Available risk factors
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Browse through all available conditions and symptoms
- Abdominal injury (p_144)
- Acceleration-deceleration injury (p_145)
- Alcohol consumption in the last month (p_656)
- Alcohol consumption less than 24 hours ago, large amount (p_658)
- Alcohol consumption less than 24 hours ago, small amount (p_657)
- Alcohol consumption, binge drinking (p_653)
- Alcohol consumption, heavy drinking (p_654)
- Alcohol consumption, risky drinking (p_655)
- Animal bite (p_155)
- Animal bite, snake (p_390)
- Ankle injury (p_243)
- Anticoagulant use (p_174)
- Arm injury (p_254)
- Atmospheric pressure changes (p_81)
- Back injury (p_146)
- Bacterial tonsillitis (p_79)
- Blunt eye injury (p_704)
- Breastfeeding (p_281)
- Breasts development (p_295)
- Cannabinoids ingestion, past 72 hours (p_410)
- Cannabis smoking, past 72 hours (p_69)
- Carbon monoxide exposure (p_40)
- Central venous catheter (p_716)
- Chest injury (p_136)
- Chronic cannabinoid use (p_511)
- Chronic exposure to pesticide or benzene based chemicals (p_393)
- Chronic heavy alcohol use in the past (p_659)
- Chronic NSAIDs use (p_220)
- Circumcision (p_283)
- Clavicle injury (p_582)
- Cold exposure (p_624)
- Compromised immune system (p_83)
- Consumption of foods or drinks that cause bloating (p_380)
- Consumption of fruits or vegetables contaminated with animal feces (p_303)
- Consumption of raw or undercooked meat (p_63)
- Contact lenses (p_139)
- Contact with allergen (p_82)
- Contact with allergen, potential severe allergic reaction (p_612)
- Contact with animals (p_122)
- Contact with animals, cat (p_100)
- Contact with children with gastroenteritis (p_500)
- Contact with sick person, chickenpox (p_99)
- Contact with sick person, monkeypox (p_508)
- Contact with the blood of another person (p_385)
- COVID-19 vaccination, more than 6 months ago (p_360)
- Dental trauma (p_188)
- Diagnosed aortic aneurysm (p_182)
- Diagnosed asthma (p_167)
- Diagnosed atherosclerosis (p_173)
- Diagnosed atrial fibrillation (p_342)
- Diagnosed cholecystolithiasis (p_60)
- Diagnosed chronic heart failure (p_441)
- Diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (p_164)
- Diagnosed cirrhosis of the liver (p_622)
- Diagnosed concussion (p_306)
- Diagnosed coronary disease (p_78)
- Diagnosed Crohn's disease (p_93)
- Diagnosed diabetes (p_8)
- Diagnosed diabetes mellitus, type 1 (p_370)
- Diagnosed diabetes mellitus, type 2 (p_371)
- Diagnosed diabetes, other type (p_378)
- Diagnosed diabetes, unknown type (p_379)
- Diagnosed hemolytic anemia (p_530)
- Diagnosed hemophilia (p_202)
- Diagnosed hypertension (p_9)
- Diagnosed osteoporosis or osteopenia (p_333)
- Diagnosed ovarian mass (p_386)
- Diagnosed peripheral vascular disease (p_183)
- Diagnosed psoriasis (p_263)
- Diagnosed structural heart disease (p_121)
- Diagnosed ulcerative colitis (p_358)
- Drug consumption, new in the past 4 weeks (p_549)
- Ear injury (p_209)
- Elbow injury (p_253)
- Enlarged scar (p_364)
- Evidence of COVID-19 infection, between 2 weeks and 2 months ago (p_608)
- Excessive use of visual display terminals (p_361)
- Excessive UV exposure (p_128)
- Eyelid injury (p_690)
- Fall onto an outstretched hand (p_299)
- Family history of bleeding disorders (p_272)
- Family history of celiac disease (p_718)
- Family history of Helicobacter pylori infection (p_355)
- Finger injury (p_169)
- Fly bite, Australia and Oceania (p_414)
- Fly bite, Central Africa (p_478)
