Model 2021 05 15
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Model: February 15, 2021


Added (11)

c_863Autism spectrum disorder
c_1135Growing pains
c_1132Kawasaki disease
c_1156Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
c_1139Muscular dystrophy
c_1143Nocturnal enuresis
c_1140Perthes disease
c_1141Vitamin A deficiency

Removed (4)

c_386Hemophilia A
c_387Hemophilia B
c_738Perforation of tympanic membrane

Updated (31)

c_243American trypanosomiasis
Name common:Chagas disease
c_1049Ankle contusion
Hint:Try available self care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please visit a family doctor.Try available self-care measures. If the symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.
c_1039Arm contusion
Hint:Please try available self care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.Please try available self-care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.
c_1050Back and pelvis contusion
Hint:Try available self care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.Try available self-care measures. If the symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.
c_808Earwax blockage
Hint:Please consult an ENT specialist.Please consult a family doctor or an ENT specialist.
c_1054External ear injury
Hint:Go to the emergency department.Please consult an ENT doctor.
c_1046Facial contusion
Hint:Try available self care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.Try available self-care measures. If the symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.
c_1055Femur fracture
Hint:Please consult and orthopaedist as soon as possible.Please go to a trauma unit immediately, or call an ambulance.
c_1044Finger contusion
Hint:Try available self care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.Try available self-care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.
c_1056Foot contusion
Hint:Try available self care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.Try available self-care measures. If the symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.
Name common:Inflammation of the gums
Hint:Please consult a rheumatologist.Please consult a family doctor.
c_1047Hip contusion
Hint:Try available self care measures. If your symptoms do not subside in 24-48 hours, please visit a family doctor.Try available self-care measures. If the symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.
c_1070Humerus fracture
Hint:Please go to a trauma unit immediately.Please immediately go to a trauma unit.
c_36Infectious arthritis
Hint:Please consult a rheumatologist.Please consult a family doctor, an orthopedist, or a rheumatologist.
c_1030Knee dislocation
Hint:Please go to a trauma center.Please go to a trauma unit immediately, or call an ambulance.
c_1059Lower leg contusion
Hint:Try available self care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.Try available self-care measures. If the symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.
c_1038Lower limb injury, unspecified location
Hint:Please promptly go to a trauma center.Please consult an orthopaedist.
c_979Nail injury
Hint:Try to manage the injury with self-care measures. If it does not improve, please consult a GP.Try available self-care measures. If it does not improve, please consult a GP.
c_644Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Name:Nonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseNon-alcoholic fatty liver disease
c_666Non-allergic non-infectious rhinitis
Name:Nonallergic noninfectious rhinitisNon-allergic non-infectious rhinitis
c_1013Patella fracture
Hint:Please consult orthopaedist.Please consult an orthopaedist.
c_1020Pelvis fracture
Hint:Please go to a trauma unit immediately or call an ambulance.Please go to a trauma unit immediately, or call an ambulance.
c_587Pseudo gout
Hint:Please consult a rheumatologist.Please consult a family doctor.
c_209Raynaud's phenomenon
Name common:Raynaud disease
c_1021Scapula fracture
Hint:Please consult an orthopaedist or go to a trauma center.Please go to a trauma center or consult an orthopedist.
c_109Systemic lupus erythematosus
Name common:Lupus
c_1048Thigh contusion
Hint:Try available self care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.Try available self-care measures. If the symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.
c_1014Tibiofibular fracture
Hint:Please consult an orthopaedist.Please promptly go to a trauma center.
c_1045Toe contusion
Hint:Try available self care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.Try available self-care measures. If the symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.
c_1043Wrist and hand contusion
Hint:Try available self care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours please consult a family doctor.Try available self-care measures. If your symptoms do not improve in 24-48 hours, please consult a family doctor.


