain, recurrent (s_1952)
- Chest pain, resolves with rest (s_2826)
- Chest pain, severe (s_1197)
- Chest pain, stabbing (s_1601)
- Chest pain, substernal (s_1509)
- Chest pain, sudden (s_1200)
- Chest pain, worsens on palpation (s_1178)
- Chest pain, worsens on palpation of costochondral joints (s_1580)
- Chest retractions (s_2134)
- Chest retractions, intercostal (s_3362)
- Chest retractions, subcostal (s_3360)
- Chest retractions, suprasternal (s_3369)
- Chills (s_81)
- Chorea (s_1456)
- Circumferential burn (s_2692)
- Circumoral pallor (s_2135)
- Clavicle tenderness (s_2791)
- Clearing the throat (s_1094)
- Clicking or cracking in the jaw when opening or closing the mouth (s_429)
- Clogged ear (s_276)
- Cloudy urine (s_2729)
- Coated tonsils (s_610)
- Coating on tongue (s_1184)
- Cognitive disturbances (s_2108)
- Cold and clammy skin (s_1926)
- Cold feet and toes (s_408)
- Cold feet and toes, unilateral (s_2196)
- Cold hands or fingers (s_556)
- Cold sensitivity (s_118)
- Colour vision deficiency (s_1328)
- Coma (s_2109)
- Compulsions (s_303)
- Confusion, after trauma (s_1345)
- Consciousness disturbances (s_2034)
- Consciousness disturbances, acute (s_2072)
- Constipation (s_329)
- Constipation, lasting a month or more (s_2626)
- Consumption of expired food or drink (s_2164)
- Contentiousness (s_635)
- Convergent strabismus (s_1228)
- Corn or callus (s_1676)
- Corneal reflex weak or absent (s_1268)
- Cough (s_102)
- Cough, alternating productivity (s_2268)
- Cough, barking (s_2165)
- Cough, dry (s_105)
- Cough, improving with time (s_2836)
- Cough, irritant-induced (s_3350)
- Cough, lasting 3 to 8 weeks (s_1858)
- Cough, lasting less than 3 weeks (s_103)
- Cough, lasting more than 8 weeks (s_106)
- Cough, nocturnal (s_1985)
- Cough, not improving with time (s_2830)
- Cough, paroxysmal (s_1924)
- Cough, persistent, after infection (s_3313)
- Cough, productive (s_104)
- Cough, productive in the morning (s_662)
- Cough, productive with yellow or green sputum (s_526)
- Cough, whooping (s_2833)
- Craniotabes (s_2367)
- Creaking joints during movement (s_270)
- Crenated tongue (s_2495)
- Crotch pain (s_28)
- Crotch pain, glans penis (s_60)
- Crotch pain, sudden (s_34)
- Crotch pain, testicular or scrotal (s_52)
- Crotch pain, vulvovaginal (s_1829)
- Crying without tears (s_2138)
- Currant jelly stool (s_2053)
- Current choking (s_2296)
- Current cigarette smoking (s_195)
- Current injury (s_3091)
- Current mood, depressed (s_2681)
- Current mood, elevated (s_2680)
- Current mood, normal (s_2682)
- Cyanosis under the eyes (s_1105)
- Cyanosis, fingers (s_553)
- Dandruff (s_1616)
- Dark urine (s_611)
- Deceiving (s_2795)
- Decreased fluid intake (s_2622)
- Decreased head circumference (s_2373)
- Decreased hearing (s_208)
- Decreased hearing, progressive hearing loss (s_1484)
- Decreased hearing, sudden hearing loss (s_1538)
- Decreased intensity of breath sounds (s_1693)
- Decreased intensity of breath sounds, right basilar lung zones (s_1395)
- Decreased need for sleep (s_634)
- Decreased pupillary light reflex (s_535)
- Decreased skin turgor (s_697)
- Decreased visual acuity (s_967)
- Deep tendon reflexes, decreased (s_652)
- Deepening of periodontal pockets (s_108)
- Delayed closure of the anterior fontanelle (s_2365)
- Delayed language development (s_1603)
- Delusional thinking (s_3037)
- Demodex-related eyelid deposits (s_3309)
- Dental plaque (s_203)
- Depersonalization (s_1587)
- Derealization (s_514)
- Dermatological changes (s_241)
- Dermatological changes, aggravated by stress (s_1761)
- Dermatological changes, buttocks (s_2730)
- Dermatological changes, ears (s_2557)
- Dermatological changes, entire body (s_398)
- Dermatological changes, exacerbated by sunlight exposure (s_1921)
- Dermatological changes, eyelid (s_483)
- Dermatological changes, feet (s_1923)
- Dermatological changes, female genital area (s_2110)
- Dermatological changes, flexural surfaces (s_2058)
- Dermatological changes, forming a line (s_350)
- Dermatological changes, hands (s_1982)
- Dermatological changes, head (s_2673)
- Dermatological changes, hot to the touch (s_1510)
- Dermatological changes, hyperpigmentation of the skin (s_1680)
- Dermatological changes, in direct contact with buttons, fasteners, or cosmetics (s_352)
- Dermatological changes, intertriginous (s_2139)
- Dermatological changes, localized (s_2382)
- Dermatological changes, located in the genital area (s_1810)
- Dermatological changes, located on or around lips (s_2605)
- Dermatological changes, located on the face (s_1808)
- Dermatological changes, lower extremities excluding feet (s_2267)
- Dermatological changes, male genital area (s_2111)
- Dermatological changes, multiple (s_3031)
- Dermatological changes, no other location (s_3254)
- Dermatological changes, painful (s_1571)
- Dermatological changes, perianal region (s_2938)
- Dermatological changes, preceded by fever or other symptoms of respiratory tract infection (s_2674)
- Dermatological changes, preceded by pain or itching (s_400)
- Dermatological changes, recurring during infections or menstrual period (s_402)
- Dermatological changes, rough and uneven surface (s_404)
- Dermatological changes, scabs (s_245)
- Dermatological changes, scalp (s_2059)
- Dermatological changes, single (s_3030)
- Dermatological changes, spreading (s_1988)
- Dermatological changes, tongue (s_2412)
- Dermatological changes, trunk (s_2060)
- Dermatological changes, unilateral (s_3070)
- Dermatological changes, upper extremities excluding hands (s_2266)
- Dermatological changes, with flare-ups and remissions (s_1191)
- Destructive thoughts towards other people or things (s_1957)