- Fly bite, Central or South America (p_418)
- Fly bite, Europe (p_419)
- Fly bite, North America (p_435)
- Fly bite, Northern Africa (p_477)
- Fly bite, Northern Asia (p_436)
- Fly bite, Southeast Asia (p_437)
- Fly bite, Southern Africa (p_479)
- Fly bite, the Middle East (p_417)
- Foot injury (p_246)
- Forearm injury (p_252)
- Foreign body in wound (p_528)
- Frequent tobacco smoke exposure (p_267)
- Genital injury (p_207)
- Hand injury (p_250)
- Head area or neck injury (p_260)
- Heavy metal exposure (p_353)
- High cholesterol (p_10)
- High risk for an ectopic pregnancy (p_204)
- Hip injury (p_245)
- History of a stressful situation, in the past 6 months (p_509)
- History of a tick bite, 3 weeks to 3 months ago, Europe (p_589)
- History of a tick bite, 3 weeks to 3 months ago, North America (p_592)
- History of a tick bite, 3 weeks to 3 months ago, Northern Asia (p_593)
- History of a tick bite, 3 weeks to 3 months ago, Southeast Asia (p_595)
- History of a tick bite, more than 3 months ago, Europe (p_590)
- History of a tick bite, more than 3 months ago, Northern Asia (p_594)
- History of a tick bite, more than 3 months ago, Southeast Asia (p_596)
- History of a tick bite, more then 3 months ago, North America (p_591)
- History of anaphylactic reaction (p_176)
- History of burn (p_384)
- History of chickenpox or VZV vaccination (p_296)
- History of cholecystectomy (p_397)
- History of colectomy (p_311)
- History of coronarography (p_319)
- History of COVID infection (p_318)
- History of cured malignant neoplasm in childhood (p_695)
- History of cystectomy (p_313)
- History of deep vein thrombosis (p_201)
- History of depressive episode (p_171)
- History of foreign body insertion in ear (p_490)
- History of foreign body insertion in nose (p_491)
- History of foreign body insertion in vulva or vagina (p_556)
- History of gastrectomy (p_312)
- History of head trauma (p_307)
- History of heart bypass surgery (p_320)
- History of Helicobacter pylori infection (p_683)
- History of hernia surgery (p_324)
- History of hip joint replacement (p_321)
- History of hypertensive crisis (p_327)
- History of hysterectomy (p_276)
- History of knee joint replacement (p_322)
- History of laryngectomy (p_325)
- History of malignant neoplasm (p_691)
- History of marine injury (p_442)
- History of mastectomy (p_309)
- History of miscarriage (p_559)
- History of nephrectomy (p_314)
- History of nephrolithiasis (p_196)
- History of orchiectomy (p_315)
- History of polypectomy (p_317)
- History of prostatectomy (p_316)
- History of pulmonary tuberculosis (p_344)
- History of pulmonectomy (p_310)
- History of rheumatic fever (p_90)
- History of sepsis (p_323)
- History of stroke (p_278)
- History of thyroidectomy (p_308)
- History of tonsillectomy (p_190)
- History of vasectomy (p_326)
- Hormonal contraceptive or menopausal hormone therapy (p_54)
- Human bite (p_679)
- Hymenoptera sting, Australia and Oceania (p_468)
- Hymenoptera sting, Central Africa (p_484)
- Hymenoptera sting, Central and South America (p_463)
- Hymenoptera sting, Europe (p_464)
- Hymenoptera sting, Middle East (p_467)
- Hymenoptera sting, North America (p_462)
- Hymenoptera sting, Northern Africa (p_483)
- Hymenoptera sting, Northern Asia (p_465)
- Hymenoptera sting, Southeast Asia (p_466)
- Hymenoptera sting, Southern Africa (p_485)
- Improper hand hygiene (p_367)
- Improper oral hygiene (p_357)
- Incomplete or lack of tetanus vaccination (p_536)