Added (27)

s_2275Abdominal pain, localised
s_2281Abdominal pain, unspecified location
s_2277Bleeding from anus, heavy
s_2276Bleeding from anus, light
s_2272Blood pressure, normal or prehypertension
s_2273Blood pressure, not measured
s_2261Calf hypertrophy
s_2256Close contact with COVID-19 case
s_2268Cough, alternating productivity
s_1603Delayed speech or language development
s_2267Dermatological changes, lower extremities excluding feet
s_2059Dermatological changes, scalp
s_2266Dermatological changes, upper extremities excluding hands
s_2254Direct care to COVID-19 case
s_2141Eye discharge
s_1983Eyelid lesion, itching
s_2253Flat foot
s_2271Gastric symptoms after eating foods containing gluten
s_2262Gowers' sign
s_1695Interpersonal relationship difficulties
s_1698Lack of eye contact
s_2258No contact with COVID-19 case
s_2257Other type of contact with COVID-19 case
s_1697Restricted interests
s_2142Weight faltering

Removed (6)

s_2232Abdominal pain after gluten ingestion
s_242Crowding of teeth
s_2244Genital itch in female
s_2243Genital itch in male
s_748Myalgia, deep and dull
s_160Symptoms worsen in evening

Updated (54)

s_159Back pain, exacerbated by physical exertion
Name common:Back pain worsening after physical exertionBack pain worsening after physical activity
Question:Does your back pain worsen during physical activities?Does your back pain worsen during physical activity?
s_1480Breast pain or tenderness, bilateral
Name common:Pain or tenderness in both breastsPain in both breasts when pressed
Question:Are both of your breasts sore or tender to the touch?Are both of your breasts sore or tender when touched or pressed?
s_609Breast pain or tenderness, unilateral
Name common:Pain or tenderness in one breastPain in only one breast when pressed
Question:Is only one of your breasts sore or tender to the touch?Is only one of your breasts sore or tender when touched or pressed?
s_1960Bruise, after trauma
Name:Bruise after traumaBruise, after trauma
Name common:Bruise after an injury
Question:Do you have bruises or hematomas on your skin or under your nails due to or following a trauma?Do you have bruises or hematomas on your skin or under your nails after a recent injury?
s_1328Colour vision deficiency
Question:Do you have any problem with colour vision, e.g., a decreased ability to see colours, differences in colours, or fading of colours?Do you have problems with colour vision, e.g., a decreased ability to see colours, differences in colours, or fading of colours?
s_1345Confusion, after trauma
Name:Confusion (trauma related)Confusion, after trauma
Name common:Confusion after injuryConfusion after an injury
Question:Do you feel confused or disorientated after a recent trauma?Do you feel confused or disorientated after a recent injury?
s_2164Consumption of expired food or drink
Name:Consumption of contaminated food or drinkConsumption of expired food or drink
Question:Have you eaten or drunk something that might not have been fresh?Have you eaten or drunk something that might have been not fresh?
s_270Creaking joints during movement
Name:Creaking of joint during movementCreaking joints during movement
s_553Cyanosis, fingers
Name common:Pale or grayish-blue fingersGrayish-blue fingers
Question:Do your fingers hurt and turn white or pale, and then grayish blue?Do your fingers hurt and turn grayish blue?
s_108Deepening of periodontal pockets
Question:Do you have unusually deep gum pockets or spaces between your gums and teeth?None
s_1574Difficulty achieving orgasm
Question:Do you have trouble orgasming or reaching climax during sexual intercourse?Do you have trouble achieving an orgasm or reaching climax during sexual intercourse?
s_302Discharge from periodontal pockets
Question:Do you have any fluid come out of your gum pockets or from the space between your gums and teeth?Do you have fluid coming out of your gum pockets or from the space between your gums and teeth?
s_2075Dyspnea, acute, after trauma
Name:Dyspnea, acute (trauma-related)Dyspnea, acute, after trauma
Name common:Sudden breathing problems after injurySudden breathing problems after an injury
Question:Did your shortness of breath start after the injury?Did your shortness of breath start after a recent injury?
s_2203Dyspnea, after a few minutes of walking
Question:Do you experience shortness of breath after a few minutes of walking?Do you have trouble breathing after a few minutes of walking?
s_563Dyspnea, orthopnea
Name common:Shortness of breath when lying flatShortness of breath when lying down
s_202Erythema migrans
Question:Did you have a red spot that over a few days expanded to become a red circle with regular skin or clearing in the middle, which strongly resembles a target or bullseye?Do you have a red spot that over a few days expanded to become a red circle with regular skin or clearing in the middle, which resembles a target or bullseye?
s_435Feeling of incomplete evacuation
Name:Bladder not emptying completelyFeeling of incomplete evacuation
Name common:Bladder not emptying completely
s_2182Flank pain
Name common:Pain on sides of body
s_1799Forearm pain
Name common:Pain in forearm
s_1922Heel drop test
Name common:Stomach pain after dropping hard on heels
s_147History of anemia
Name:AnemiaHistory of anemia
s_543Hypertension, over 140 mmHg
Name common:High blood pressure
Question:Is your blood pressure lower than usual?Is your blood pressure lower than 90/60 mmHg or your systolic blood pressure is currently lower by at least 40 mmHg than your usual blood pressure?
s_2086Inability to bear weight, after trauma
Name:Inability to bear weightInability to bear weight, after trauma
Name common:Inability to stand on one or both feetInability to stand on either feet after an injury