- Diarrhea (s_8)
- Diarrhea, bloody (s_2746)
- Diarrhea, foamy (s_412)
- Diarrhea, intermittent (s_3378)
- Diarrhea, lasting 2 to 14 days (s_2194)
- Diarrhea, lasting 2 to 4 weeks (s_2328)
- Diarrhea, lasting less than 48 hours (s_2126)
- Diarrhea, lasting more than 4 weeks (s_2322)
- Diarrhea, more than 4 stools a day (s_3226)
- Diarrhea, rice water (s_1376)
- Dietary restrictions due to cultural or religious reasons (s_3256)
- Difference in size of testicles (s_1798)
- Difficulty acquiring new information (s_269)
- Difficulty biting and chewing (s_266)
- Difficulty organizing tasks or activities (s_2775)
- Difficulty organizing tasks or activities, 3 days or less (s_2778)
- Difficulty organizing tasks or activities, 4 to 6 days (s_2779)
- Difficulty organizing tasks or activities, 6 months or more (s_2781)
- Difficulty organizing tasks or activities, between 7 days and 6 months (s_2780)
- Difficulty waiting turns (s_2784)
- Diminished appetite (s_284)
- Diplopia (s_207)
- Diplopia with horizontal image dispersion (s_1229)
- Diplopia, lasting 24 hours or more (s_2201)
- Diplopia, lasting less than 24 hours (s_2200)
- Direct trauma to the anterior knee (s_3059)
- Discharge from ear (s_297)
- Discharge from ear, bloody (s_1577)
- Discharge from ear, purulent (s_1994)
- Discharge from periodontal pockets (s_302)
- Discharge from urethra (s_369)
- Discharge under foreskin (s_301)
- Discomfort while speaking, maxillo-facial (s_95)
- Displacement of orbit (s_3286)
- Dissociative amnesia of trauma (s_711)
- Distance misjudgment (s_501)
- Divergent strabismus (s_1236)
- Dizziness (s_370)
- Dizziness, recurrent (s_2023)
- Dizziness, unbearable (s_2118)
- Dizziness, vertigo (s_936)
- Drawing up legs (s_2140)
- Dry discharge on eyelids (s_489)
- Dry eyes (s_2094)
- Dry mouth (s_247)
- Dry skin (s_542)
- Dry, cracked skin, bleeding occasionally (s_385)
- Dyspepsia (s_1432)
- Dysphagia (s_962)
- Dysphagia, esophageal (s_1779)
- Dysphagia, oropharyngeal (s_1776)
- Dysphagia, severe (s_2571)
- Dysphonia (s_68)
- Dysphonia, more than 2 weeks (s_1958)
- Dyspnea (s_88)
- Dyspnea, breathing with effort at rest (s_3374)
- Dyspnea, due to other causes (s_3373)
- Dyspnea, lasting 1 to 24 hours (s_2176)
- Dyspnea, lasting between 1 day and 4 weeks (s_90)
- Dyspnea, lasting between 1 day and 4 weeks, sudden worsening (s_2835)
- Dyspnea, lasting more than 4 weeks (s_1625)
- Dyspnea, lasting more than 4 weeks, sudden worsening (s_2834)
- Dyspnea, on exertion (s_2204)
- Dyspnea, orthopnea (s_563)
- Dyspnea, paroxysmal nocturnal (s_1317)
- Dyspnea, started less than 1 hour ago (s_92)
- Dyspnea, unknown severity (s_2231)
- Dyspnea, with flare-ups and remissions (s_1185)
- Dyspnea, without exertion (s_3372)
- Dystonia (s_1298)
- Ear canal swelling (s_291)
- Ear rubbing (s_2193)
- Earache (s_47)
- Earache, tenderness around the ear (s_476)
- Easy bruising (s_234)
- Echolalia (s_1696)
- Edema (s_700)
- Edema, both ankles (s_623)
- Edema, both feet (s_1995)
- Edema, both hands (s_2093)
- Edema, both lower limbs (s_175)
- Edema, both lower limbs, acute (s_2839)
- Edema, both lower limbs, chronic (s_2840)
- Edema, clavicle (s_2790)
- Edema, costochondral junctions (s_1581)
- Edema, dependent on the body position (s_699)
- Edema, either lower limb (s_2867)
- Edema, elbow joint (s_1635)
- Edema, entire face (s_2718)
- Edema, face (s_616)
- Edema, finger (s_1311)
- Edema, forearm (s_3218)
- Edema, hip joint (s_1652)
- Edema, knee joint (s_170)
- Edema, lip (s_1433)
- Edema, neck (s_363)
- Edema, nose (s_1996)
- Edema, one ankle (s_171)
- Edema, one foot (s_2103)
- Edema, one hand (s_1464)
- Edema, one lower limb (s_173)
- Edema, one lower limb, acute (s_2837)
- Edema, one lower limb, chronic (s_2838)
- Edema, penis (s_2207)
- Edema, periorbital, both eyes (s_1442)
- Edema, periorbital, eyes (s_2639)
- Edema, periorbital, left eye (s_3317)
- Edema, periorbital, right eye (s_3318)
- Edema, pitting (s_562)
- Edema, scrotum (s_176)
- Edema, shoulder joint (s_1655)
- Edema, toe (s_1997)
- Edema, upper limb (s_1447)
- Edema, vulva (s_2849)
- Edema, wrist joint (s_1431)
- Electric shock (s_2825)
- Electric shock resulting in respiratory or cardiovascular complications (s_3209)
- Enamel hypomineralization (s_2383)
- Enamel hypoplasia (s_1166)
- Enamel lesions (s_2381)
- Enamel lesions, caries (s_272)
- Enamel lesions, spots (s_2391)
- Enamel lesions, symmetrical (s_2384)
- Enlarged axillary lymph nodes (s_2292)
- Enlarged cervical lymph nodes (s_2248)
- Enlarged front of neck (s_2247)
- Enlarged lymph nodes (s_220)
- Enlarged salivary glands (s_1057)
- Enlarged side of neck (s_2465)
- Enlarged whole neck (s_2467)
- Enlargement of palatine tonsil, unilateral (s_1390)
- Enlargement of palatine tonsils, bilateral (s_1102)
- Episodes of depressed mood (s_169)
- Episodes of depressed mood, lasting 1 to 2 years (s_2667)
- Episodes of depressed mood, lasting between 2 weeks and 1 year (s_2666)
- Episodes of depressed mood, lasting less than 2 weeks (s_2663)
- Episodes of depressed mood, lasting more than 2 years (s_2664)
- Erythema (s_229)
- Erythema migrans (s_202)
- Erythema, around both eyes (s_1955)
- Erythema, around either eye (s_2633)
- Erythema, around one eye (s_2630)
- Erythema, chest (s_2484)
- Erythema, facial (s_1468)
- Erythema, facial, butterfly-shaped (s_230)
- Erythema, feet (s_2559)
- Erythema, finger (s_1314)
- Erythema, foreskin or head of the penis (s_433)
- Erythema, hands (s_557)
- Erythema, joint (s_323)
- Erythema, large portion of body (s_1469)
- Erythema, limb (s_325)
- Erythema, limbs, symmetrical (s_2477)
- Erythema, lower extremities excluding feet (s_2552)
- Erythema, neck (s_2481)