- Indigenous Australian heritage (p_389)
- Instituting ACE-inhibitor therapy (p_149)
- Intrauterine contraception, hormonal (p_641)
- Intrauterine contraception, non-hormonal (p_642)
- Intrauterine contraception, unknown type (p_561)
- Intravenous drug use (p_49)
- Kissing bug bite, Central or South America (p_434)
- Kissing bug bite, North America (p_424)
- Knee injury (p_244)
- Last tetanus immunization less than 5 years ago (p_615)
- Last tetanus immunization more than 5 years ago (p_208)
- Limb injury (p_53)
- Lip injury (p_282)
- Local upper limb compression (p_191)
- Long contact with wet soil (p_506)
- Low BMI (p_6)
- Lower leg injury (p_247)
- Lower limb injury (p_256)
- Major force injury (p_261)
- Male sexual immaturity (p_157)
- Man (p_2)
- Man who does not reveal his sexual preferences (p_496)
- Man who has sex with men (p_493)
- Man who has sex with women (p_494)
- Man who has sex with women and men (p_499)
- Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy (p_375)
- Minor injury of nail fold (p_576)
- Missed mandatory vaccine (p_292)
- Mosquito bite, Australia and Oceania (p_432)
- Mosquito bite, Central Africa (p_472)
- Mosquito bite, Central or South America (p_427)
- Mosquito bite, Europe (p_430)
- Mosquito bite, North America (p_428)
- Mosquito bite, Northern Africa (p_471)
- Mosquito bite, Northern Asia (p_438)
- Mosquito bite, Southeast Asia (p_429)
- Mosquito bite, Southern Africa (p_473)
- Mosquito bite, the Middle East (p_431)
- Nail injury (p_229)
- Neck injury (p_240)
- New intensive physical activity (p_334)
- No childbirth in the past 6 weeks (p_488)
- No suspicion of abuse (p_449)
- Non-breastfeeding (p_619)
- Non-healing wound (p_166)
- Non-serious eye injury (p_142)
- Nose injury (p_185)
- Ongoing malignant neoplasm (p_681)
- Ongoing or recently completed chemotherapy (p_675)
- Ongoing or recently completed radiation therapy (p_676)
- Opioid use, past 72 hours (p_43)
- Oral antibiotics in the past 2 weeks (p_305)
- Oral iron therapy (p_377)
- Other serious eye injury (p_710)
- Overdosing prescribed medication (p_714)
- Overweight and obesity (p_7)
- Paracetamol overdose, past 72 hours (p_25)
- Pelvis injury (p_241)
- Perforation injury of eye (p_689)
- Permanent mobility limitation (p_707)
- Personal or family history of allergy (p_287)
- Pharmacological abortion in the last month (p_660)
- Plaster cast on a limb (p_670)
- Possible contact with COVID-19 case (p_301)
- Possible methanol consumption, past 72 hours (p_599)
- Possible recent inhalation injury (p_613)
- Postmenopause (p_11)
- Postpartum period (p_55)
- Pre-menstrual age (p_141)
- Pregnancy (p_42)
- Pregnancy, I trimester (p_152)
- Pregnancy, II trimester (p_153)
- Pregnancy, III trimester (p_154)
- Presence of a stoma (p_680)
- Prior myocardial infarction (p_80)
- Procedural abortion in the last month (p_661)
- Profuse bleeding recently (p_213)
- Prolonged exposure to sunlight and heat (p_138)
- Prolonged lower limb immobilization (p_280)
- Psychological trauma, less than a month ago (p_518)
- Psychological trauma, more than a month ago (p_519)
- Recent alcohol consumption (p_143)
- Recent beetroot consumption (p_352)
- Recent burn (p_234)
- Recent burn injury to the eye (p_697)
- Recent Caesarean Section (p_566)
- Recent contact with herbicides (p_36)
- Recent contact with insecticides (p_41)
- Recent COVID-19 infection (p_339)
- Recent fall from standing height (p_583)
- Recent foreign body insertion in anus (p_562)
- Recent head injury (p_232)
