Model 2021 04 29
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Model: April 29, 2021


Added (8)

c_1172Acute bacterial rhinosinusitis
c_1166Acute viral rhinosinusitis
c_1170Conduct disorder
c_1168Pilonidal cyst
c_1173Primary dysmenorrhoea
c_1171Separation anxiety disorder
c_1130Suicidal tendencies

Removed (5)

c_133Acute rhinosinusitis
c_1129Pilonidal cyst of the umbilicus

Updated (10)

c_975Cervical strain
Hint:Try available painkiller remedies. If your symptoms do not improve in a couple of days, please consult a GP.Try to relieve the symptoms using available painkiller remedies. If the symptoms do not improve over the next couple of days, please consult a family doctor.
c_477Hepatitis A
Hint:Please consult a family doctor and an infectious disease specialist.Please consult a family doctor or an infectious disease specialist as soon as possible.
c_478Hepatitis B
Hint:Please consult an infectious disease specialist as soon as possible.Please consult a family doctor or an infectious disease specialist as soon as possible.
c_479Hepatitis C
Hint:Please consult an infectious disease specialist as soon as possible.Please consult a family doctor or an infectious disease specialist as soon as possible.
Hint:Please consult a family doctor as soon as possible.Drink a beverage containing sugar! Please seek medical attention as soon as possible
c_981Mechanical back pain
Hint:If the pain does not go away, please consult a GP.If the pain persists, please consult a GP.
c_780Nose injury
Name common:Broken noseNone
Hint:Please consult a surgeon or a dermatologist.Please consult a family doctor or a surgeon.
Hint:You may be pregnant! Please consult a gynecologist.You may be pregnant. Please consult a gynecologist.
c_55Tension-type headaches
Hint:Please consult a GP or a neurologist.Please take a couple of deep breaths, and try to rest and relax for a moment. If the symptoms do not improve please consult a general practitioner or a neurologist.


Added (22)

s_2288Abdominal pain, unknown character
s_2278Ataxia, acute
s_2280Ataxia, chronic
s_2279Ataxia, subacute
s_2284Back pain, nocturnal
s_2301Edema, unspecified location
s_2292Enlarged axillary lymph nodes
s_2248Enlarged cervical lymph nodes
s_2289Excessive fear of separation
s_2299Joint pain, inflammatory
s_2298Joint pain, mechanical
s_2153Nasal catarrh, mucoid
s_2154Nasal catarrh, purulent
s_2282Pale skin, only fingers
s_2285Skin mass, natal cleft
s_2290Speech and language impairment
s_2291Subungual splinter hemorrhages
s_2300Swallowed foreign body
s_2057Vomiting, 7 days or more
s_2056Vomiting, less than 7 days

Removed (13)

s_1728Altered defecation rhythm
s_1030Anomic aphasia
s_1339Back pain, lumbar, exacerbating during the night
s_1750Cyanosis, fingers, after exposure to stress or cold
s_993Flaccid dysarthria
s_1401Frequent bowel movement
s_29Joint pain, during movement in the morning
s_298Palpable neck mass
s_1029Receptive aphasia
s_992Spastic dysarthria
s_644Trouble planning the future

Updated (44)