- Erythema, palmar (s_1125)
- Erythema, scalp (s_1791)
- Erythema, scrotum (s_2236)
- Erythema, shoulders and nape of neck (s_758)
- Erythema, toe (s_2003)
- Erythema, unspecified (s_2371)
- Erythema, upper extremities excluding hands (s_2551)
- Erythema, V-shaped on chest (s_759)
- Erythema, vulva (s_1999)
- Erythema, well demarcated borders (s_3151)
- Erythematous tonsils (s_1498)
- Exaggerated mouthing behaviour (s_2517)
- Exaggerated startle response (s_2737)
- Excess hair growth (s_132)
- Excessive fear of separation (s_2289)
- Excessive loss of dental hard tissue (s_2496)
- Excessive motor activity (s_2758)
- Excessive motor activity, 3 days or less (s_2759)
- Excessive motor activity, 4 to 6 days (s_2761)
- Excessive motor activity, 6 months or more (s_2763)
- Excessive motor activity, 7 days to 6 months (s_2762)
- Excessive saliva production (s_1304)
- Excessive sweating (s_216)
- Excessive tear production (s_122)
- Excessive verbosity (s_2789)
- Exophthalmos (s_1163)
- Expiratory grunting (s_2143)
- Eye burn (s_3004)
- Eye closure difficulties (s_3206)
- Eye closure difficulties, both eyes (s_3122)
- Eye closure difficulties, one eye (s_3099)
- Eye discharge (s_2141)
- Eye discharge, purulent (s_2188)
- Eye discharge, thick and clear (s_2329)
- Eye flashes (s_606)
- Eye floaters (s_3269)
- Eye injury (s_2572)
- Eye pain (s_493)
- Eye pain, bilateral (s_2988)
- Eye pain, unbearable (s_2242)
- Eye pain, unilateral (s_2987)
- Eyelid lesion, itching (s_1983)
- Eyelid lesion, painful (s_485)
- Eyelid lesion, red and warm (s_486)
- Eyelid lesion, red lump with yellow tip (s_484)
- Eyelid twitching (s_235)
- Eyelid twitching, both eyes (s_3260)
- Eyelid twitching, one eye (s_3259)
- Eyes sensitive to light (s_488)
- Facial muscle spasms (s_1425)
- Facial pain (s_478)
- Facial pain, bilateral (s_2499)
- Facial pain, constant (s_2544)
- Facial pain, more than 2 hours (s_1203)
- Facial pain, paranasal sinus (s_1436)
- Facial pain, periodic (s_427)
- Facial pain, severe (s_1194)
- Facial pain, stabbing (s_425)
- Facial pain, triggered by eating, or touching or brushing teeth (s_426)
- Facial pain, unilateral (s_424)
- Facial pain, unprovoked (s_2543)
- Fall from a height (s_2928)
- Fatigue (s_2100)
- Fatigue, during feeding (s_2264)
- Fatigue, more than 6 months (s_1547)
- Fatigue, weakness after exercise (s_1332)
- Fatigue, worsening exercise tolerance (s_2645)
- Fear of a particular person (s_2615)
- Fear of losing control (s_1088)
- Fear of obesity (s_157)
- Fear of social interactions (s_2832)
- Fear of specific object, situation, or action (s_244)
- Fear or avoidance of eating in someone else's presence (s_2831)
- Feeling hot (s_274)
- Feeling of guilt (s_205)
- Feeling of helplessness (s_629)
- Feeling of hopelessness (s_632)
- Feeling of incomplete evacuation of the bladder (s_435)
- Feeling of rectal fullness (s_1565)
- Feeling of sand under eyelids (s_201)
- Feeling of weight in scrotum (s_1175)
- Feeling overweight despite normal to low weight (s_419)
- Feeling pressure or pulsation inside the tooth (s_279)
- Fever (s_98)
- Fever, absent now but present in the past 72 hours (s_2907)
- Fever, between 37°C and 37.9°C or between 98.6°F and 100.3°F (s_99)
- Fever, between 38°C and 40°C or between 100.4°F and 104°F (s_100)
- Fever, continuous (s_2879)
- Fever, fully responsive to treatment (s_2860)
- Fever, higher than 104°F or 40°C (s_2000)
- Fever, intermittent (s_2891)
- Fever, lasting 3 to 7 days (s_2320)
- Fever, lasting 8 to 14 days (s_2855)
- Fever, lasting less than 3 days (s_2319)
- Fever, lasting more than 14 days (s_2854)
- Fever, partially responsive to treatment (s_2866)
- Fever, periodic, days or weeks (s_2888)
- Fever, relapsing after 24 hours (s_2890)
- Fever, temperature not measured (s_1820)
- Fever, unknown reaction to antipyretics (s_3115)
- Fever, unresponsive to treatment (s_2063)
- Fever, use of antipyretic drug (s_2876)
- Firm testicle (s_2828)
- Fixation on healthy eating (s_3241)
- Flank pain (s_2182)
- Flank pain, abdomen (s_3083)
- Flank pain, back (s_3084)
- Flank pain, side (s_3085)
- Flat foot (s_2253)
- Foamy urine (s_504)
- Food neophobia (s_3263)
- Foot drop (s_1909)
- Foot pain (s_578)
- Foot pain, pain in back of foot during single-leg heel raise (s_1645)
- Foreign body insertion, anus (s_3057)
- Foreign body insertion, dangerous object (s_2454)
- Foreign body insertion, head area (s_2881)
- Foreign body insertion, stuck in anus (s_2884)
- Foreign body insertion, stuck in vagina (s_2883)
- Foreign body insertion, vagina (s_3058)
- Foul-smelling stools (s_525)
- Foul-smelling urine (s_2064)
- Frequent infections (s_505)
- Frequent infections, lower respiratory tract (s_532)
- Frequent infections, upper respiratory tract (s_531)
- Frequent physical hetero-aggressivity (s_2650)
- Frequent urination (s_215)
- Frontal bossing (s_2366)
- Galactorrhea in men (s_2336)
- Gastric symptoms, after gluten ingestion (s_2271)
- Gastric symptoms, after lactose ingestion (s_1570)
- Gastric symptoms, stress-related (s_1767)
- General anxiety (s_583)
- Genital injury in female (s_2246)
- Genital injury in male (s_2245)
- Genital itch (s_253)
- Genu varum (s_1226)
- Gingival recession (s_2260)
- Glassy eyes (s_1090)
- Globus sensation (s_513)
- Goldflam's sign (s_1302)
- Gowers' sign (s_2262)
- Groin pain (s_2582)
- Groin pain, exacerbated by coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising (s_1250)
- Gum erythema (s_322)
- Gum pain (s_19)
- Gynecomastia (s_586)
- Hair loss (s_121)
- Halitosis (s_65)
- Hallucinations, auditory (s_682)
- Hallucinations, visual (s_681)
- Hallucinatory experiences (s_3038)
- Halos around lights (s_2041)