- Recent history of urinary tract infections (p_161)
- Recent hysterectomy (p_668)
- Recent immunization (p_366)
- Recent invasive procedure (p_586)
- Recent otitis media (p_354)
- Recent ovarian stimulation (p_662)
- Recent physical injury (p_264)
- Recent procedure on cervix (p_667)
- Recent surgery (p_585)
- Recent upper respiratory tract infection (p_148)
- Residence or recent travel, Asia, excluding Middle East, Russia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan (p_236)
- Residence or recent travel, Australia and Oceania (p_19)
- Residence or recent travel, Central Africa (p_17)
- Residence or recent travel, Central or South America (p_14)
- Residence or recent travel, Europe (p_15)
- Residence or recent travel, Middle East (p_21)
- Residence or recent travel, Northern Africa (p_16)
- Residence or recent travel, Russia, Kazakhstan, or Mongolia (p_20)
- Residence or recent travel, Southern Africa (p_18)
- Residence or recent travel, the United States or Canada (p_13)
- Risky sexual behavior (p_216)
- Salicylate overdose, past 72 hours (p_273)
- Sedative or hypnotic withdrawal (p_46)
- Shoulder injury (p_255)
- Sleeping pills or sedatives use, past 72 hours (p_45)
- Smokeless tobacco (p_533)
- Smoking cigarettes (p_28)
- Spider bite, Australia and Oceania (p_460)
- Spider bite, Central Africa (p_481)
- Spider bite, Central and South America (p_455)
- Spider bite, Europe (p_456)
- Spider bite, Middle East (p_459)
- Spider bite, North America (p_454)
- Spider bite, Northern Africa (p_480)
- Spider bite, Northern Asia (p_457)
- Spider bite, Southeast Asia (p_458)
- Spider bite, Southern Africa (p_482)
- Stimulants use, past 72 hours (p_156)
- Thigh injury (p_248)
- Tick bite, Australia and Oceania (p_452)
- Tick bite, Central Africa (p_475)
- Tick bite, Central or South America (p_420)
- Tick bite, Europe (p_421)
- Tick bite, North America (p_415)
- Tick bite, Northern Africa (p_476)
- Tick bite, Northern Asia (p_439)
- Tick bite, Southeast Asia (p_440)
- Tick bite, Southern Africa (p_474)
- Tick bite, the Middle East (p_422)
- Time spent at more than 2500 meters or 8200 ft above sea level (p_140)
- Toe injury (p_168)
- Transvaginal procedure on uterus in the past 2 weeks (p_666)
- Trunk injury (p_259)
- Unbalanced vegetarian diet (p_61)
- Uncertainty about abuse (p_448)
- Uncircumcised male (p_443)
- Unknown insect bite, Australia and Oceania (p_409)
- Unknown insect bite, Central Africa (p_402)
- Unknown insect bite, Central or South America (p_404)
- Unknown insect bite, Europe (p_400)
- Unknown insect bite, North America (p_405)
- Unknown insect bite, Northern Africa (p_403)
- Unknown insect bite, Northern Asia (p_407)
- Unknown insect bite, Southeast Asia (p_408)
- Unknown insect bite, Southern Africa (p_401)
- Unknown insect bite, the Middle East (p_406)
- Unprotected vaginal intercourse in the past 3 months (p_328)
- Unspecified conditions marker (p_230)
- Upper limb injury (p_257)
- Usage of antipsychotic drugs (p_686)
- Usage of serotonergic drugs (p_685)
- Vaping (p_711)
- Victim of abuse (p_447)
- Victim of physical abuse (p_335)
- Victim of psychological abuse (p_363)
- Weather sensitivity (p_376)
- Wild mushroom consumption (p_37)
- Within two years after menarche (p_293)
- Woman (p_1)
- Woman who does not reveal her sexual preferences (p_497)
- Woman who has sex with men (p_495)
- Woman who has sex with men and women (p_498)
- Woman who has sex with women (p_492)
- Wrist injury (p_251)