s_1860Abdominal pain, crampy
Question:Does your stomach pain feel like cramps or muscles tightening?Does your stomach pain feel like cramps, i.e., a sudden, tight feeling in the muscles of the stomach?
s_2281Abdominal pain, unspecified location
Question:Are you unsure which part of the stomach hurts?Are you unsure which part of your stomach hurts?
Question:Do you feel fearful or anxious?Do you feel anxious or fearful?
s_718Avoiding eating or drinking in public
Name:Avoiding eating and drinking in publicAvoiding eating or drinking in public
Question:Do you avoid eating and drinking in public?Do you avoid eating or drinking in public?
s_38Back pain, lumbar, radiates to back of the thigh
Question:Does your back pain move or spread to the back of your thigh and to your knee?Does your back pain move or spread to the back of your thigh or knee?
s_842Behavioural changes, ignoring consequences and social norms
Name:Behavioral changes, ignoring consequences and social normsBehavioural changes, ignoring consequences and social norms
s_2234Breast asymmetry in size or shape
Name:Breasts asymmetry in size or shapeBreast asymmetry in size or shape
Question:Is one of your breasts a different shape or size than the other?Is one of your breasts a different size or shape than the other?
s_1934Complete vision loss, recent
Name:BlindnessComplete vision loss, recent
Name common:Complete vision lossRecent complete vision loss
s_2164Consumption of expired food or drink
Question:Have you eaten or drunk something that might have been not fresh?Have you eaten or drunk something that might not have been fresh?
s_553Cyanosis, fingers
Question:Do your fingers hurt and turn grayish blue?Do your fingers turn grayish blue?
s_1761Dermatological changes, aggravated by stress
Name common:Skin changes aggravated by stressSkin changes worsening under stress
Question:Do the skin changes start or worsen when you are under stress?Do the skin changes start or worsen when you are stressed?
s_398Dermatological changes, entire skin
Question:Are the skin changes all over your body?Are the skin changes all over your body i.e., on the head, trunk, and limbs?
s_1979Diarrhea, more than 6 stools a day
Question:Do you have six or more watery stools a day?Do you have more than six watery stools a day?
s_267Difficulty determining which tooth hurts
Name:Difficulty determining which tooth achesDifficulty determining which tooth hurts
Name common:Difficulty identifying which tooth hurts
Question:Is it difficult for you to say exactly which tooth hurts?Is it difficult for you to identify exactly which tooth hurts?
s_1464Edema, one hand
Name common:Swollen handSwollen one hand
Question:Is your hand swollen?Is only one of your hands swollen?
s_230Erythema, facial, butterfly-shaped
Name common:Rash on face covering only the cheeks and the noseRash only on the cheeks and the nose
Question:Do you have redness in the middle of your face, covering your nose and extending onto both cheeks?Do you have a rash only in the middle of your face, i.e., only on your cheeks and nose?
s_132Excess hair growth
Name:Excess of hairExcess hair growth
Name common:Excessive hair
Question:Do you have excess hair growth on your upper lip, chest, stomach, or back?Do you have excessive hair growth?
s_426Facial pain, triggered by eating, touching, or brushing teeth
Name:Facial pain, triggered by eating, touching or brushing teethFacial pain, triggered by eating, touching, or brushing teeth
Name common:Facial pain triggered by eating, touching or brushing teethFacial pain triggered by eating, touching, or brushing teeth
Question:Is the pain in your face triggered by eating, touching your teeth, or brushing your teeth?Is the pain in your face triggered by eating, touching, or brushing your teeth?
s_244Fear of object, situation, action
Question:Do you fear a specific object, situation, or action?Do you have a fear of a specific object, situation, or action?
s_419Feeling overweight despite low weight
Question:Do you feel overweight even though your weight is normal or you are underweight?Do you feel overweight even though your weight is normal or underweight?
s_1767Gastrointestinal complaints, stress-related
Question:Do you have gastrointestinal complaints that are triggered by or worsen with stress, e.g., abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nausea, or vomiting?Do you have gastrointestinal complaints that are triggered by or worsen with stress, e.g., stomach pain, cramping, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nausea, or vomiting?
s_756Gottron's papules
Name common:Red, painful bumps on the skin overlying jointsRed, painful, or scaly bumps over hand and finger joints
s_322Gum erythema
Question:Are your gums red?Are your gums redder than usual?
s_716Impaired social functioning
Question:Do you find that you have difficulties functioning at home, work, or school?Do you have difficulties functioning at home, work, or school?
s_1634Joint pain, during elbow movement
Name common:Elbow pain while movingElbow pain when moving it
s_1745Knee instability
Name:Knee InstabilityKnee instability
Question:Do you have a feeling of instability in your knee?Do you have a feeling of instability in the knee?
s_1793Lice eggs or nits on hair shafts
Question:Are there eggs or nits in your hair, i.e., tiny white specks at the base of your hair shafts that are hard to get rid of?Are there eggs or nits in your hair, i.e., tiny white specks at the base of your hair shafts that are hard to remove?
s_1543Loss of consciousness
Name common:Fainting
s_779Making rash or impulsive decisions
Question:Do you sometimes engage in impulsive behaviour that may have serious consequences, e.g., impulsive purchases or investments, or grandiose ideas?Do you sometimes engage in impulsive behaviour that may have serious consequences, e.g., impulsive purchases or investments, grandiose idea, substance use, risky sexual behaviour, and impaired driving?
s_2226Nasal congestion, worsening after brief improvement
Name:Nasal congestion, worsening after couple of daysNasal congestion, worsening after brief improvement
Name common:Worsening stuffed noseWorsening stuffy nose after brief improvement
Question:Has your stuffy nose, lasting less than 5 days, recurred after briefly improving?Has your stuffy nose recurred after briefly improving?
Name common:Menstrual periods more than 35 days apartInfrequent menstrual periods
Question:Are your menstrual periods more than 35 days apart?Do your menstrual cycles last longer than normal for your age?
s_541Orthostatic hypotension
Question:Do you feel dizzy or faint shortly after standing up?Do you feel dizzy or lightheaded shortly after standing up?
s_1453Pain in both lower limbs
Question:Do you have pain in both of your lower limbs, e.g., legs or feet?Do you have pain in both of your lower limbs, e.g., both legs or feet?
s_1452Pain in both upper limbs
Question:Do you have pain in both of your upper limbs, e.g., arms, forearms, or hands?Do you have pain in both of your upper limbs, e.g., both arms, forearms, or hands?
s_554Pain in fingers or hand
Question:Do you have pain in your fingers or hand?Do you have pain in your hands or fingers?
s_1313Pain in one finger
Name:One finger painPain in one finger
Name common:One finger pain
s_430Pain in temporomandibular joint during movement
Name:Pain in temporomandibular joint while yawning, chewing, or bitingPain in temporomandibular joint during movement
Name common:Pain in the jaw while yawning, chewing, or bitingPain in jaw during movement
Question:Do you have pain in your jaw while yawning, chewing, or biting?Do you have pain in the jaw during movement, e.g. yawning, chewing, biting, or opening the mouth?
s_722Panic attacks in public appearances
Question:Do you get panic attacks when going in public or speaking in public?Do you get panic attacks when going out in public or speaking in public?
s_1544Scarlet fever rash
Question:Do you have a sunburn-like rash that began on your face or neck, then spread to your trunk, arms and legs, and feels like sandpaper?Do you have a sunburn-like rash that began on your face or neck, and then spread to your trunk, arms and legs, and feels like sandpaper?
s_1242Soft lump in inguinal region
Question:Do you have a soft mass or lump in your groin?Do you have a soft mass or lump in your groin that gets bigger when you cough?
s_1467Strawberry tongue
Question:Is your tongue red, bumpy and swollen, making it look like a strawberry?Is your tongue red, bumpy and swollen, or does it look like a strawberry?
s_1139Suicidal thoughts
Question:Do you have thoughts about killing yourself?Have you thought about killing yourself?
s_558Symptoms exacerbated by low temperature
Name:Symptoms exacerbated by cold temperatureSymptoms exacerbated by low temperature
Question:Do your symptoms worsen in the cold?Are the symptoms worse in the cold?
s_56Toothache when chewing
Name:Toothache while chewingToothache when chewing
Name common:Tooth hurts when chewing
Question:Does one or more of your teeth hurt when you chew?Do any of your teeth hurt when you chew?