- Head bobbing (s_3365)
- Head drop (s_191)
- Head tilt in order to avoid diplopia (s_1230)
- Headache (s_21)
- Headache, chronic (s_1535)
- Headache, chronic, lasting 4 to 72 hours (s_1870)
- Headache, chronic, lasting 5 minutes to 4 hours (s_1868)
- Headache, chronic, lasting less than 5 minutes (s_1907)
- Headache, chronic, lasting more than 3 days (s_1901)
- Headache, exacerbated by increased stress (s_1762)
- Headache, exacerbated by physical activity (s_1871)
- Headache, exacerbated by tilting head forwards (s_625)
- Headache, excruciating (s_1864)
- Headache, forehead (s_1349)
- Headache, generalized (s_24)
- Headache, lancinating (s_604)
- Headache, mild (s_1780)
- Headache, moderate (s_1781)
- Headache, occipital (s_970)
- Headache, parietal (s_2568)
- Headache, pressing (s_23)
- Headache, pulsating (s_25)
- Headache, recent (s_1912)
- Headache, recent, lasting 1 to 24 hours (s_2190)
- Headache, recent, lasting less than 1 hour (s_2189)
- Headache, recent, lasting more than 1 day (s_2191)
- Headache, series over a period of time (s_605)
- Headache, severe (s_1193)
- Headache, sudden onset (s_1905)
- Headache, sudden worsening (s_3034)
- Headache, temporal region (s_1911)
- Headache, unilateral (s_22)
- Headache, waking up from sleep (s_2516)
- Headache, worse in the morning (s_799)
- Heartburn (s_338)
- Heel drop test (s_1922)
- Hemarthrosis (s_1170)
- Hematemesis (s_306)
- Hemoptysis (s_116)
- Hemoptysis, massive (s_2651)
- Hepatomegaly (s_1051)
- Heterochromic irides (s_2546)
- Hiccups (s_1295)
- History of a stressful situation (s_2714)
- History of a tick bite, in the past 3 weeks, Europe (s_2945)
- History of a tick bite, in the past 3 weeks, North America (s_2947)
- History of a tick bite, in the past 3 weeks, Northern Asia (s_2948)
- History of a tick bite, in the past 3 weeks, Southeast Asia (s_2949)
- History of an unexpected death of a loved one (s_2710)
- History of anemia (s_147)
- History of being at risk of a death (s_2706)
- History of experiencing or witnessing a natural disaster (s_2707)
- History of experiencing or witnessing a serious traffic accident (s_2708)
- History of hypoglycemic episodes (s_2574)
- History of traumatic situation (s_2709)
- Homonymous hemianopsia (s_957)
- Honey-coloured crust on the skin (s_373)
- Hot flashes (s_280)
- Hypersensitivity to smells (s_1891)
- Hypersensitivity to sound (s_1150)
- Hypervigilance (s_2727)
- Hyphema (s_3312)
- Hypnagogic hallucinations (s_2507)
- Hypopigmentation of the skin (s_180)
- Hypotension in children (s_3176)
- Ill appearance (s_2144)
- Ill appearance, serious and strong concern (s_2145)
- Illusion of surroundings being bigger or smaller than they actually are (s_341)
- Impaired balance while walking (s_317)
- Impaired concentration (s_631)
- Impaired memory (s_316)
- Impaired memory, developed more than 24 hours ago (s_2490)
- Impaired memory, developed within 24 hours (s_2489)
- Impaired memory, short-term (s_830)
- Impaired smell (s_1095)
- Impaired social functioning (s_716)
- Impaired vision (s_320)
- Impaired vision, bilateral (s_2464)
- Impaired vision, complete blindness (s_3201)
- Impaired vision, gradual (s_3199)
- Impaired vision, loss of part of visual field (s_3189)
- Impaired vision, one eye (s_1819)
- Impaired vision, subjective visual disturbance (s_3200)
- Impaired vision, sudden and recent onset (s_3190)
- Inability to bear weight (s_2984)
- Inability to bear weight, after trauma (s_2086)
- Inability to bear weight, non-traumatic (s_2992)
- Inability to manage hypoglycemia (s_2749)
- Inability to pass flatus (s_1551)
- Inconsolable crying (s_3071)
- Increased abdominal girth (s_277)
- Increased appetite (s_311)
- Increased head circumference (s_2148)
- Increased thirst (s_310)
- Inhalation burn (s_3045)
- Injury in a motorcycle crash (s_2929)
- Injury in a serious car accident (s_2931)
- Injury location question (s_2919)
- Injury, no information (s_3116)
- Insomnia (s_917)
- Interdental papilla loss (s_2510)
- Intermenstrual vaginal bleeding (s_3331)
- Intermittent urine flow (s_358)
- Interpersonal relationship difficulties (s_1695)
- Involuntary repetitive behaviours (s_2796)
- Involuntary repetitive behaviours, motor (s_2794)
- Involuntary repetitive behaviours, vocal (s_2797)
- Irritability (s_540)
- Irritability, lasting more than 3 days (s_2149)
- Itching after a hot shower or bath (s_614)
- Itching around anus (s_249)
- Itching eye (s_1563)
- Itching inside ear (s_255)
- Itching nose or throat (s_252)
- Jaundice (s_332)
- Jaundice, cutaneous (s_2569)
- Jaundice, during infectious disease (s_336)
- Jaundice, following intense physical exertion (s_335)
- Jaundice, onset within 24 hours after birth (s_3150)
- Jaundice, recurrent (s_2563)
- Jaundice, stress-related (s_334)
- Jaw pain (s_1961)
- Jaw pain, associated with touch (s_2501)
- Jaw pain, worse in the morning (s_2498)
- Joint deformity, non-traumatic (s_359)
- Joint deformity, post-traumatic (s_2087)
- Joint pain (s_44)
- Joint pain, ankle (s_1621)
- Joint pain, both knees (s_2591)
- Joint pain, both knees, during movement (s_2592)
- Joint pain, during ankle movement (s_1623)
- Joint pain, during elbow movement (s_1634)
- Joint pain, during hip movement (s_1823)
- Joint pain, during shoulder movement (s_1805)
- Joint pain, during thumb movement (s_1641)
- Joint pain, during wrist movement (s_1636)
- Joint pain, either knee (s_3244)
- Joint pain, elbow (s_1632)
- Joint pain, hallux (s_79)
- Joint pain, hip (s_11)
- Joint pain, inflammatory (s_2299)
- Joint pain, knee, during movement (s_1610)
- Joint pain, mechanical (s_2298)
- Joint pain, one knee (s_581)
- Joint pain, severe, after trauma (s_41)
