Platform API
Getting started

Getting started

Welcome to the Platform API documentation for the Medical Guidance Platform (MGP). This API is a core element of Infermedica’s Medical Guidance Platform designed to support patients and healthcare providers in every step of the primary care journey – from symptom to outcome.

The Platform API provides essential functionalities such as user creation, patient information retrieval, survey scheduling, and AI evidence assessment. This documentation offers clear guidelines, reference materials, and practical examples to help you efficiently utilize the API for developing or integrating healthcare applications.


Platform API is currently unavailable in the European Union.

Platform API - a stateful API

Platform API is stateful, which means that its main domain entities (Users, Patients, Surveys) are stored persistently (with sensitive data, like emails and phone numbers, stored for up to 90 days). This capability could, for instance, allow for more streamlined patient health monitoring that’s based on patient data that was defined or deduced in earlier interviews (this could be basic personal data like age or sex, as well as existing medical evidence).

The entities mentioned are regular web resources that follow REST principles, allowing them to be created, read, updated, and deleted assuming that the user has the appropriate access rights.


Each API instance requires configuration. The instance will be set up by the Infermedica team. Please contact us if you're interested. Instances are regional (an instance can belong to only one region). The European Union (EU) is set as the default region. Other available regions include Australia (AU) and the United States (US).

European Union (default)EU
United StatesUS

Product concepts

Platform API consists of three fundamental entities: User, Patient, and Survey, which interact with each other. A survey is composed of two other fundamental entities: Questions and User answers.


A user could be understood figuratively as an account owner, parent, or caregiver that has control over patients. Basic identifiers for a user, aside from a user_id, could include either their email address or phone number. This entity is responsible for keeping data that is non-medical in nature.


A patient could be identified as any individual - whether that be a child, elderly person, or the end-user - that would like to identify their concerning health symptoms. A patient can be identified by their patient_id, sex, age, or dependency on a user. This entity is responsible for keeping data that is medical in nature.


A survey is a type of health assessment that includes specific sections designed to gather particular health information. Each survey is created for a specific patient and cannot be transferred to another patient. The survey stores basic information such as type, status, expiry date, initial health evidence, etc. A survey can have one of three statuses: new, pending, or completed.


Throughout the course of a survey, health data is gathered about the patient by asking the user a series of questions and saving the user answers. Each question can be of a specific type, including:


The structure of the answer depends on the question. The question defines the user's possible answer. Each answer can be of specific type including: choice, multiple_choice, number, symptoms, list, text, or duration.

Example flow

Platform API’s basic flow is started with the creation of a user. With a user created, you are then able to create a patient. Having a patient entity enables you to create a survey for the patient. The patient will then, through the survey, be asked questions and provide answers. Once enough answers are gathered, our Inference Engine and AI technology is able to provide a meaningful assessment of the data gathered.

Exemplary flows:

How to access our API?

Contact us (opens in a new tab) and we will prepare an instance for your company, as well as the necessary access information.