Risk factors

Added (2)

p_121Structural heart disease
p_304Victim of bullying

Removed (1)

p_218Swallowed foreign body

Updated (2)

p_267Frequent tobacco smoke exposure
Question:Are you chronically exposed to tobacco smoke?Are you frequently exposed to smoke from cigarettes or other tobacco products?
p_176History of anaphylactic reactions
Question:Have you ever had an anaphylactic reaction in the past?Have you ever had an anaphylactic reaction, i.e., a severe allergic reaction?

Laboratory tests

Updated (14)

lt_131Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody titer
Name common:anti-CCP
lt_326Anti-thyroglobulin antibody titer
Name common:Thyroglobulin Antibodyanti-TG
lt_325Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody titer
Name common:anti-TPO
lt_77Free thyroxine concentration
Name common:fT4
lt_178Luteinizing hormone concentration
Name common:LH
lt_156Parathyroid hormone concentration
Name common:PTH
lt_157Positive fecal occult blood test
Name common:Blood in Stool Test
lt_119Prolactin concentration
Name common:PRL
lt_130Rheumatoid factor
Name common:RF
lt_49Serum carcinoembryonic antigen concentration
Name common:CEA
lt_274Serum insulin concentration
Name common:Insulin
lt_327TSH receptor antibody titer
Name:TSH-receptor antibody titerTSH receptor antibody titer
Name common:anti-TSHR
lt_75Thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration
Name:Thyroid stimulating hormone concentrationThyroid-stimulating hormone concentration
Name common:TSH
lt_532Von Willebrand factor ristocetin cofactor
Name common:VWF:Rco