- Joint pain, shoulder (s_1654)
- Joint pain, sudden (s_1201)
- Joint pain, tenderness (s_1656)
- Joint pain, thumb (s_1639)
- Joint pain, wrist (s_1430)
- Joint stiffness (s_575)
- Kernig's sign (s_1689)
- Knee injury, twisting (s_3046)
- Knee instability (s_1745)
- Koplik's spots (s_664)
- Lack of attention to detail (s_2783)
- Lack of eye contact (s_1698)
- Lack of eye fixation (s_2151)
- Lack of initiative, motivation, or drive (s_1006)
- Lack of testicle in the scrotum (s_2547)
- Leukocoria (s_3268)
- Lice eggs or nits on hair shafts (s_1793)
- Limb length discrepancy (s_2066)
- Limb paresis, after trauma (s_2967)
- Limited eye movement (s_3303)
- Limited left eye movement (s_3295)
- Limited left eye movement, downward limitation (s_3299)
- Limited left eye movement, leftward limitation (s_3301)
- Limited left eye movement, rightward limitation (s_3302)
- Limited left eye movement, upward limitation (s_3297)
- Limited neck rotation (s_2954)
- Limited right eye movement (s_3296)
- Limited right eye movement, downward limitation (s_3300)
- Limited right eye movement, leftward limitation (s_3304)
- Limited right eye movement, rightward limitation (s_3306)
- Limited right eye movement, upward limitation (s_3298)
- Limping (s_2924)
- Lisch nodules (s_1324)
- Livedo reticularis (s_763)
- Loose dental filling (s_2453)
- Loose tooth unrelated to a tooth exchange (s_228)
- Loss of consciousness (s_1543)
- Loss of consciousness, after trauma (s_3197)
- Loss of consciousness, during exercise (s_2472)
- Loss of consciousness, during prolonged standing (s_2468)
- Loss of consciousness, in a sitting or lying position (s_2471)
- Loss of consciousness, in a warm place (s_2474)
- Loss of consciousness, more than 1 minute (s_2303)
- Loss of consciousness, transient (s_2302)
- Loss of consciousness, under stress (s_2475)
- Loss of consciousness, unprovoked (s_3213)
- Loss of consciousness, with urination or defecation (s_190)
- Loss of joint motion (s_2634)
- Loss of muscle mass (s_622)
- Loss of sensation in the face (s_959)
- Loss of the lingual papillae (s_1394)
- Loss of will to live (s_507)
- Low sense of self-worth (s_155)
- Lower limb pallor (s_1725)
- Lower limb tenderness (s_1618)
- Lower limb tenderness, calf (s_1622)
- Lump in popliteal region (s_2309)
- Lump in scrotum (s_1173)
- Lying about eating or hiding food (s_420)
- Lymph node pain (s_1733)
- Male genital itching (s_2043)
- Malocclusions (s_289)
- Mandibular deviation when opening mouth (s_2403)
- Mathematics difficulties (s_2352)
- Measles rash (s_665)
- Menstrual age (s_3370)
- Menstrual period late (s_2861)
- Menstrual period late, 1 to 3 weeks (s_2862)
- Menstrual period late, 3 to 12 months (s_2864)
- Menstrual period late, between 3 weeks and 3 months (s_2863)
- Menstrual period late, less than 1 week (s_2872)
- Menstrual period late, more than 12 months (s_2865)
- Menstrual vaginal bleeding (s_3328)
- Mental disturbances exacerbated by stress (s_1768)
- Miosis (s_537)
- Misplacing things (s_2760)
- Misplacing things, lasting 3 days or less (s_2771)
- Misplacing things, lasting 4 to 6 days (s_2772)
- Misplacing things, lasting 6 months or more (s_2774)
- Misplacing things, lasting 7 days to 6 months (s_2773)
- Mood swings (s_646)
- Mood swings, 1 to 2 years (s_2686)
- Mood swings, diurnal (s_730)
- Mood swings, extreme rapid pattern (s_2687)
- Mood swings, less than 1 year (s_2676)
- Mood swings, longstanding pattern (s_2786)
- Mood swings, more than 2 years (s_2675)
- Motor retardation (s_1297)
- Mouth breathing (s_1104)
- Mouth pain (s_2065)
- Mouth pain, after eating spicy or acidic food (s_2421)
- Mouth ulcer (s_1)
- Mucosal pallor (s_1210)
- Mucous secretion in stool (s_642)
- Multiple red areas, larger than 1 cm (s_2357)
- Multiple red changes, different sizes (s_2370)
- Multiple red spots, smaller than 1 cm (s_2359)
- Murphy's sign (s_567)
- Muscle cramps (s_503)
- Muscle cramps, hypnagogic (s_2506)
- Muscle cramps, lower limb (s_2638)
- Muscle cramps, nocturnal (s_2494)
- Muscle weakness (s_650)
- Muscle weakness, both lower limbs (s_3108)
- Muscle weakness, both upper limbs (s_3104)
- Muscle weakness, drooping mouth corner on both sides (s_3123)
- Muscle weakness, drooping mouth corner on one side (s_3100)
- Muscle weakness, face (s_3098)
- Muscle weakness, face, other (s_3124)
- Muscle weakness, general (s_2330)
- Muscle weakness, hemiparesis (s_3110)
- Muscle weakness, lasting between 1 and 4 weeks (s_3117)
- Muscle weakness, lasting between 24 hours and 1 week (s_3113)
- Muscle weakness, lasting less than 24 hours (s_3106)
- Muscle weakness, lasting more than 4 weeks (s_3118)
- Muscle weakness, limbs (s_3097)
- Muscle weakness, limbs, other (s_3111)
- Muscle weakness, localized (s_3096)
- Muscle weakness, non-paresis (s_3078)
- Muscle weakness, one lower limb (s_3107)
- Muscle weakness, one side of the face (s_3101)
- Muscle weakness, one upper limb (s_3105)
- Muscle weakness, paralysis (s_3080)
- Muscle weakness, paresis (s_3079)
- Muscle weakness, tetraparesis (s_3109)
- Myalgia (s_1142)
- Myalgia, following intense physical exertion (s_2455)
- Mydriasis (s_536)
- Myringitis (s_1476)
- Nail clubbing (s_603)
- Nail pain (s_2005)
- Nasal catarrh (s_107)
- Nasal catarrh, acute (s_2845)
- Nasal catarrh, chronic (s_2846)
- Nasal catarrh, mucoid (s_2153)
- Nasal catarrh, purulent (s_2154)
- Nasal congestion (s_331)
- Nasal congestion, acute (s_2307)
- Nasal congestion, chronic (s_1812)
- Nasal congestion, subacute (s_2308)
- Nasal congestion, worsens after briefly improving (s_2226)
- Nasal flaring (s_2155)
- Nasal speech (s_1303)
- Nausea (s_156)
- Nausea, triggered by movement (s_2512)
- Neck asymmetry (s_1388)