Question:Have you recently lost the ability to stand on one or both of your feet as a result of an injury?Are you unable to stand on either of your feet after a recent injury?
s_2087Joint deformation, post-traumatic
Name common:Deformed joints after injuryDeformed joints after an injury
Question:Have any of your joints been deformed, not just swollen, due to a recent injury or trauma?Have any of your joints been deformed, not just swollen, after a recent trauma?
s_1623Joint pain, during ankle movement
Name common:Ankle pain while movingAnkle pain when moving it
s_1823Joint pain, during hip movement
Question:Does your hip hurt when you try to move it?Does your hip hurt when you move it?
s_1610Joint pain, during knee movement
Name common:Knee pain while movingKnee pain when moving it
s_41Joint pain, severe, after trauma
Name:Joint pain, severe, as a result of an injuryJoint pain, severe, after trauma
Question:Do you have severe joint pain due to an injury?Do you have severe joint pain after a recent injury?
s_1656Joint pain, tenderness
Name common:Joint pain while touchingPain when pressing joint
Question:Does your joint hurt when you touch it?Does your joint hurt when you touch or press it?
s_1745Knee Instability
Name:Instability in kneeKnee Instability
s_664Koplik's spots
Name common:Small white spots with red rims in the mouth, near the molar teethSmall white spots surrounded by red ring on the insides of cheeks
Question:Do you have small white spots with red rims on the insides of your cheeks?Do you have small white spots surrounded by a red ring on the insides of their cheeks?
s_190Loss of consciousness, with urination or defecation
Question:Have you recently fainted or lost consciousness and lost control of your bladder or bowels?Have you recently fainted or lost consciousness and urinated or defecated?
s_1618Lower limb tenderness
Name common:Tender legPain when pressing lower limb
Question:Do you feel pain or discomfort when you press or squeeze any part of your leg?Do you feel pain or discomfort when you press or squeeze any part of your leg?
s_1622Lower limb tenderness, calf
Name common:Tender lower legPain when pressing calf
s_2077Major bleeding
Question:Are you bleeding massively?Are you bleeding significantly?
s_2078Minor uncontrollable bleeding
Question:Is your injury complicated by bleeding which is mild, yet hard to control?Is your injury complicated by minor bleeding that is hard to control?
s_2226Nasal congestion, worsening after couple of days
Question:Has your stuffed nose worsened a few days after the onset of your nasal symptoms?Has your stuffy nose, lasting less than 5 days, recurred after briefly improving?
s_2016Nosebleed, single episode
Name common:Single episode of bleeding from the noseOne episode of bleeding from the nose
Question:Have you had only one nosebleed in the past year?Have you only had one nosebleed in the past year?
s_1930Pain in lower limb, severe
Question:Is the lower extremity pain very intense?Is the lower limb pain very intense?
s_1935Pain in upper limb, severe
Question:Is the pain in your upper extremity very intense?Is the pain in your upper limb very intense?
s_54Pain near eye socket
Question:Do you have pain around your eye?Do you have pain around or behind your eye?
s_281Physical injury, to self or others, after drinking alcohol
Name:Physical trauma (to self or others) after drinking alcoholPhysical injury, to self or others, after drinking alcohol
s_2112Pleuritic chest pain, after trauma
Name:Pleuritic chest pain after an injuryPleuritic chest pain, after trauma
Question:Do you have sudden and intense chest pain when you breathe following an injury?Do you have sudden, sharp and intense chest pain when you breathe following a recent injury?
s_1092Positive prick or patch skin allergy test
Name:Positive skin allergy (prick or patch) testPositive prick or patch skin allergy test
s_2175Possible rabies exposure
Name common:Animal bite
s_762Purpuric rash
Question:Do you have 3-10 mm purple or red spots on your skin that do not fade when you press them?Do you have a purple rash or red spots on your skin that do not fade when pressed?
s_2079Recent injury without bleeding
Question:Have you been injured, but no visible bleeding has occurred?Have you been injured, but have no visible bleeding?
s_2076Respiratory distress, after trauma
Name:Respiratory distress (trauma related)Respiratory distress, after trauma
Name common:Breathing problems after injuryBreathing problems after an injury
Question:Do you have respiratory distress, i.e., shortness of breath, rapid breathing, nose flaring, or chest retractions following an accident?Do you have trouble breathing after a recent injury, e.g., shortness of breath, rapid breathing, nose flaring, or chest retractions?
s_2081Severe pain, after trauma
Name:Severe pain, trauma relatedSevere pain, after trauma
Name common:Severe pain after injurySevere pain after an injury
Question:Do you have severe pain following a recent trauma?Are you in severe pain after a recent injury?
s_1833Toe pain
Question:Do you have pain in any of your toes?Do any of your toes hurt?
s_2068Upper limb pallor
Question:Has your arm turned pale?Is your arm unusually pale?
s_2211Urticaria, lasting more than six weeks
Name:Urticaria, present for more than six weeksUrticaria, lasting more than six weeks
Name common:Hives present for more than six weeksHives lasting more than six weeks
Question:Has your rash lasted more than 6 weeks?Have your hives lasted longer than 6 weeks?
s_2082Vascular compromise
Question:Does the tissue away from the injury look pale, and is cold and pulseless?Is the tissue away from the injury pale, cold and pulseless?