- Neck pain (s_1483)
- Neck pain, acute (s_2939)
- Neck pain, chronic (s_2941)
- Neck pain, subacute (s_2940)
- Neck pain, sudden onset (s_2953)
- Neck pain, unilateral (s_965)
- Neck vein distention (s_671)
- New neurological deficit, after trauma (s_2936)
- Night sweats (s_217)
- No abnormal uterine bleeding or spotting, nonmenstrual (s_2913)
- No additional injury (s_3093)
- No eye injury (s_3145)
- No history of a tick bite (s_2946)
- No history of inflammatory bowel disease (s_2462)
- No major force injury (s_2932)
- No pain or restrictions during limb movements, after trauma (s_2970)
- No problem with walking (s_2985)
- Nocturia (s_182)
- Nocturnal emission (s_2541)
- Nodule located in breast (s_300)
- Noisy breathing (s_2124)
- Normal heart rate (s_2169)
- Normal urine colour (s_2590)
- Nose pain (s_1605)
- Nosebleed (s_1429)
- Nosebleed, recurrent (s_2017)
- Nosebleed, single episode (s_2016)
- Nosebleed, uncontrollable (s_3205)
- Numerous nevi (s_377)
- Nystagmus (s_479)
- Obsessions (s_127)
- Odynophagia (s_509)
- Oily skin (s_362)
- Oliguria (s_185)
- Open comedones (s_389)
- Oral blisters (s_2598)
- Oral lesions (s_694)
- Oral lesions, associated with drugs (s_3283)
- Oral lesions, associated with restorative materials (s_3284)
- Oral lesions, bilateral (s_3282)
- Oral lesions, changes in the location, size, or shape (s_2422)
- Oral lesions, larger than 1 cm (s_2417)
- Oral lesions, lasting 3 or more weeks (s_2538)
- Oral lesions, lasting less than 3 weeks (s_2537)
- Oral lesions, located in posterior pharynx (s_2354)
- Oral lesions, located in the anterior part (s_2927)
- Oral lesions, multiple (s_2414)
- Oral lesions, painful (s_2535)
- Oral lesions, recurrent (s_2424)
- Oral lesions, red (s_2416)
- Oral lesions, single (s_2532)
- Oral lesions, smaller than 1 cm (s_2533)
- Oral lesions, trauma-related (s_2553)
- Oral lesions, unilateral (s_3281)
- Oral lesions, well demarcated borders (s_2413)
- Oral lesions, white plaques (s_1673)
- Orthostatic hypotension (s_541)
- Osler nodes (s_1719)
- Otorrhea, after trauma (s_2364)
- Ovarian enlargement (s_1289)
- Pain behind ear (s_1180)
- Pain in both lower limbs (s_1453)
- Pain in both lower limbs, both feet (s_2092)
- Pain in both upper limbs (s_1452)
- Pain in both upper limbs, both hands (s_2091)
- Pain in front of ear (s_2402)
- Pain in lower limb (s_579)
- Pain in lower limb, calf (s_1620)
- Pain in lower limb, lasting between 1 and 7 days (s_2851)
- Pain in lower limb, lasting between 1 week and 3 months (s_2852)
- Pain in lower limb, lasting less than 24 hours (s_2850)
- Pain in lower limb, lasting more than 3 months (s_2853)
- Pain in lower limb, limping due to pain (s_1927)
- Pain in lower limb, severe (s_1930)
- Pain in lower limb, shin (s_2335)
- Pain in lower limb, thigh (s_1893)
- Pain in temporomandibular joint during movement (s_430)
- Pain in the limb during movement (s_3210)
- Pain in upper limb (s_580)
- Pain in upper limb, forearm (s_1799)
- Pain in upper limb, hand or fingers (s_554)
- Pain in upper limb, lasting 1 to 7 days (s_2636)
- Pain in upper limb, lasting between 1 week and 3 months (s_2637)
- Pain in upper limb, lasting less than 24 hours (s_2624)
- Pain in upper limb, lasting more than 3 months (s_2625)
- Pain in upper limb, one finger (s_1313)
- Pain in upper limb, severe (s_1935)
- Pain near eye socket (s_54)
- Painful defecation (s_1393)
- Painful urination (s_39)
- Palatine petechiae (s_1371)
- Pale and brittle nails (s_10)
- Pale or clay-colored stool (s_569)
- Pale skin, fingers (s_2282)
- Palpitations (s_110)
- Palpitations, lasting more than 5 minutes (s_2002)
- Palpitations, recurrent (s_2004)
- Papilledema (s_803)
- Paraphimosis (s_2206)
- Paraspinal muscle tenderness (s_1486)
- Paresthesia (s_518)
- Paresthesia, around the mouth (s_126)
- Paresthesia, both feet (s_125)
- Paresthesia, both lower limbs (s_1063)
- Paresthesia, both upper limbs (s_973)
- Paresthesia, face (s_971)
- Paresthesia, lower limbs (s_2306)
- Paresthesia, one foot (s_2315)
- Paresthesia, one lower limb (s_2001)
- Paresthesia, one upper limb (s_1449)
- Paresthesia, sudden onset (s_1932)
- Paresthesia, upper limbs (s_2304)
- Parotid swelling (s_529)
- Past appendectomy (s_1800)
- Pathologic fractures (s_1715)
- Pedestrian or cyclist hit by a car (s_2930)
- Pericardial friction rub (s_1380)
- Perionychial pain (s_1312)
- Periorbital ecchymosis (s_2084)
- Personality changes (s_348)
- Petechiae (s_594)
- Pharyngeal erythema (s_1367)
- Pharyngeal pain (s_20)
- Pharyngeal pain, unilateral (s_1826)
- Pharyngeal swelling (s_2461)
- Phimosis (s_263)
- Physical injury (s_2088)
- Physical injury, head (s_2914)
- Physical injury, lower limb (s_2917)
- Physical injury, trunk (s_2915)
- Physical injury, upper limb (s_2916)
- Pleural effusion (s_1437)
- Pleuritic chest pain, after trauma (s_2112)
- Polyuria (s_75)
- Poor personal hygiene (s_770)
- Positive allergy challenge (s_1093)
- Positive prick or patch skin allergy test (s_1092)
- Positive tongue blade bite test (s_2609)
- Postnasal drip (s_1471)
- Posttussive vomiting (s_2156)
- Preoccupation with food (s_69)
- Presence of neurofibromas (s_1323)
- Presence of the umbilical cord (s_2157)
- Prolonged bleeding time (s_593)
- Prolonged capillary refill time (s_1508)
- Prolonged nighttime sleep (s_777)
- Protrusion of the auricle (s_3087)
- Pruritus (s_254)
- Pruritus, aggravated by change in temperature, sweating, or wearing wool (s_251)
- Pruritus, foot (s_2033)
- Pruritus, most intense at night (s_250)
- Pruritus, scalp (s_1617)
- Psychomotor retardation (s_649)
- Purpuric rash (s_762)
- Purpuric rash, palpable (s_1915)
- Purulent vaginal discharge (s_2212)
- Pus under the skin of the finger (s_1315)
- Pus under the skin of the toe (s_2717)
- Pustule (s_388)
- Radicular pain (s_2918)
- Re-experiencing trauma, distressing symptoms (s_2105)
- Re-experiencing trauma, intrusive symptoms (s_2097)
- Reading difficulties (s_2351)
- Rebellious behaviour (s_2793)
- Rebound tenderness (s_1494)
- Recent injury without bleeding (s_2079)
- Recent physical hetero-aggressivity, health or life-threatening (s_2715)
- Recent self-injurious behaviour (s_2228)
- Recent self-injurious behaviour, severe (s_2230)
- Rectal mucosal prolapse (s_2122)
- Recurrent inconsolable crying of unknown cause (s_3072)
- Recurrent tonsils inflammation (s_139)
- Red and stinging conjunctivae (s_72)
- Red and swollen oral mucosa (s_692)
- Red eye (s_492)
- Red eye, bilateral (s_2524)
- Red eye, unilateral (s_2577)
- Red macules with silver-white, flaky scales (s_384)
- Red-colored urine (s_113)
- Red-coloured stool (s_112)
- Red-coloured stool, heavy bleeding (s_2819)
- Red-coloured stool, mild bleeding (s_2818)
- Red-coloured stool, unknown severity (s_3353)
- Redness behind the ear (s_1181)
- Redness in temporal region (s_1145)
- Reduced body temperature (s_410)
- Reduced degree of facial expression (s_572)
- Reduced mobility of body parts (s_3208)
- Reduced range of joint motion (s_1713)
- Reduced range of joint motion, after trauma (s_2968)
- Reduced range of joint motion, passive (s_1903)
- Regurgitation (s_330)
- Reluctance to eat certain foods (s_3214)
- Resolved choking (s_2942)
- Respiratory distress, after trauma (s_2076)
- Restless legs, nocturnal (s_1463)
- Restlessness (s_2764)
- Restlessness, 3 days or less (s_2766)
- Restlessness, 4 to 6 days (s_2767)
- Restlessness, 6 months or more (s_2769)
- Restlessness, between 7 days and 6 months (s_2768)
- Restricted interests (s_1697)
- Restricted mobility, difficulty bending over (s_186)
- Retinal hemorrhage (s_1344)
- Rhinitis triggered by environment (s_1533)
- Rhinorrhea, after trauma (s_2363)
- Rigidity and intolerance to change (s_2895)
- Rose spots on lower chest and abdomen (s_1377)
- Round face (s_3285)
- Russell's sign (s_1141)
- Scalp hematoma (s_2360)
- Scarlatiniform rash (s_1544)
- Schematic play (s_2374)
- Scleral icterus (s_1492)
- Scotoma (s_124)
- Seizure, first episode (s_2711)
- Seizure, unspecified number of episodes (s_2712)
- Seizures (s_2045)
- Seizures, recurrent (s_2209)
- Seizures, reflex (s_2259)
- Self-injurious thoughts or behaviours (s_2213)
- Sense of self-worth dependent on weight (s_423)
- Sensory food aversion (s_3257)
- Sensory loss in one limb (s_313)
- Sensory loss in one limb, lasting between 24 hours and 4 weeks (s_2702)
- Sensory loss in one limb, lasting less than 24 hours (s_2696)
- Sensory loss in one limb, lasting more than 4 weeks (s_2703)
- Severe pain during limb movements, after trauma (s_2960)
- Severe pain, after trauma (s_2081)
- Shallow breathing (s_1462)
- Short stature (s_2274)
- Single red area, larger than 1 cm (s_2356)
- Single red spot, smaller than 1 cm (s_2358)
- Skin desquamation (s_1470)
- Skin mark from a human bite (s_3275)
- Skin mark from insect or bug bite (s_506)
- Skin mass (s_1831)
- Skin mass, bleeding (s_1931)
- Skin mass, dark or bluish (s_3005)
- Skin mass, firm (s_3007)
- Skin mass, inguinal region (s_2999)
- Skin mass, irreducible (s_3001)
- Skin mass, larger than 1 cm (s_1830)
- Skin mass, located on the wrist (s_2684)
- Skin mass, natal cleft (s_2285)
- Skin mass, painful (s_3009)
- Skin mass, reducible (s_3000)
- Skin mass, smaller than 1 cm (s_101)
- Skin mass, soft (s_3003)
- Skin mass, umbilical region (s_3002)
- Skin mass, umbilicated (s_3006)
- Skin mass, unknown consistency (s_3008)
- Skin necrosis (s_3154)
- Skin pain (s_1674)
- Skin pain, associated with swimming in the sea or ocean (s_2619)
- Skin pain, severe (s_43)
- Skin pallor (s_9)
- Skin pallor, sudden (s_1209)
- Skin pallor, transient (s_2889)
- Skin phototype I or II (s_376)
- Skin thickening (s_1650)
- Skin wound (s_2377)
- Skin wound, abrasion (s_3020)
- Skin wound, active bleeding (s_1973)
- Skin wound, acute (s_3015)
- Skin wound, after surgery (s_2398)
- Skin wound, animal bite (s_2785)
- Skin wound, animal scratch (s_3173)
- Skin wound, burn (s_3162)
- Skin wound, chronic (s_3016)
- Skin wound, clean (s_3013)
- Skin wound, contaminated (s_3014)
- Skin wound, controllable bleeding (s_2599)
- Skin wound, crush (s_3021)
- Skin wound, deep tissues (s_3028)
- Skin wound, full-thickness (s_3027)
- Skin wound, gunshot (s_3022)
- Skin wound, incision (s_3019)
- Skin wound, inflamed (s_3167)
- Skin wound, laceration (s_3017)
- Skin wound, major bleeding (s_2077)
- Skin wound, minor uncontrollable bleeding (s_2078)
- Skin wound, non-traumatic (s_2379)
- Skin wound, not inflamed (s_3168)
- Skin wound, partial-thickness (s_3026)
- Skin wound, puncture (s_3018)
- Skin wound, self-inflicted (s_2399)
- Skin wound, superficial (s_3025)
- Skin wound, trauma-related (s_2378)
- Skin wound, unknown status of contamination (s_3253)
- Sleep attacks (s_131)
- Sleep disorder (s_319)
- Slower gait (s_238)
- Snake bite wound (s_2584)
- Sneezing (s_715)
- Sneezing attacks (s_136)
- Snoring (s_67)
- Social isolation (s_659)
- Social maladjustment (s_773)
- Somnambulism (s_2129)
- Spasms in upper extremities (s_1426)
- Spasticity (s_571)
- Speech and language impairment (s_2754)
- Speech and language impairment, rapid onset (s_2290)
- Spider bite, nonvenomous (s_2594)
- Spider bite, possibly venomous (s_2593)
- Spider bite, unknown type (s_2588)
- Spine asymmetry (s_1536)
- Splenomegaly (s_1045)
- Status epilepticus (s_2880)
- Steatorrhea (s_1434)
- Stiff neck (s_418)