Risk factors

Added (2)

p_300Physical contact with COVID-19 case
p_301Possible contact with COVID-19 case

Updated (9)

p_174Anticoagulant use
Question:Are you taking any medications to thin your blood, e.g., warfarin (Coumadin), acenocoumarol (Sintrom), heparin, low-molecular-weight heparin (Clexane), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), apixaban (Eliquis), betrixaban (Bevyxxa), edoxaban (Lixiana), dabigatran (Pradaxa), or hirudin?Are you taking any medications to thin your blood?
p_122Contact with animals
Question:Have you come into contact with non-domesticated animals, e.g., farm animals, wild animals or pests?Have they come into contact with farm animals, wild animals, or pests?
p_233Craniocerebral trauma in the past 5 years
Name:Craniocerebral trauma in the last 5 yearsCraniocerebral trauma in the past 5 years
Name common:Serious head injury in the last 5 yearsSerious head injury in the past 5 years
Question:Have you had a severe head trauma, e.g., car accident, fall from heights or contact sports, in the past five years?Have you had a severe head trauma in the past five years?
p_202Diagnosed hemophilia
Name:HemophiliaDiagnosed hemophilia
p_272Family history of bleeding disorders
Question:Has anyone in your family been diagnosed with a bleeding disroder, e.g., hemophilia or von Willebrand disease?Has anyone in your family been diagnosed with an inherited bleeding disorder?
p_7High BMI
Question:Do you have a high BMI, above 30, i.e., you weight too much in relation to your height?Do you have a high BMI, above 30, i.e., you weigh too much in relation to your height?
p_6Low BMI
Question:Is your BMI lower than 19, i.e., you weigh too little in relation to your height?
p_261Major force injury
Question:Was your injury caused by a major force resulting in a penetrating wound, open fracture or protrusion of an organ?Was your injury caused by a major force, resulting in a penetrating wound, open fracture, or protrusion of an organ?
p_229Nail injury
Question:Have you recently had a nail injury, e.g., broken nail, nail avulsion or foreign body under the nail?Have you recently had a nail injury, e.g., a broken, torn, or detached nail, or a foreign body under the nail?