- Strabismus, recent onset (s_3204)
- Strawberry tongue (s_1467)
- Sublingual hematoma (s_2614)
- Subungual splinter hemorrhages (s_2291)
- Sudden face flushing (s_1067)
- Sudden onset speech and language impairment (s_2878)
- Suicidal intent (s_1140)
- Suicidal thoughts (s_1139)
- Suicide attempt in the past (s_3121)
- Sunburn (s_1943)
- Sunken fontanelle (s_2159)
- Suspicion of intoxication or poisoning (s_2407)
- Suspicious mole or birthmark (s_383)
- Swallowed foreign body (s_2300)
- Swallowed foreign body, battery (s_3156)
- Swallowed foreign body, chemical substances (s_3157)
- Swallowed foreign body, dangerous (s_3158)
- Swallowed foreign body, little and blunt (s_3159)
- Swallowed foreign body, unknown (s_3179)
- Sweating on painful side of forehead (s_214)
- Swelling in the mastoid region (s_1182)
- Swollen cheek (s_177)
- Swollen gums (s_172)
- Symptoms exacerbated by low temperature (s_558)
- Symptoms related to recent injury (s_2920)
- Tachycardia (s_261)
- Tachypnea (s_227)
- Taste disorders (s_1096)
- Teething (s_2160)
- Telangiectasias (s_545)
- Telangiectasias, face (s_1685)
- Temporary blindness (s_1465)
- Tenderness in the scrotum (s_2410)
- Tenderness of spine (s_2606)
- Tenderness of spinous processes (s_2991)
- Tenesmus (s_640)
- Terry's nails (s_1114)
- Testicular retraction (s_2548)
- Tet spells (s_2263)
- Tetanus-prone wound (s_2898)
- The setting-sun phenomenon (s_3195)
- Thickened nails (s_1790)
- Thickened nails, with pits or grooves (s_386)
- Tingling fingers (s_555)
- Tinnitus (s_407)
- Toe pain (s_1833)
- Tongue enlargement (s_673)
- Tongue erythema (s_607)
- Tonsil stones (s_1534)
- Tooth loss (s_1050)
- Tooth migration (s_2514)
- Toothache (s_551)
- Toothache, associated with chewing (s_56)
- Toothache, associated with cold (s_2432)
- Toothache, associated with heat (s_231)
- Toothache, associated with lying down (s_2451)
- Toothache, associated with sweet or acidic foods or drinks (s_2452)
- Toothache, associated with touch (s_2485)
- Toothache, difficulty determining how many teeth hurt (s_2491)
- Toothache, difficulty determining which tooth hurts (s_267)
- Toothache, due to trauma (s_2565)
- Toothache, dull (s_2438)
- Toothache, lasting 48 hours or more (s_2450)
- Toothache, lasting less than 48 hours (s_2456)
- Toothache, mild (s_2429)
- Toothache, moderate (s_2428)
- Toothache, multiple teeth (s_2441)
- Toothache, one tooth (s_2442)
- Toothache, persistent (s_2449)
- Toothache, provoked (s_2430)
- Toothache, pulsating (s_2443)
- Toothache, radiating (s_2446)
- Toothache, sensitivity to percussion (s_2545)
- Toothache, severe (s_233)
- Toothache, sharp (s_2440)
- Toothache, spontaneous (s_2431)
- Toothache, transient (s_2433)
- Toothache, unknown cause (s_2678)
- Transilluminable scrotum (s_1342)
- Transitional stools of newborn (s_2518)
- Transverse furrow on the nose (s_1100)
- Trauma or stressor related disturbances (s_2713)
- Tremors (s_538)
- Tremors, both hands (s_87)
- Tremors, both legs (s_2608)
- Tremors, disappears when holding limb or during suckling (s_2405)
- Tremors, either hand (s_2646)
- Tremors, either leg (s_2647)
- Tremors, head (s_85)
- Tremors, one hand (s_86)
- Tremors, one leg (s_2611)
- Tremors, stress-related (s_1765)
- Tremors, triggered by touch, cold or loud sounds (s_2877)
- Trismus (s_256)
- Trouble with defecation, after trauma (s_2982)
- Trouble with urination, after trauma (s_2977)
- Twisted neck (s_2163)
- Ulcer, sore, or abscess near the anus (s_351)
- Umbilical discharge (s_2241)
- Unhealthy weight loss practices (s_243)
- Unilateral enophthalmos (s_668)
- Unknown heart rate (s_2251)
- Unknown tetanus vaccination status (s_3039)
- Unknown urine colour (s_2604)
- Unspecified vaginal bleeding (s_3332)
- Upper limb pallor (s_2068)
- Upper limb tenderness (s_1619)
- Urethral discharge when pressing the penis (s_510)
- Urinary incontinence (s_153)
- Urinary retention (s_696)
- Urinary urgency (s_690)
- Urination in small amounts (s_689)
- Urticaria (s_393)
- Urticaria, lasting more than 6 weeks (s_2211)
- Urticaria, triggered by cold (s_791)
- Urticaria, triggered by heat (s_793)
- Urticaria, triggered by prolonged pressure on the skin (s_790)
- Urticaria, triggered by scratching (s_789)
- Uvula deviation towards unaffected side (s_1287)
- Vaginal bleeding (s_3219)
- Vaginal discharge, grey (s_2338)
- Vaginal discharge, unpleasant odour (s_64)
- Vaginal discharge, white and clumpy (s_1569)
- Vascular compromise, limb, related to trauma (s_3171)
- Vesicular exanthema of ear (s_2270)
- Vesicular exanthema of lips or perioral skin (s_2269)
- Visible head lice on scalp or brush (s_1792)
- Visual field narrowing (s_494)
- Visual impairment, after trauma (s_2935)
- Vomiting (s_305)
- Vomiting, 7 days or more (s_2057)
- Vomiting, bilious (s_2055)
- Vomiting, every time after meal (s_1949)
- Vomiting, fecal matter (s_3381)
- Vomiting, food (s_2658)
- Vomiting, less than 7 days (s_2056)
- Vomiting, more often in the morning (s_1365)
- Vomiting, projectile (s_801)
- Vulvovaginal burning (s_1875)
- Vulvovaginal itching (s_630)
- Waking up during the night (s_2107)
- Waking up early (s_776)
- Weak peripheral pulses (s_1348)
- Weak pulse in legs (s_735)
- Weight faltering (s_2142)
- Weight faltering of newborns (s_2816)
- Weight gain (s_226)
- Well appearance (s_2641)
- Wheezing, stridor (s_1562)
- White nail discolouration (s_1788)
- White patch on cornea (s_1796)
- White-gray burrows in the skin (s_1795)
- Worms in stool (s_1937)
- Wound, lip (s_2222)
- Wrist drop (s_1910)
- Writing difficulties (s_2344)
- Xanthoma (s_1561)
- Yellow nail discolouration (s_1789)
- Yellow- or green-coloured stool (s_2519)